C ++: a session of spontaneous archeology and why you should not use variable functions in the style of C

It all began, as usual, with an error. I worked with the Java Native Interface for the first time and wrapped the C ++ part in a function that creates a Java object. This function CallVoidMethodis variable, i.e. in addition to the pointer to the JNI environment , the pointer to the type of the object being created, and the identifier of the method being called (in this case, the constructor), it takes an arbitrary number of other arguments. Which is logical, because these other arguments are passed to the called method on the Java side, and the methods may be different, with different numbers of arguments of any type.

Accordingly, I also made my wrapper variable. To transfer an arbitrary number of arguments to CallVoidMethodused va_list, because otherwise in this case in any way. Yes, and sent va_listtoCallVoidMethod. And dropped the JVM banal segmentation fault.

In 2 hours I managed to try several versions of the JVM, from the 8th to the 11th, because: firstly, this is my first experience with the JVM , and in this matter I trusted StackOverflow more than myself, and secondly, someone then on StackOverflow I advised in this case not to use OpenJDK, but OracleJDK, and not 8, but 10. And only then I finally noticed that, besides the variable CallVoidMethodone CallVoidMethodV, there is , which takes an arbitrary number of arguments through va_list.

What I didn’t like most about this story is that I didn’t immediately notice the difference between ellipsis (ellipsis) and va_list. And noticing, he could not explain to himself what the fundamental difference was. So, it is necessary to deal with both ellipse andva_list, and (since it’s still about C ++) with variable patterns.

What about ellipse and va_list is stated in the Standard

The C ++ standard describes only the differences between its requirements and those of the Standard C. About the differences themselves later, but for now I will briefly retell what Standard C says (starting with C89).

  • You can declare a function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments. Those. function arguments may have more than parameters. To do this, the list of its parameters must end with an ellipsis, but also at least one fixed parameter must be present [C11 6.9.1 / 8] :

    void foo(int parm1, int parm2, ...);
  • Information about the number and types of arguments corresponding to the ellipsis is not transferred to the function itself. Those. after the last named parameter ( parm2in the example above) [C11] .
  • To access these arguments must use declared title <stdarg.h>type va_list, and 4 (3 to standard C11) macro: va_start, va_arg, va_endand va_copy(since C11) [C11 7.16] .

    for example
    int add(int count, ...) 
        int result = 0;
        va_list args;
        va_start(args, count);
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            result += va_arg(args, int);
        return result;

    Да, функция не знает, сколько у нее аргументов. Ей надо как-то передать это число. В данном случае — через единственный именованный аргумент (другой распространенный вариант — передавать последним аргументом NULL, как в execl, или 0).
  • The last named argument cannot have a storage class register, cannot be a function or an array. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined [C11] .
  • Moreover, the last named argument and all the nameless ones are given a “ default argument type increase” ( default argument promotion ; if there is a good translation of this concept into Russian, I will gladly use it). This means that if an argument has a type char, short(with or without a sign) or float, then the corresponding parameters must be addressed as int, int(with or without a sign) or double. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined [C11] .
  • About the type, va_listit says only that it is declared in <stdarg.h>and is complete (that is, the size of an object of this type is known) [C11 7.16 / 3] .

Why? But because!

There are not too many types in C. Why is it va_liststated in the Standard, but nothing is said about its internal structure?

Why do we need an ellipsis, if an arbitrary number of arguments to the function can be passed through va_list? It could be said now: “as syntactic sugar”, but 40 years ago, I am sure, it was not up to sugar.

Philip James Plauger ( Phillip James Plauger ) in the book The Standard C library ( The Standard C library ), 1992, tells us that initially C was created exclusively for PDP-11 computers. And there it was possible to sort through all the function arguments using simple pointer arithmetic. The problem appeared with the growing popularity of C and moving the compiler to other architectures. In the first edition of the C Programming Language (The C Programming the Language of The ) Brian Kernighan ( Brian Kernighan ) and Dennis Ritchie ( of Dennis Ritchie ) - 1978 - plainly stated:
By the way, there is no acceptable way to write a portable function of an arbitrary number of arguments, since There is no portable way for the called function to find out how many arguments were passed to it when it was called. ... printf, the most typical function of the C language of an arbitrary number of arguments, ... is not portable and must be implemented for each system.
This book describes printf, but not yet vprintf, and does not mention the type and macros va_*. They appear in the second edition of the C Programming Language (1988), and this is the merit of the committee to develop the first C Standard (C89, aka ANSI C). Committee added to standard header <stdarg.h>, based on <varargs.h>created by Andrew Koenig ( Andrew Koenig ) in order to improve the portability of UNIX. It va_*was decided to leave the macros as macros to make it easier for existing compilers to support the new Standard.

