An administrative case has been filed against Google

Today it became known that the Office of Roskomnadzor in the Central Federal District has drawn up a protocol on administrative violations against Google, as reported by Vedomosti.
In late October of this year, Roskomnadzor announced its intention to demand a fine from Google for non-compliance with Russian legislation. The problem is that the search engine is obliged to connect to the state system with a registry of sites that are prohibited in Russia, but he did not.
According to Russian law, search engines are obliged to exclude from their issuance forever blocked resources, as well as extremist resources, child pornography, and the sale of drugs. A few months ago, the office has already reminded Google of the need to connect to the registry, but this did not help. The administrative fine for such a violation ranges from 500,000 to 700,000 rubles.
On November 14, the Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor, Vadim Subbotin, met with Avni Road, who holds the position of director of Google's government relations department in the region of Europe, the Middle East and African countries. Avni promised to the representative of the department to transfer to the headquarters of Google the mechanisms for resolving the situation, which were proposed by Roskomnadzor.
“Certain nuances were discussed, we agreed on a certain interaction. The fact that our colleagues from Google have announced to us today, we will take into account in the conduct of an administrative offense case. This was important information for us, ”said Subbotin after the meeting.
But the ministry did not wait for the negotiations of the company representative with its management. Therefore, it was decided in any case to send documents to the court demanding to fine a search engine. This may be the first penalty issued by a large Internet company.
It is interesting that now Vadim Ampelyonsky declares that Roskomnadzor has the right to independently decide on the fine for the Internet company, since the department has such powers. “We took a closer look at the legislation and realized that we could consider this protocol ourselves and pass a decision on a fine, without burdening the court,” said Ampelonskiy (quoted by Interfax).
As for the meeting of Roskomnadzor with a representative of Google, it discussed a technical mechanism acceptable to both parties for transferring a list of prohibited resources to the company, about 120,000 Internet addresses.
“A prerequisite for resolving the situation was the actual start of filtering Google search results for this list. However, filtering does not currently occur. In this connection, we will certainly apply the administrative measures provided for by the legislation, ”said Ampelonsky.
In addition, the authorities are dissatisfied with the fact that Western companies are still not in a hurry to transfer their servers to Russia to meet the requirements of Russian legislation on the localization of personal data. In order to speed up the process, the Russian authorities are planning to increase the size of fines, which was reported today at Habré.
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