Czech! Who is to blame and what to do for IT specialists abroad !?
More than two years have passed since my last post about the Czech Republic! I ended it with the phrase:
Until now, they write to me in PM and ask me to fulfill the previously voiced promise, which I intend to do now.
Who is to blame that I have not written anything about the Czech Republic for so long ?! Of course, first of all, I myself. Namely, exactly six months after the post about obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic, I returned to my homeland in Russia, where I spent a year and a half. I came back to Prague only two weeks ago, although a couple of times I went to the Czech Republic for a month to stay. By the way, now that post is already of little relevance, a lot has changed in two years, and until I have fully understood that I’ll write a separate post and find out all the nuances.
Just the difficulties of immigration and my “pink glasses” played a cruel joke on me and I was forced to return and leave the Czech Republic. For a beautiful and carefree life in Prague, I did not notice how my affairs in Russia are falling apart and how my relations in the family deteriorate due to the fact that I spent very little time on them, began to save on everything that surrounded me, and especially on myself itself. As a result, we hurriedly returned back to save what was left there, to save ourselves and our family as well.
Now I arrived in Prague with a completely different attitude to life, to the Czech Republic and to the reality surrounding me, and apparently this is the most honest post about the Czech Republic, as I see it for myself.

So, in order ...
In fact, everything is quite simple here, the options are either by car or buy a coupe in a train and scatter all things there. I did so and arrived by train. The road a day is not at all tiring if there is a five-year-old daughter, a pregnant wife, an iPad and a MacBook with films nearby.
You can rent an apartment in Prague on the spot, it will not take more than a week. In the meantime, for starters, you can stay at the hotel or if friends have the opportunity. You can rent apartments for a short time - this is an apartment that is rented for short periods most often for tourists. In search of an apartment it is best to use the service www.bezrealitky.cz . In this case, there is a chance to find an apartment without the services of a realtor, but I could not quickly find a suitable apartment and I used the site www.sreality.czwhere there are much more offers. As a result, I rented a three-room apartment in the area where many of my friends and acquaintances live - Stodulky.
In general, a one-room or two-room apartment can actually be rented for $ 500 - $ 700 per month. Even if it’s not in the center, but Prague is not as big as Moscow, and you can get to the center from the “Prague ass” itself for a maximum of 20 - 25 minutes. If your soul calls to the tiled roofs, then add another 30% to this cost. Although I have several friends who live in the center and pay significantly less than those who live on the outskirts, but this is an exception to the rule of course. And I personally do not like the center, tiled roofs include constant noise from cars and exhaust fumes, few places for walking with a child and the absence of large shops or you need to get to them by transport. But I did not live in the center, so I have nothing to compare with, especially of course.
As soon as you are in place and receive a residence permit, you must urgently register at the new address with the police. If you plan to drive a car in the Czech Republic, you need to exchange your rights for Czech, but in my opinion this is necessary only when you get a residence permit after the first annual visa.
This time I decided to stop drinking everything that is burning or almost burning, but from memory I can say that the Czechs themselves drink exceptionally light beers. They are squeamish about the dark, considering it to be female (woman's) beer, although most of our compatriots love the Black Goat, which is not so easy to find in Prague. From the establishments I recommend the Kozlovna beer pub in the vicinity of the Andel metro. I think in place any Czech will tell you his location. On Andel_e, there are generally a lot of establishments with adequate prices for beer and food. There is also a Staropramen brewery with the restaurant of the same name and the freshest beer. In general, an IT specialist is better not to drink, but to work harder. :) In fact, you need to drink a beer that you like and do not pay attention to anyone's advice!