Now, with the advent of C89 and the familyva_*, it became possible to create portable variable functions. Although the internal structure of this family is still not described in any way, and there are no requirements for it, it is already clear why.

From pure curiosity, you can find examples of implementation <stdarg.h>. For example, in the same “Standard Library C” an example is given for Borland Turbo C ++ :

<stdarg.h> from Borland Turbo C ++
#ifndef _STADARG
#define _STADARG
#define _AUPBND 1
#define _ADNBND 1
typedef char* va_list
#define va_arg(ap, T) \
 (*(T*)(((ap) += _Bnd(T, _AUPBND)) - _Bnd(T, _ADNBND)))
#define va_end(ap) \
#define va_start(ap, A) \
 (void)((ap) = (char*)&(A) + _Bnd(A, _AUPBND))
#define _Bnd(X, bnd) \
 (sizeof(X)  + (bnd) & ~(bnd))

A much newer SystemV ABI for AMD64 uses this type for va_list:

va_list of SystemV ABI AMD64
typedef struct
    unsigned int gp_offset;
    unsigned int fp_offset;
    void *overflow_arg_area;
    void *reg_save_area;
} va_list[1];

In general, it can be said that the type and macros va_*provide a standard interface for traversing the arguments of variable functions, and their implementation for historical reasons depends on the compiler, the target platform and the architecture. Moreover, the ellipse (i.e., variable functions in general) appeared in C earlier than va_list(i.e., the title <stdarg.h>). And it va_listwas created not to replace the ellipse, but to enable developers to write their own portable variable functions.

C ++ largely maintains backward compatibility with C, so all of the above applies to it. But there are some peculiarities.

Variable functions in C ++

The development of the C ++ Standard was carried out by the WG21 working group . Back in 1989, the newly created Standard C89 was taken, which gradually changed to describe C ++ itself. In 1995, the proposal N0695 from John Micco ( John Micco ), in which the author proposed to change the restrictions for macros va_*:

  • Because C ++, in contrast to C, allows you to get the address of registervariables, then the last named argument of a variable function can have this storage class.
  • Because references appearing in C ++ violate the unspoken rule of C variable functions — the size of the parameter must match the size of its declared type — the last named argument cannot be a link. Otherwise - indefinite behavior.
  • Because in C ++ there is no concept of " increasing the type of the argument by default ", then the phrase
    If you parmNdon’t know what to say about this?
    need to be replaced by
    It parmNis not the case of the parameter.
I didn’t even translate the last point to share my pain. First, the “ default argument type boost ” in the C ++ Standard remains [C ++ 17 8.2.2 / 9] . And secondly, I was puzzled for a long time over the meaning of this phrase, compared with Standard C, where everything is clear. Only after reading N0695 did I finally understand: the same is meant here.

However, all 3 changes were accepted [C ++ 98 18.7 / 3] . Even in C ++, the variable function’s requirement to have at least one named parameter disappeared (in this case, the rest cannot be accessed, but more on that later), and the list of valid types of unnamed arguments was added with pointers to class members and POD types.

The C ++ 03 standard did not bring any changes to the variable functions. C ++ 11 began to convert an unnamed type argument std::nullptr_tinto void*and allowed compilers to support types with nontrivial constructors and destructors at their discretion [C ++ 11 5.2.2 / 7] . C ++ 14 allowed to use functions and arrays as [C ++ 14 18.10 / 3] as the last named parameter , and C ++ 17 forbade disclosing of package of parameters ( pack expansion ) and variables captured by lambda [C ++ 17 21.10.1 / 1] .

As a result, C ++ added the variable functions of its pitfalls. Only one unspecified ( unspecified) support for types with non-trivial constructors / destructors of what it costs. Below, I will try to reduce all non-obvious features of variable functions into one list and add concrete examples to it.

How easy and wrong to use variable functions

  1. It is wrong to declare the last named argument with the type being raised, i.e. char, signed char, unsigned char, singed short, unsigned shortOr float. The result according to the Standard will be undefined behavior.

    Wrong code
    void foo(float n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;

    Of all the compilers that I had on hand (gcc, clang, MSVC), only clang issued a warning.

    Clang warning
    ./test.cpp:7:18: warning: passing an object that undergoes default argument promotion to 'va_start' has undefined behavior [-Wvarargs]
        va_start(va, n);

    And although in all cases the compiled code behaved correctly, you should not count on it.

