How is that?

    - Kolya, are you?

    Kohl nearly lost the gift of speech. The event was so unexpected that he did not immediately understand with whom he was talking.

    - Venya ... Benjamin! Oh! How are you

    Kolyan got up from his chair, ran up to an old school friend who was standing in the door of the office, firmly shook his hand. A smile clung to her face so tightly that there was no way to remove it.

    “How are you, Venia?” On a visit to his parents arrived, or what?

    - No, I came to live.

    - How? Why? You're in Moscow! But what are we worth, come, sit down, tell!

    Friends went deep into a small, devoid of windows cabinet. Kohl spent several minutes looking for a chair for a guest - everything around was littered with devils than. Papers, network cards, some yellow books, twisted pair bays. Finally, the chair was found under the old, half-disassembled system unit.

    - Well, tell me already! - Nick said impatiently, sitting down on his chair.

    - Yes, what to tell ... I decided to do downshifting. He returned to his native village, rented a house, on the same street where the parents live.

    - Is that Nedopyokin or something? They moved to Muhosransk, I heard.

    - Yes, yes, they seem to be. I will live in the village. Clean air, clean food, river, fishing, chicken head.

    - Chickens are good, I just can not.

    - Why? How can a village without chickens?

    - So the poultry farm is the same. Since I work here, I must bring a certificate from the village council that I have no chickens at home.

    - What for?

    - I understand, I can bring any chicken disease on myself, and tryndets livestock then. But you do not worry, this is only for workers of the poultry farm.

    - So I, too ...

    - What, too?

    - I will work at the poultry farm, I have already settled. What do you think I fell for you?

    - Seriously?

    Kolya, who had just withdrawn from shock, again fell into a light stupor.

    - Yes, you're lying ... What are you doing here? You're a web programmer.

    - The web, not the web, what's the difference. Got a programmer. I’m not a fan of any framework, I’ll figure out what you are coding here. What, by the way? On the dolphi, come on? Or a builder?

    - 1C.

    - What?

    - Well, 1C. Did not hear that?

    - I heard that in accounting we had such a program. What is it written on?

    - On 1C.

    - 1C written in 1C? What are you talking about?

    - Not. 1C is both a program and a programming language.

    - A program written on itself?

    - Well, not really ... How to explain to you.

    At that moment the door to the office opened, an aunt of about forty came in.

    - Veniamin Vasilievich, let's go make out. - warmly, in a rural smile, said aunt.

    - Okay, Nick, then tell. - said Benjamin, getting up from his chair.


    - Come on, Kolya, show me. How to run the development environment?

    - Well, there, configurator.

    Kohl took the mouse from Benjamin's hands, launched a yellow label, after a few minutes a long-awaited window appeared on the screen.

    “Oh, how terrible ...” Benjamin shook his head. - Is it possible to develop something else?

    - In terms of?

    - Well, put a web storm, or netbins, in the end. I'm used to them. Will he read 1x files? Where are they, by the way, let's look.

    - Files ... Wait, what for you files?

    - And how will I watch the source and edit?

    Kohl looked at his friend uncomprehendingly. Then he shrugged, opened the conductor and began to scour the folders. Finally, I found the right directory, which contained a dozen files and three folders. The largest file was called “1Cv8.1CD”, and Kolya stopped there.

    - Well, here's a file for you.

    - What is this format? Is it already packed?

    - This is an information database file.

    - In terms of? A database or something? I asked to show you source codes.

    - It's all here. And data, metadata, and code, and forms. Everything, in short. In one file.

    - Strange ... Okay, how to see it?

    - Through the configurator.

    - And so it is impossible? - Benjamin took the mouse, double clicked on the file. The operating system helplessly said that it does not know how to open it.

    “Your mother ...” Benjamin swore, and tried to open the file with a notepad — some unreadable foolishness opened up. - What the fuck, Kolyan? How to read the code?

    - In the configurator.

    - Damn, you got it with your configurator! And if I do not want?

    - Go analyze computers then. - shrug Kolya. - You're a programmer.

    Benjamin paused and looked hard at his friend. Kolya's expression did not betray any emotion - the devil knows whether he was joking or not.

    - Okay, give your configurator. How is that?


    - Kolya, and what is a document in 1C? Instructions what? Or a passport?

    - What? Why do you want it?

    “Accounting said that ... Right now.” - Benjamin opened the notebook, leafed through. - Here. Batch processing of documents does not start. What is this? Do they passport passports?

    - Not. - smiled Kohl. - A document is such a thing ... How to explain to you ...

    - Well, try it sometime, I'm not stupid.

    “Right now, remember what it's called ...”

    Kohl thought for a few minutes, then opened the browser and began to search for something.

    - Well, what is it, Kolyan?

    - Right now, right now, wait ...

    It took a few more minutes. Benjamin waited patiently for his friend, sometimes sighing heavily, as if indicating his presence.

    - Here. - finally said Kolya. - Document this ... In short, it is a lot of things. On the one hand, these are database records, in different tables there are different documents. On the other hand, a document is an object if it is read from the database.

    - Wait, is it like - and record the database, and the object? Right in the database to work with him, or what?

    - Not. While it is in the database, it is a reference document. When you read it in RAM, it becomes an object document. And there is also a document manager and a sample document. These are all different objects.

    - Damn, it is impossible that there were different names to give ...

    - It seems that everything is clear. - smiled Kohl.

    - What is the physical meaning of him? What is it all about - a document?

    - It seems like the registration of the fact of economic activity. Some kind of event, in short.

    - In the sense of an event? How is the event?

    - Well, sort of. A chicken was born - one event, a chicken died - another event, a chicken was cut - the third event, food was brought - another event, a pay was given - also an event.

    - Event real life? - smiled Benjamin.

