ITMO University Digest: Residents of Our Accelerators

Since 2012, one of the first startup accelerators, iDealMachine, has been operating in Russia, and currently there are 23 companies in its portfolio . Since 2015, our country also has an accelerator for startups in the field of optics and robotics Future Technologies . Moreover, for more than 5 years the intensive educational program SUMIT has been carried out .
All these projects are united by the fact that they were created at ITMO University . The task of accelerators is to help talented young professionals build a viable technology business. Teams are provided with working premises, expert and mentoring support is provided, moreover, the most promising projects receive financial assistance.
It is impossible to ignore the Technopark of ITMO University, whose mission is to develop promising areas of activity for residents and partners through the integration of education, science and business.
We took part in the formation and development of a large number of startups from a wide variety of areas of activity. Well-known media wrote (and are writing) about these projects. Therefore, today we would like to bring to your attention a selection of publications devoted to accelerator residents.
1) Oriense - the company is developing high-tech devices that combine computer vision and navigation technology and are designed to increase the social adaptation of the visually impaired.
- Guide dog replacement device
The story of how the developers created the first prototype of a device that allows blind and visually impaired people to navigate in space, and began to test it in rehabilitation centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- Devices for the blind and visually impaired
About the implemented Oriense features, as well as what the development team has to do.
- Will a new "navigator" for the blind to conquer the global market
About the prospects of the device Oriense, its competitors and the plans of the team.
2) Miiix is a cloud-based information service for optimizing the operation of online stores.
- Miiix - a startup that grows effectively in times of crisis
I must say that there are many solutions to optimize the operation of online stores. This material reveals the advantages of Miiix, which allowed the team to gain an advantage and develop a powerful full-fledged startup.
- Miiix v3.0. Structured Product Catalog
How developers automated the filling and updating of information and came to the decision to create a DaaS (Data-as-a-Service).
3) Prixel - a startup engaged in the production of relief copies of paintings.
- One-to-One, or how the Prixel team came up with painting reproduction technology
The author tells how Prixel managed to repeat the work of artists of past centuries with the help of electronic technologies.
- Relief painting
About the production cost of a 3D replica of a picture, difficulties with legislation and other subtleties of work, as well as about the general potential of the Prixel project.
- Why Russian startup Prixel refused to move abroad
Read why members of the Prixel team left a startup in Russia and refused to fund foreign funds.
4) xTurion - a new generation mobile robot for monitoring apartments, country houses, offices and warehouses.
- XTurion mobile robot for smart home
xTurion will be of interest to everyone who is actively using a video monitoring system. In this article, read about the main functions of the robot (with pictures).
- xTurion: Live coverage of Russia 1
Report on the prospects of home security systems and the benefits of xTurion. The video is posted on the company's official YouTube channel.
5) S&G AD is an advertising platform that uses technology to display ads with a person’s face to his friends through retargeting mechanisms.
- Startup of the week: S&G AD
Andrey Satin tells about his project: how the idea was born, about the difficulties, about the goals and at what stage the project is today.
6) Smart Museum is a single platform for museums and visitors.
- Startup project: Smart Museum mobile application
How startup Smart Museum has gained popularity in the market and how it helps museums around the world. The author also addresses the issues of monetization of the project.
- Startup from St. Petersburg Smart Museum conquers the European market
Material about the history of the project: how two young entrepreneurs from St. Petersburg came to success.
7) RoboEd - provides professional educational programs in robotics for those who want any level of training.
- I, robotics: why learn to make robots
About what tasks designers of modern robots face, what awaits robotics students after graduation, and why educational programs such as RoboEd are needed
8) Robodrom - a new generation gaming platform, consisting of several polygons on which users control real robots via the Internet.
- 12 robotic projects from Russia
In Russia, robotics is gaining momentum, and the author is considering the most significant projects in this field. Among them, without fail, Robodrom is also listed.
9) “Quantum communications” - the company conducts theoretical and applied research in the field of quantum informatics.
- Russian cryptographers are working on a new method of data encryption
A brief digression into quantum encryption, plus an overview of the success of the project.
- Russian scientists increased the range of quantum communication to 250 km
Material about one of the main achievements of Quantum Communications LLC: how the first competitive quantum communication system in Russia was developed with data hacking resistant.
10) STC "Pribor" - is developing medical diagnostic devices.
- STC Device: Medical Diagnostic Devices
Description of the concept of the MRL and the status of ongoing work.
11) “Intelligent technologies for socio-cyberphysical systems” - the project is developing methods, models and technologies for automating various processes in socio-cyberphysical systems.
- Independent robots and a guide to the world: what ITMO University showed at ITEA Event 2016
About the events of the ITEA Event 2016, where a representative of ITMO University presented a number of studies already completed in the field of robotics.
12) “Metamaterials Laboratory” - conducts research and development in the field of metamaterials.
- Metamaterials laboratory opened at ITMO
Press release on new equipment, present and future labs.
13) Parseq Lab - a product and service for the genetic diagnosis of severe hereditary diseases.
- IT in the service of biomedicine
About the tasks, functions and parameters of IT platforms that solve the problems of biomedicine.
14) VeeRoute - the company is developing special algorithms for constructing routes in real time for shops, transport companies and courier services.
- VeeRoute - IT Track Winner
Interviews with the founders of the company about what prompted them to create the project, the course of development, as well as the features of the product.
- VeeRoute on Russian roads
The success of the project in the domestic competition of IT-developments Generation S.
15) KhimLab is a small innovative enterprise engaged in the development of agricultural hydrogel.
- How to deal with drought: St. Petersburg scientists will present a unique hydrogel for CX
Material about the company's product - a unique hydrogel that solves the problem of watering plants in arid regions and increases their productivity.
- First day of SLUSH-2015: ITMO University ignites ideas
About how the first day of the largest European startup conference SLUSH-2015 ended, where ITMO projects were presented for the first time, in particular, the chemical moisture absorbent company KhimLab, capable of accumulating from one to three gallons of water from three to ten liters of water.
16) “Optimal movement” - is engaged in the production of tools for the automation and optimization of business processes.
- The experience of ITMO University Technopark residents: how to make ERP systems convenient
An article about company activities and optimization of production processes
- Developing cooperation: ITMO University Technopark representatives visited Belgium and Luxembourg with a business mission
About the visit of the resident of Technopark ITMO University, Optimal Movement Company, to the ITF-2016 conference.
17) Rehabot - develops a simulator for people who have had a stroke.
- Petersburg startups will help patients recover from a stroke
On the principles of the invention and the application of innovations in medicine.
In conclusion, I want to note that not all startups that have passed through acceleration programs are represented here. Moreover, ITMO University plans to launch new projects designed to help develop the ideas of entrepreneurs and build strong businesses on their basis.