Razor support in Visual Studio Code

  • Transfer
Last week we released a preview version of support for working with Razor files (.cshtml) in the C # extension for Visual Studio Code (1.17.1). This version introduces completions C #, directive completions and basic diagnostics for ASP.NET Core projects. More under the cut!

For work required

To use this preview version with Razor support in Visual Studio Code, install the following:

If you have already installed VS Code and the C # extension, make sure that you update them to the latest versions.

Beginning of work

To try out the new Razor tool, create a new ASP.NET Core web application, and then edit any Razor file (.cshtml).

1. Open Visual Studio Code

2. Select Terminal> New Terminal

3. In the new terminal, run:

dotnet new webapp -o WebApp1`
code -r WebApp1

4. Open About.cshtml

5. Try HTML completions

6. And Razor directive completions

7. And C # completions

8. You also get diagnostics

Limitations and Known Issues

This is the first alpha version of the Razor tool for Visual Studio Code, so there are a number of limitations and known problems:

  • Editing Razor is currently supported only in ASP.NET Core projects (without support for ASP.NET projects or Blazor projects)
  • Support tag helpers and formatting not yet implemented
  • Limited colorization support
  • Incorrect mistakes in Blazor projects for event binding
  • Emmet based abbreviations are not yet supported

Please note that if you need to disable the Razor tool for any reason:

  • Откройте Visual Studio Code User Settings: File -> Preferences -> Settings
  • Найдите razor
  • Проверьте галочку «Razor: Disabled»

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