    It will be right
    void foo(double n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;

  2. It is wrong to declare the last named argument by reference. Any reference. The standard in this case also promises undefined behavior.

    Wrong code
    void foo(int& n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;

    gcc 7.3.0 compiled this code without a single comment. clang 6.0.0 issued a warning, but nevertheless compiled it.

    Clang warning
    ./test.cpp:7:18: warning: passing an object of reference type to 'va_start' has undefined behavior [-Wvarargs]
        va_start(va, n);

    In both cases, the program worked correctly (lucky, you can not rely on it). But MSVC 19.15.26730 distinguished itself - he refused to compile the code, because The argument va_startshould not be a link.

    MSVC Error
    c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\vadefs.h(151): error C2338: va_start argument must not have reference type and must not be parenthesized

    Well, the correct version looks like this, for example.
    void foo(int* n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;

  3. It is wrong to ask for a va_argraiseable type - char, shortor float.

    Wrong code
    #include <cstdarg>
    #include <iostream>
    void foo(int n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;
        std::cout << va_arg(va, float) << std::endl;
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;
    int main()
        foo(0, 1, 2.0f, 3);
        return 0;

    Here is more interesting. When compiling gcc , it gives a warning that you should use it doubleinstead float, and if this code is executed anyway, the program will end with an error.

    Gcc warning
    ./test.cpp:9:15: warning: ‘float’ is promoted to ‘double’ when passed through ‘...’
      std::cout << va_arg(va, float) << std::endl;
    ./test.cpp:9:15: note: (so you should pass ‘double’ not ‘float’ to ‘va_arg’)
    ./test.cpp:9:15: note: if this code is reached, the program will abort

    And indeed, the program crashes with a complaint about an invalid instruction.
    Dump analysis shows that the program received a SIGILL signal. And more shows the structure va_list. For 32 bits this

    va = 0xfffc6918 ""

    those. va_list- just char*. For 64 bits:

    va = {{gp_offset = 16, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffef147e7e0, reg_save_area = 0x7ffef147e720}}

    those. exactly what is described in SystemV ABI AMD64. compilation

    clang warns about undefined behavior and also suggests replacing floatwith double.

    Clang warning
    ./test.cpp:9:26: warning: second argument to 'va_arg' is of promotable type 'float'; this va_arg has undefined behavior because arguments will be promoted to 'double' [-Wvarargs]
            std::cout << va_arg(va, float) << std::endl;

    But the program does not fall, the 32-bit version gives:




    MSVC produces exactly the same results, but without warning, even with /Wall.

    Here one would assume that the difference between 32 and 64 bits is due to the fact that in the first case ABI passes the called function all the arguments through the stack, and in the second the first four (Windows) or six (Linux) arguments through the processor registers, the rest through stack [ wiki ]. But no, if you call foonot with 4 arguments, but from 19, and also output them, the result will be the same: a complete mess in the 32-bit version, and zeros for all floatin the 64-bit. Those. It's a matter of course in ABI, but not in the use of registers for passing arguments.

    Well, correctly, of course, do so
    void foo(int n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;
        std::cout << va_arg(va, double) << std::endl;
        std::cout << va_arg(va, int) << std::endl;

  4. It is wrong to pass as an unnamed argument an instance of a class with a non-trivial constructor or destructor. If, of course, the fate of this code worries you a little more than “compile and run here and now.”

    Wrong code
    #include <cstdarg>
    #include <iostream>
    struct Bar
        Bar() { std::cout << "Bar default ctor" << std::endl; }
        Bar(const Bar&) { std::cout << "Bar copy ctor" << std::endl; }
        ~Bar() { std::cout << "Bar dtor" << std::endl; }
    struct Cafe
        Cafe() { std::cout << "Cafe default ctor" << std::endl; }
        Cafe(const Cafe&) { std::cout << "Cafe copy ctor" << std::endl; }
        ~Cafe() { std::cout << "Cafe dtor" << std::endl; }
    void foo(int n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << "Before va_arg" << std::endl;
        const auto b = va_arg(va, Bar);
    int main()
        Bar b;
        Cafe c;
        foo(1, b, c);
        return 0;

    Stricter of all again clang . He simply refuses to compile this code due to the fact that the second argument is va_argnot a POD type, and warns that the program will crash when launched.