Here the advice is very subjective and I do not presume to bring you the ultimate truth. Therefore, I write purely personal feelings. Friendship does not make friends with Czechs. I can’t explain exactly why it happened, I think the difference in mentality. Czechs are generally friends with each other in a slightly different way; family values are more important to them than friendship. Therefore, the Russian-speaking diaspora is quite strong here. There are some interest clubs, ranging from pregnant and young mothers - www.mamaguru.cz , ending with the Pragmatics club www.pragmatiki.org . There is also a party of the Czech PodLepra, which I like best of all, those who in the tank will find it at cz.leprosorium.ru. I hope that programmers and designers will be able to find friends right there on Habré and I suggest in this thread to exchange contacts with all those who are already here with us! :)
With girls. especially for IT professionals in the Czech Republic is somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand there are a lot of tourists, students and immigrants from other countries, but most often they are here for a short time. On the other hand, to me personally, they did not give up in vain with a beautiful wife! :) However, Czechs themselves are not the most beautiful sight. If a Czech girl is more or less pretty, then there is very little chance that she is free, because Czechs have almost no choice. Therefore, if you come to seek your destiny in the Czech Republic, you will have to tighten or look immediately for an English-speaking destiny, the chances are many times more. If you saw a beautiful girl in a short skirt and high-heeled shoes on the street, she is either a Russian, or a fashion model, or a prostitute, there is no other way! Therefore, look for fate on the spot and bring it with you. Because here are female programmers or designers,
The obvious minus of immigration is that you lose everything you are used to.
It’s usual to pay 200-300 rubles for a mobile phone without denying anything to yourself, here you will pay at least 40-50 euros for all the same.
It’s convenient not to pay for the Internet and it’s just turned off for you. In the Czech Republic, nothing is turned off for you. If you don’t pay, they are sued and fined five times your debt. Still there is a very cool scheme. For example, a local provider UPC.cz provides you with an Internet connection service, along with this service it gives you a chance to use your super-modem, and if you disconnected you didn’t send them a modem by mail, which they may still not receive, then after several months of non-payments you are sued and a fine is set again. Moreover, they sell debts to completely different companies, which, as it were, are not related to the provider. Same thing with car insurance, I forgot to pay insurance, the car is in the garage, don’t care, the car must be insured and you are already a debtor and your debt is also sold to a debt collection company, which immediately brings it to court. The circuit is run perfectly! This all applies to any type of activity where you receive services, ranging from rents to mobile operators. Therefore, the habit in Russia not to pay for an apartment for half a year falls away very quickly and this is his mother is unusual! All of these expenses are of course offset by the generally inexpensive life in the Czech Republic. The same products, according to my observations, are cheaper by a third, or even two times, than in Russia. Therefore, the habit in Russia not to pay for an apartment for half a year falls away very quickly and this is his mother is unusual! All of these expenses are of course offset by the generally inexpensive life in the Czech Republic. The same products, according to my observations, are cheaper by a third, or even two times, than in Russia. Therefore, the habit in Russia not to pay for an apartment for half a year falls away very quickly and this is his mother is unusual! All of these expenses are of course offset by the generally inexpensive life in the Czech Republic. The same products, according to my observations, are cheaper by a third, or even two times, than in Russia.
I would also like to touch on the topic of prices for mobile and the Internet. In the Czech Republic, you can buy a SIM card in any supermarket without a passport. Buying is worth a card from Vodafone, it costs 200 kroons - 350 rubles (approximately). The cost of calls over the Vodafone network is 3 kroons a minute (5 rubles), for all other phones it is twice as much. And it is very expensive compared to Russia. 3G Internet on this card will cost 500 CZK, though honest 3G, and not like ours. You can also connect postpaid options under a contract, everything is cheaper there, but you have to pay for service packages and if it would be profitable, you will have to pay at least 1000 kroons per month and this is the cheapest offer on the market. Internet costs adequately 100 megabits - 500 - 700 crowns per month, 10 megabits - 200 - 300 crowns per month.
