Top books on the Django framework

The Django web framework is documented in detail on the official website: it contains theory, background information, and guides for beginners. However, despite the quality, not all beginners will like this documentation. Well, you have two ways. The first is to sign up for training courses . The second is to once again look at the shelves of online stores. This is what we will do with the GeekBrains team today.
Django Python Web Application Development - Jeff Forsier, Paul Byssex, Wesley J. Chan

You will not find a lot of literature on Django in Russian, and this is another reason to take a closer look at the official guide. But since we are talking about books, here is one of the most popular.
The information about Django and its capabilities in this book is outdated (she is already 10 years old), but she is still quite suitable for basic acquaintance with the environment. The book is written in good language, translated to match, there is enough code and basic techniques for designing a site. In general, it is suitable as a base, but for work you will have to purchase something more relevant.
Django: the practice of creating Web sites in Python - Vladimir Dronov

The second most popular book on Django in online stores in Russian. As in the past case, there is a problem with an outdated version of the framework and, accordingly, features. Another disadvantage is the lack of consistency of presentation. The emphasis is not on the step-by-step algorithm that a beginner is looking for, but on the bottlenecks in the creation of the site (according to the author). The result was a book for those who have already learned the basics, but have not yet become a professional.
REST APIs with Django: Build powerful web APIs with Python and Django - William S. Vincent

We will pass from the Russian market to the western one, there is much more literature, and there is much higher quality literature. Here is one of the best books for learning Django, in particular, when creating a web API. Despite the relatively small volume (less than 200 pages), the development process is described in great detail from the general theory of web interfaces to schemas and documentation.
Test-Driven Development with Python: Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript - Harry JW Percival

According to the annotation, when the author wanted to explain to himself young all those algorithms and tools that he uses today. And, in general, he succeeded. But it is worth noting that Django and Python are just one of the “stops” in development, so the book will not work as a basic guide. But if you already have web skills, but want to add new knowledge, this book will be very useful.
Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django - William S. Vincent

Most of the reviews written on this book on Amazon say this is an almost perfect replacement for the official guide. In fact, there are two significant advantages:
- All actions are chewed in detail, so the reader has no questions left: “Why is this here?”
- If even you don’t understand something, you can send your question by e-mail. They say William answers everyone.
But do not forget that the book is for beginners, so you will not be able to go beyond creating a basic site.
Two Scoops of Django 1.11: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework - Daniel Roy Greenfeld

This is the fourth edition of the book, which, like all the previous ones, has collected many positive reviews. In fact, this is one of the best educational books dedicated specifically to Django. Here you will find everything from the right code style to a detailed description of all the flaws of the framework. Carefully read all 35 chapters, complete all practical tasks - and you can consider yourself a ready-made specialist.
Mastering Python: Machine Learning, Data Structures, Django, Object Oriented Programming and Software Engineering - Michael B. White

In contrast to the previous book, this is a fairly general guide to Python and what you can do with it. Django and the web are not the main topics here, but perhaps they are the ones that receive the most attention. The book is suitable for those who want to learn Python (for example, because it's easy enough), but do not yet know what you can create with it. "Mastering Python ..." will help determine.
Django Unleashed - Andrew Pinkham

Another good help, laid out in more than 800 pages of printed text. According to the style of presentation, according to how fast the author moves along the development cycle, Django Unleashed is a printed retelling of official documentation. That is, the book is ideal for those who can not learn on the "screen" literature, or those who need a physical reference at hand.
Build your first website with Django 2.1: Master the basics of Django while building a fully-functioning - Nigel George

The book describes the entire application development cycle using Django, and also talks about the competent creation of web resources in general. It has a couple of drawbacks: a relatively small number of examples, at least for guidance, and a complete disregard for the second version of Python. The latter is understandable and excusable, but the absence of a “reference” code for some fundamental actions is difficult to understand.
As we can see, there are not many real alternatives to official documentation on the market. Some books lack up-to-date information or useful examples, but, in general, almost everything can be used as an additional tool to read without access to the Internet.
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