    Clang warning
    ./test.cpp:23:31: error: second argument to 'va_arg' is of non-POD type 'Bar' [-Wnon-pod-varargs]
        const auto b = va_arg(va, Bar);
    ./test.cpp:31:12: error: cannot pass object of non-trivial type 'Bar' through variadic function; call will abort at runtime [-Wnon-pod-varargs]
        foo(1, b, c);

    So it will be if all the same compile with the flag -Wno-non-pod-varargs.

    MSVC warns that the use in this case of types with non-trivial constructors is intolerable.

    MSVC warning
    d:\my documents\visual studio 2017\projects\test\test\main.cpp(31): warning C4840: непереносимое использование класса "Bar" в качестве аргумента в функции с переменным числом аргументов

    But the code is compiled and executed correctly. In the console, the following is obtained:

    Startup Result
    Bar default ctor
    Cafe default ctor
    Before va_arg
    Bar copy ctor
    Bar dtor
    Cafe dtor
    Bar dtor

    Those. a copy is created only at the time of the call va_arg, and the argument, it turns out, is passed by reference. Somehow not obvious, but the Standard permits.

    gcc 6.3.0 compiles without a single comment. At the output we have the same thing:

    Startup Result
    Bar default ctor
    Cafe default ctor
    Before va_arg
    Bar copy ctor
    Bar dtor
    Cafe dtor
    Bar dtor

    gcc 7.3.0 also warns about nothing, but the behavior changes:

    Startup Result
    Bar default ctor
    Cafe default ctor
    Cafe copy ctor
    Bar copy ctor
    Before va_arg
    Bar copy ctor
    Bar dtor
    Bar dtor
    Cafe dtor
    Cafe dtor
    Bar dtor

    Those. this version of the compiler passes arguments by value, and when called va_argit makes another copy. It would be fun to look for this difference when switching from the 6th to the 7th version of gcc, if designers / destructors have side effects.

    By the way, if you explicitly pass and request a reference to the class:

    Another wrong code
    void foo(int n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << "Before va_arg" << std::endl;
        const auto& b = va_arg(va, Bar&);
    int main()
        Bar b;
        Cafe c;
        foo(1, std::ref(b), c);
        return 0;

    then all compilers will give an error. As required by the Standard.

    In general, if you really want to, it is better to pass arguments by pointer.

    Like this
    void foo(int n, ...)
        va_list va;
        va_start(va, n);
        std::cout << "Before va_arg" << std::endl;
        const auto* b = va_arg(va, Bar*);
    int main()
        Bar b;
        Cafe c;
        foo(1, &b, &c);
        return 0;

Overload Resolution and Variable Functions

On the one hand, everything is simple: a comparison with an ellipsis loses to a comparison with a normal named argument, even in the case of a standard or user-defined type conversion.

Overload example
#include <iostream>
void foo(...)
    std::cout << "C variadic function" << std::endl;
void foo(int)
    std::cout << "Ordinary function" << std::endl;
int main()
    return 0;

Startup Result
$ ./test 
Ordinary function
Ordinary function
C variadic function

But this only works as long as the call foowithout arguments is not to be considered separately.

Calling foo with no arguments
#include <iostream>
void foo(...)
    std::cout << "C variadic function" << std::endl;
void foo()
    std::cout << "Ordinary function without arguments" << std::endl;
int main()
    return 0;

Compiler output
./test.cpp:16:9: error: call of overloaded ‘foo()’ is ambiguous
./test.cpp:3:6: note: candidate: void foo(...)
 void foo(...)
./test.cpp:8:6: note: candidate: void foo()
 void foo()

Everything is in accordance with the Standard: there are no arguments - there is no comparison with the ellipsis, and when overload is resolved, the variable function becomes no worse than usual.

When all the same it is necessary to use variable functions

Well, the variable functions in some places do not behave very obviously and in the context of C ++ can easily turn out to be poorly portable. On the Internet, there are many tips like "Do not create or use optional C functions," but are not going to remove their support from the C ++ Standard. So, is there any benefit from these functions? Well, there is.

  • The most frequent and obvious case is backward compatibility. Here I will take both the use of third-party C libraries (my case with JNI) and the provision of the C API to the C ++ implementation.
  • SFINAE . It is also very relevant here that in C ++ the variable function does not need to have named arguments, and that when resolving overloaded functions, the variable function is considered the last (if there is at least one argument). And like any other function, the variable function can only be declared, but never called.

    template <class T> 
    struct HasFoo
        template <class U, class = decltype(std::declval<U>().foo())>
        static void detect(const U&);
        static int detect(...);
        static constexpr bool value = std::is_same<void, decltype(detect(std::declval<T>()))>::value;

    Although in C ++ 14 you can do a little differently.