A very unusual situation with medical services. You need insurance that you really pay for. Czechs are paid by employers, and we ourselves are immigrants. The cost of insurance is calculated from your salary. The minimum salary is 6,000 kroons, and 13.5% insurance against this amount, which approximately turns out 40 euros per month. What can you do for a visa extension, you can’t get the minimum wage, and your expenses are calculated from the number of people in the family and the apartment, which is necessary for these people and if there are 4 people in your family, then the family income should be about 1000 euros minimum, which means insurance you and your wife will already cost 80 euros per month. At the same time, you don’t insure your child with you, he will have to buy insurance for the entire period of obtaining a visa for two years at once, and his insurance costs somewhere around 50 euros per month. We multiply by 24 months and get the amount of 1200 euros at a time. And if there are two children ?! What if the disease is chronic and you brought it with you to the Czech Republic, then the insurance will not pay for treatment until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. We multiply by 24 months and get the amount of 1200 euros at a time. And if there are two children ?! What if the disease is chronic and you brought it with you to the Czech Republic, then the insurance will not pay for treatment until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. We multiply by 24 months and get the amount of 1200 euros at a time. And if there are two children ?! What if the disease is chronic and you brought it with you to the Czech Republic, then the insurance will not pay for treatment until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance.
It’s not at all customary to prove every two years that you are not a “goose”. To go to the police, collect reports on the company, some papers, accountants, numbers and a lot of money to extend the residence permit and once having gone all this thorny path, throwing it is already very, very sorry.
Well, the main problem is communication and language. It’s not easy for everyone, and if you need to deal with some complex language nuances, it is very difficult and you have to constantly deal with this, which is the most unusual of all immigration.
There are still a lot of problems from the lack of communication with relatives and friends to working moments, for example, I'm used to working in the office. And this will have to be decided, otherwise life in the Czech Republic is not as rosy as it might seem from the outside. The only thing that pleases is that the solution to the problems tempers the character and pumps out excess fatty deposits from the buttocks, which are used to immobility. ;)
In order not to depart from the subject of Habr, I decided to write a paragraph about sites and services on the Internet that will be useful to you directly for life in the Czech Republic. Today in the Czech Republic a real boom for all kinds of startups. This is especially true for coupon services. The most famous of the bottom www.slevomat.cz , and this is the first candidate to purchase Grouppon_om. There are discounts on everything from children's goods and services to sports goods. There is a large service aggregator of similar sites www.kamproslevy.cz . And judging by the number of such services, Russian startups have something to take examples from.
I also use the wonderful project www.mapy.cz, This is a cartographic service, based, oddly enough, not on a google map, but on some kind of its own, which includes almost all search options for anything. Starting from tourist routes and transport routes, ending with doctors and real estate. By transport in Prague you can check the clock! He goes exactly on schedule, which means the Czechs made a separate site where anyone can calculate the route and find out what kind of transport, what time and for what money he will get to the right place. You can do this at idos.cz - a simple and convenient site. I really like the local analogs of price.ru and yandex market, and heureka.cz, in my opinion, even surpasses the domestic analogs in the literal sense for convenience. As well as the Seznamov service Zbozy.cz,
There are a lot of start-ups and sites, it makes no sense to describe all of them. If you are interested in a specific topic, I will try to answer in the comments.
To find a job in the it-industry in the Czech Republic and get a working, not a business visa, is now quite difficult unfortunately. You must either be very valuable, or just be a valuable and cheap employee. Therefore, only a business visa is suitable for migration.
As I wrote above, this time I prepared more seriously. My agency in Russia already employs 22 people against 8 in the last race. I found a partner director for managing major projects in Russia, and now I myself do not remotely manage business processes. Here in the Czech Republic I came up with a lesson in advance and now I am starting to realize my idea almost upon arrival, having allocated a budget in advance for all this. And if something goes wrong, I will take the train with a calm heart and go back without tantrums and tears, I made such a promise to myself first of all. Only with such thoughts, I think it is worth moving from one country to another, and then something is possible from this.
In general, I like the Czech Republic and I would like to stay here to live, work and raise children. And I hope that I succeed. But if it doesn’t work out, then at any moment I can return to where everything has already worked out, it’s a pity that the habitat and political system cannot be changed there, but you can put up with this in principle if you wish.
I will not promise to write about something next time. Ask questions and I will think about what to write in the next post about the Czech Republic.
“Next time I’ll talk about the ways to move, what to do upon arrival, what beer to drink, who to be friends with, about girls and first impressions! And most importantly, I will describe what my friends and I do not like about dropping pink glasses from some impulsive migrants!
Until now, they write to me in PM and ask me to fulfill the previously voiced promise, which I intend to do now.