    Another example
    template <class T> 
    struct HasFoo
        template <class U, class = decltype(std::declval<U>().foo())>
        static constexpr bool detect(const U*)
            return true;
        template <class U>
        static constexpr bool detect(...)
            return false;
        static constexpr bool value = detect<T>(nullptr);

    And in this case it is already necessary to keep track of which arguments can be invoked detect(...). I would prefer to change a couple of lines and use a modern alternative to variable functions, devoid of all their flaws.

Variable patterns or how to create functions from an arbitrary number of arguments in modern C ++

The idea of variant patterns were offered Gregor Douglas ( Douglas by Gregor ), Jaakko Järvi ( Jaakko Järvi ) and Gary Powell ( of Gary the Powell ) back in 2004, ie, 7 years before the adoption of the C ++ 11 standard, in which these variable patterns were officially supported. The Standard entered the third revision of their proposal numbered N2080 .

From the very beginning, variable templates were created to enable programmers to create type-safe (and portable!) Functions from an arbitrary number of arguments. Another goal is to simplify support for class templates with a variable number of parameters, but now we are talking only about variable functions.

Variable templates brought in C ++ three new concepts [C ++ 17 17.5.3]:

  • A template parameter pack is a template parameter, instead of which you can pass any number of template arguments (including 0);
  • a function parameter pack ( function parameter pack ) - accordingly, this is a function parameter that accepts any (including 0) number of function arguments;
  • and packet expansion ( pack expansion ) is the only thing that can be done with a package of parameters.

template <class ... Args>
void foo(const std::string& format, Args ... args)
    printf(format.c_str(), args...);

Здесь class ... Args — пакет параметров шаблона, Args ... args — пакет параметров функции, и args... — раскрытие пакета параметров функции.

A complete list of where and how to disclose parameter packages is provided in the Standard itself [C ++ 17 17.5.3 / 4] . And in the context of the discussion of variable functions, it suffices to say that:

  • The function parameter package can be expanded into another function's argument list.
    template <class ... Args>
    void bar(const std::string& format, Args ... args)
        foo<Args...>(format.c_str(), args...);

  • or in the initialization list
    template <class ... Args>
    void foo(const std::string& format, Args ... args)
        const auto list = {args...};

  • or to the lambda capture list
    template <class ... Args>
    void foo(const std::string& format, Args ... args)
        auto lambda = [&format, args...] ()
            printf(format.c_str(), args...);

  • another batch of function parameters can be expanded in a convolution expression
    template <class ... Args>
    int foo(Args ... args)
        return (0 + ... + args);

    Convolutions appeared in C ++ 14 and can be unary and binary, right and left. The most complete description, as always, in the Standard [C ++ 17 8.1.6] .
  • Both types of parameter packages can be expanded in the sizeof operator ...
    template <class ... Args>
    void foo(Args ... args)
        const auto size1 = sizeof...(Args);
        const auto size2 = sizeof...(args);

In disclosing the explicit ellipsis package is needed to support the various templates ( patterns ) disclosure and to avoid this ambiguity.

for example
template <class ... Args>
void foo()
    using OneTuple = std::tuple<std::tuple<Args>...>;
    using NestTuple = std::tuple<std::tuple<Args...>>;

OneTuple — это получается кортеж одноэлементных кортежей (std:tuple<std::tuple<int>>, std::tuple<double>>), а NestTuple — кортеж, состоящий из одного элемента — другого кортежа (std::tuple<std::tuple<int, double>>).

Example implementation of printf using variable patterns

As I already mentioned, variable templates were created, including as a direct replacement for the variable functions of C. The authors of these templates themselves proposed their very simple but type-safe version printf- one of the first variable functions in C.

printf on templates
void printf(const char* s)
    while (*s)
        if (*s == '%' && *++s != '%')
            throw std::runtime_error("invalid format string: missing arguments");
        std::cout << *s++;
template <typename T, typename ... Args>
void printf(const char* s, T value, Args ... args)
    while (*s)
        if (*s == '%' && *++s != '%')
            std::cout << value;
            return printf(++s, args...);
        std::cout << *s++;
    throw std::runtime_error("extra arguments provided to printf");

I suspect, then this pattern of iterative arguments appeared - through a recursive call to overloaded functions. But I still like the non-recursion option.