Who is to blame that I have not written anything about the Czech Republic for so long ?! Of course, first of all, I myself. Namely, exactly six months after the post about obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic, I returned to my homeland in Russia, where I spent a year and a half. I came back to Prague only two weeks ago, although a couple of times I went to the Czech Republic for a month to stay. By the way, now that post is already of little relevance, a lot has changed in two years, and until I have fully understood that I’ll write a separate post and find out all the nuances.
Just the difficulties of immigration and my “pink glasses” played a cruel joke on me and I was forced to return and leave the Czech Republic. For a beautiful and carefree life in Prague, I did not notice how my affairs in Russia are falling apart and how my relations in the family deteriorate due to the fact that I spent very little time on them, began to save on everything that surrounded me, and especially on myself itself. As a result, we hurriedly returned back to save what was left there, to save ourselves and our family as well.
Now I arrived in Prague with a completely different attitude to life, to the Czech Republic and to the reality surrounding me, and apparently this is the most honest post about the Czech Republic, as I see it for myself.

So, in order ...
What are the ways to move, what Internet services to use to find an apartment!
In fact, everything is quite simple here, the options are either by car or buy a coupe in a train and scatter all things there. I did so and arrived by train. The road a day is not at all tiring if there is a five-year-old daughter, a pregnant wife, an iPad and a MacBook with films nearby.
You can rent an apartment in Prague on the spot, it will not take more than a week. In the meantime, for starters, you can stay at the hotel or if friends have the opportunity. You can rent apartments for a short time - this is an apartment that is rented for short periods most often for tourists. In search of an apartment it is best to use the service www.bezrealitky.cz . In this case, there is a chance to find an apartment without the services of a realtor, but I could not quickly find a suitable apartment and I used the site www.sreality.czwhere there are much more offers. As a result, I rented a three-room apartment in the area where many of my friends and acquaintances live - Stodulky.
In general, a one-room or two-room apartment can actually be rented for $ 500 - $ 700 per month. Even if it’s not in the center, but Prague is not as big as Moscow, and you can get to the center from the “Prague ass” itself for a maximum of 20 - 25 minutes. If your soul calls to the tiled roofs, then add another 30% to this cost. Although I have several friends who live in the center and pay significantly less than those who live on the outskirts, but this is an exception to the rule of course. And I personally do not like the center, tiled roofs include constant noise from cars and exhaust fumes, few places for walking with a child and the absence of large shops or you need to get to them by transport. But I did not live in the center, so I have nothing to compare with, especially of course.
As soon as you are in place and receive a residence permit, you must urgently register at the new address with the police. If you plan to drive a car in the Czech Republic, you need to exchange your rights for Czech, but in my opinion this is necessary only when you get a residence permit after the first annual visa.
What kind of beer does an IT specialist drink
This time I decided to stop drinking everything that is burning or almost burning, but from memory I can say that the Czechs themselves drink exceptionally light beers. They are squeamish about the dark, considering it to be female (woman's) beer, although most of our compatriots love the Black Goat, which is not so easy to find in Prague. From the establishments I recommend the Kozlovna beer pub in the vicinity of the Andel metro. I think in place any Czech will tell you his location. On Andel_e, there are generally a lot of establishments with adequate prices for beer and food. There is also a Staropramen brewery with the restaurant of the same name and the freshest beer. In general, an IT specialist is better not to drink, but to work harder. :) In fact, you need to drink a beer that you like and do not pay attention to anyone's advice!
Who to make friends with IT
Here the advice is very subjective and I do not presume to bring you the ultimate truth. Therefore, I write purely personal feelings. Friendship does not make friends with Czechs. I can’t explain exactly why it happened, I think the difference in mentality. Czechs are generally friends with each other in a slightly different way; family values are more important to them than friendship. Therefore, the Russian-speaking diaspora is quite strong here. There are some interest clubs, ranging from pregnant and young mothers - www.mamaguru.cz , ending with the Pragmatics club www.pragmatiki.org . There is also a party of the Czech PodLepra, which I like best of all, those who in the tank will find it at cz.leprosorium.ru. I hope that programmers and designers will be able to find friends right there on Habré and I suggest in this thread to exchange contacts with all those who are already here with us! :)
About girls for IT people
With girls. especially for IT professionals in the Czech Republic is somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand there are a lot of tourists, students and immigrants from other countries, but most often they are here for a short time. On the other hand, to me personally, they did not give up in vain with a beautiful wife! :) However, Czechs themselves are not the most beautiful sight. If a Czech girl is more or less pretty, then there is very little chance that she is free, because Czechs have almost no choice. Therefore, if you come to seek your destiny in the Czech Republic, you will have to tighten or look immediately for an English-speaking destiny, the chances are many times more. If you saw a beautiful girl in a short skirt and high-heeled shoes on the street, she is either a Russian, or a fashion model, or a prostitute, there is no other way! Therefore, look for fate on the spot and bring it with you. Because here are female programmers or designers,
My pink glasses, internet, mobile and medicine
The obvious minus of immigration is that you lose everything you are used to.
It’s usual to pay 200-300 rubles for a mobile phone without denying anything to yourself, here you will pay at least 40-50 euros for all the same.
It’s convenient not to pay for the Internet and it’s just turned off for you. In the Czech Republic, nothing is turned off for you. If you don’t pay, they are sued and fined five times your debt. Still there is a very cool scheme. For example, a local provider UPC.cz provides you with an Internet connection service, along with this service it gives you a chance to use your super-modem, and if you disconnected you didn’t send them a modem by mail, which they may still not receive, then after several months of non-payments you are sued and a fine is set again. Moreover, they sell debts to completely different companies, which, as it were, are not related to the provider. Same thing with car insurance, I forgot to pay insurance, the car is in the garage, don’t care, the car must be insured and you are already a debtor and your debt is also sold to a debt collection company, which immediately brings it to court. The circuit is run perfectly! This all applies to any type of activity where you receive services, ranging from rents to mobile operators. Therefore, the habit in Russia not to pay for an apartment for half a year falls away very quickly and this is his mother is unusual! All of these expenses are of course offset by the generally inexpensive life in the Czech Republic. The same products, according to my observations, are cheaper by a third, or even two times, than in Russia. Therefore, the habit in Russia not to pay for an apartment for half a year falls away very quickly and this is his mother is unusual! All of these expenses are of course offset by the generally inexpensive life in the Czech Republic. The same products, according to my observations, are cheaper by a third, or even two times, than in Russia. Therefore, the habit in Russia not to pay for an apartment for half a year falls away very quickly and this is his mother is unusual! All of these expenses are of course offset by the generally inexpensive life in the Czech Republic. The same products, according to my observations, are cheaper by a third, or even two times, than in Russia.
I would also like to touch on the topic of prices for mobile and the Internet. In the Czech Republic, you can buy a SIM card in any supermarket without a passport. Buying is worth a card from Vodafone, it costs 200 kroons - 350 rubles (approximately). The cost of calls over the Vodafone network is 3 kroons a minute (5 rubles), for all other phones it is twice as much. And it is very expensive compared to Russia. 3G Internet on this card will cost 500 CZK, though honest 3G, and not like ours. You can also connect postpaid options under a contract, everything is cheaper there, but you have to pay for service packages and if it would be profitable, you will have to pay at least 1000 kroons per month and this is the cheapest offer on the market. Internet costs adequately 100 megabits - 500 - 700 crowns per month, 10 megabits - 200 - 300 crowns per month.