printf on templates and without recursion
template <typename ... Args>
void printf(const std::string& fmt, const Args& ... args)
    size_t fmtIndex = 0;
    size_t placeHolders = 0;
    auto printFmt = [&fmt, &fmtIndex, &placeHolders]()
        for (; fmtIndex < fmt.size(); ++fmtIndex)
            if (fmt[fmtIndex] != '%')
                std::cout << fmt[fmtIndex];
            else if (++fmtIndex < fmt.size())
                if (fmt[fmtIndex] == '%')
                    std::cout << '%';
    ((printFmt(), std::cout << args), ..., (printFmt()));
    if (placeHolders < sizeof...(args))
        throw std::runtime_error("extra arguments provided to printf");
    if (placeHolders > sizeof...(args))
        throw std::runtime_error("invalid format string: missing arguments");

Overload Resolution and Variable Template Functions

When resolved, these variable functions are considered after the others - as template and as least specialized. But there are no problems in the case of a call without arguments.

Overload example
#include <iostream>
void foo(int)
    std::cout << "Ordinary function" << std::endl;
void foo()
    std::cout << "Ordinary function without arguments" << std::endl;
template <class T>
void foo(T)
    std::cout << "Template function" << std::endl;
template <class ... Args>
void foo(Args ...)
    std::cout << "Template variadic function" << std::endl;
int main()
    foo(1, 2);
    return 0;

Startup Result
$ ./test 
Ordinary function
Ordinary function without arguments
Template function
Template variadic function

When overload is enabled, the variable template function can bypass only the variable C function (although why mix them?). Except - of course! - call without arguments.

Call without arguments
#include <iostream>
void foo(...)
    std::cout << "C variadic function" << std::endl;
template <class ... Args>
void foo(Args ...)
    std::cout << "Template variadic function" << std::endl;
int main()
    return 0;

Startup Result
$ ./test 
Template variadic function
C variadic function

There is a comparison with an ellipsis - the corresponding function loses, there is no comparison with an ellipsis - and the template function is inferior to the non-sample.

A quick note on the speed of variable template functions.

In 2008, Loïc Joly ( Loïc Joly ) submitted to the Committee for Standardization C ++ its proposal N2772 , which in practice has shown that the variability of template functions are slower similar functions, an argument which is a list of initialization ( std::initializer_list). And although this contradicted the theoretical rationale of the author himself, Joly proposed to implement it std::min, std::maxand std::minmaxit was with the help of initialization lists, and not variable templates.

But already in 2009, a denial appeared. In the tests of Joly, a “serious error” was discovered (it seems, even by him). New tests (see here and here) showed that variable template functions are still faster, and sometimes significantly. What is not surprising, since The initialization list makes copies of its elements, and for variable templates you can count a lot at the compilation stage.

However, in C ++ 11 and subsequent standards std::min, std::maxand std::minmaxare the usual template functions, an arbitrary number of arguments are passed through the initialization list.

Short summary and conclusion

So, variable functions in the style of C:

  • They do not know the number of their arguments or their types. The developer must use part of the function arguments in order to pass information about the rest.
  • Implicitly raise the types of unnamed arguments (and the last named one). If you forget about it, you get indefinite behavior.
  • Retain backward compatibility with pure C and therefore do not support passing arguments by reference.
  • Prior to C ++ 11, arguments of non- POD types were not supported , but starting from C ++ 11, support for non-trivial types was left to the discretion of the compiler. Those. The behavior of the code depends on the compiler and its version.

The only allowable use of variable functions is interaction with the C API in C ++ code. For everything else, including SFINAE , there are variable template functions that:

  • Know the number and types of all their arguments.
  • Type safe, do not change the types of their arguments.
  • Support the transmission of arguments in any form - by value, by pointer, by reference, by universal reference.
  • Like any other C ++ functions, there are no restrictions on the types of arguments.
  • When resolving overloads, they are considered last (second only to variable C functions), as the least specialized ones.

Variable template functions can be more verbose compared to their C-style counterparts and sometimes even require their overloaded non-template version (recursive argument traversal). They are harder to read and write. But all this is more than paid off by the absence of the listed disadvantages and the presence of the listed advantages.

Well, the conclusion is simple: the variable functions in the C style remain in C ++ only because of backward compatibility, and they offer a wide choice of possibilities to shoot yourself a leg. In modern C ++, it is highly desirable not to write new ones and, if possible, not to use already existing variable C functions. Variable template functions belong to the world of modern C ++ and are much more secure. Use them.

Literature and sources


On-line it is easy to find and download electronic versions of the books mentioned. But I'm not sure that it will be legal, so I do not give references.

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