A very unusual situation with medical services. You need insurance that you really pay for. Czechs are paid by employers, and we ourselves are immigrants. The cost of insurance is calculated from your salary. The minimum salary is 6,000 kroons, and 13.5% insurance against this amount, which approximately turns out 40 euros per month. What can you do for a visa extension, you can’t get the minimum wage, and your expenses are calculated from the number of people in the family and the apartment, which is necessary for these people and if there are 4 people in your family, then the family income should be about 1000 euros minimum, which means insurance you and your wife will already cost 80 euros per month. At the same time, you don’t insure your child with you, he will have to buy insurance for the entire period of obtaining a visa for two years at once, and his insurance costs somewhere around 50 euros per month. We multiply by 24 months and get the amount of 1200 euros at a time. And if there are two children ?! What if the disease is chronic and you brought it with you to the Czech Republic, then the insurance will not pay for treatment until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. We multiply by 24 months and get the amount of 1200 euros at a time. And if there are two children ?! What if the disease is chronic and you brought it with you to the Czech Republic, then the insurance will not pay for treatment until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. We multiply by 24 months and get the amount of 1200 euros at a time. And if there are two children ?! What if the disease is chronic and you brought it with you to the Czech Republic, then the insurance will not pay for treatment until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance. until you receive permanent residence after 5 years in the country. The benefit of the price of standard medical services is equivalent to Moscow clinics. But if something serious, it becomes completely unusual! True, I know families living here with diabetic children, how they do it, I do not quite understand. Among other things, to get to the doctor you need to make an appointment with him, and the record can easily be scheduled for two weeks in advance. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly cure a sick tooth under insurance.
It’s not at all customary to prove every two years that you are not a “goose”. To go to the police, collect reports on the company, some papers, accountants, numbers and a lot of money to extend the residence permit and once having gone all this thorny path, throwing it is already very, very sorry.
Well, the main problem is communication and language. It’s not easy for everyone, and if you need to deal with some complex language nuances, it is very difficult and you have to constantly deal with this, which is the most unusual of all immigration.
There are still a lot of problems from the lack of communication with relatives and friends to working moments, for example, I'm used to working in the office. And this will have to be decided, otherwise life in the Czech Republic is not as rosy as it might seem from the outside. The only thing that pleases is that the solution to the problems tempers the character and pumps out excess fatty deposits from the buttocks, which are used to immobility. ;)
IT industry in the Czech Republic
In order not to depart from the subject of Habr, I decided to write a paragraph about sites and services on the Internet that will be useful to you directly for life in the Czech Republic. Today in the Czech Republic a real boom for all kinds of startups. This is especially true for coupon services. The most famous of the bottom www.slevomat.cz , and this is the first candidate to purchase Grouppon_om. There are discounts on everything from children's goods and services to sports goods. There is a large service aggregator of similar sites www.kamproslevy.cz . And judging by the number of such services, Russian startups have something to take examples from.
I also use the wonderful project www.mapy.cz, This is a cartographic service, based, oddly enough, not on a google map, but on some kind of its own, which includes almost all search options for anything. Starting from tourist routes and transport routes, ending with doctors and real estate. By transport in Prague you can check the clock! He goes exactly on schedule, which means the Czechs made a separate site where anyone can calculate the route and find out what kind of transport, what time and for what money he will get to the right place. You can do this at idos.cz - a simple and convenient site. I really like the local analogs of price.ru and yandex market, and heureka.cz, in my opinion, even surpasses the domestic analogs in the literal sense for convenience. As well as the Seznamov service Zbozy.cz,
There are a lot of start-ups and sites, it makes no sense to describe all of them. If you are interested in a specific topic, I will try to answer in the comments.
To find a job in the it-industry in the Czech Republic and get a working, not a business visa, is now quite difficult unfortunately. You must either be very valuable, or just be a valuable and cheap employee. Therefore, only a business visa is suitable for migration.
IT Summary
As I wrote above, this time I prepared more seriously. My agency in Russia already employs 22 people against 8 in the last race. I found a partner director for managing major projects in Russia, and now I myself do not remotely manage business processes. Here in the Czech Republic I came up with a lesson in advance and now I am starting to realize my idea almost upon arrival, having allocated a budget in advance for all this. And if something goes wrong, I will take the train with a calm heart and go back without tantrums and tears, I made such a promise to myself first of all. Only with such thoughts, I think it is worth moving from one country to another, and then something is possible from this.
In general, I like the Czech Republic and I would like to stay here to live, work and raise children. And I hope that I succeed. But if it doesn’t work out, then at any moment I can return to where everything has already worked out, it’s a pity that the habitat and political system cannot be changed there, but you can put up with this in principle if you wish.
I will not promise to write about something next time. Ask questions and I will think about what to write in the next post about the Czech Republic.