    - Well, sort of.

    - Understood, poking around. And the properties, methods that he has?

    - Different for each. Look in the configurator, see. Properties are called details, there are still tabular parts.

    - What is this?

    - Well, can an object have table properties? The list of goods for shipment, for example.

    - They can.

    - This is the table part. There are predefined properties, as they are called there ... And, standard details.

    - Is it like - predefined properties?

    - Right now ... - Kolyan thought for a few seconds. - Type inherited, in short.

    - What class?

    - From one big, common, which is called documents. Vaughn, a branch of "Documents" in the configurator you see? In the metadata tree.

    - Yes I see.

    - This is the "Documents" class. He has properties and methods. The date is there, the number is posted, the link ...

    - Done? Who is where?

    - Document posted.

    - Damn, my brain will boil right now. What else is done?

    - How can I explain ... Well, they drive in the arrival of feed into the system, through the document. Then write.

    - Well, I understand that. Recorded - all the data in the database. Or not?

    - Yes, in the database, but not all and not everywhere. A document not submitted is a type of a blank that is not reflected in accounting. Until you catch, no one will see the arrival of feed. It's like ... Damn ... In short, when you drag a document, the handler code is executed, and the data goes to different places.

    “What other places?” One table is not enough, or what?

    - Not. Well, the arrival of feed - at least two tables. And the feed came, went to the warehouse, and the settlements moved.

    - What?

    - Well, the money we have become a supplier of feed.

    - That is, the goods fall into one table, and the debts - into another?

    - Well yes. There are more checks, VAT, purchases separately, and so on. But did you understand the principle?
    - Principle yes. And what is the provoking? Is it some sort of slang? Do you call provodki? Where do feedstuffs come from?

    “These are not wires, but wires.” Accounting term. Debit, credit, accounts, balance, misbalance ...

    - Stop-stop-stop! - Benjamin raised his hands, as if giving up. - Too much information. Let's eat the elephant bit by bit.

    - As you say. - Nick shrugged and turned to the computer.

    - Wait, Kolya. - Benjamin felt a little awkward, so rudely interrupted the patient explanations of a friend.

    - Yes, what?

    - If you go back to the property "held." You said that holding is the execution of code that fills in additional tables, right?

    - Yes, yes.

    “And the property itself is“ held ”of a boolean type, right?

    - Yes.

    - Should it be installed separately? After executing this code?

    - No, it will be cocked.

    - That is, as?

    - Well, like this. It is of type calculated. A document has been posted, that is, all the handlers have been executed, the property is set to true. It is like a property, and at the same time - like a state, or something.

    - And, sort of state? As in the components of the reactor?

    - I do not know what a reactor is ...

    - Ok, we drove ... Thank you, Kolya!


    - Yes, stupidity knows no limit ... - Benjamin smiled, looking at the monitor.

    - What again? - Nick asked a little embarrassed.

    - Why, look at this table, how it is there ... Register of accumulation.

    - Well, why?

    - I added two fields, look - product and quantity. I looked - and there still appeared the period fields, the recorder and the type of movement. Well, I can understand the period and the registrar - when and who, what document did I write here during the meeting. And the kind of movement what for? What the hell is this?

    - Arrival or expense. Do you have a savings register?

    - Yes.

    - Here you go. Receipt entry replenishes it, consumable - it empties. Something like this.

    - Wait, what's the point? After all, there is the field "quantity". Is it possible to do something like this: if the quantity is positive, then this is a return, and if negative, then an expense? And the balance then is the sum of the quantities. Just the same!

    - And how are you going to do?

    - What to do?

    - Well, reverse the documents.

    Benjamin frowned, turned away from Kolya, and looked at the computer. Quickly opened a certificate, flipped through something.

    - What a storno? Is this a property or method? In the help there is nothing like that.

    - Well, this is not technical, but methodical. Cancel a document.

    - Why is the cancellation of the document is called reversal? In the sense, why this operation is somehow different to call? Can't you just delete the document?

    - No you can not. Well, that is, if you did it yesterday, you can. And if a year ago - it is impossible. Reporting has already been submitted, the numbers should not change. Therefore, the document is reversed.

    - Sounds ominous. - smiled Benjamin. - What does this mean something?

    - Do exactly the same, only in the registers all the numbers are written with the opposite sign.

    - In terms of? With a minus, or what?

    - Well.

    - Minus five tons of feed?

    - Yes.

    - So it's just an expense, isn't it? Plus five - the arrival, minus five - consumption.

    - Not. If you have plus five and minus five, then both numbers will appear in the reports. One - in the flow column, the other - in the ward column. It was as if we bought five tons of feed, and then they were left somewhere - fed the hens, or eaten themselves.

    - Or shizdili. - smiled Benjamin.

    - Well, in general, yes, in this case there will also be an expense, in debit 94 accounts.

    - Damn, Kolya, please do not start again about invoices and transactions ...

    - Okay. About the income and flow understood?

    - Not really. Well, the expense can not be done, it will hang in the reports. And how then?

    - Reversal, negative arrival.

    - And what is better?

    - The fact that you have two entries - the arrival of five and the arrival of minus five. Summing up, we get zero. In the report, in the ward column, there will be zero. More precisely, of course, there will be nothing - a virtual table will not issue records at all. As if there was nothing.

    Benjamin thought. Eyes ran from side to side, giving a mad mind work. Kohl, not wanting to dominate his friend with his close attention, turned to the computer. Benjamin took a piece of paper, began to draw some schemes with numbers.

    - So, okay. - finally said Benjamin. - It seems I understood about storno. But I did not understand why she nevertheless added the field of movement to the register for me.

    - How do you otherwise distinguish a normal arrival from the reversal? How will your scheme with positive and negative amounts work?

    - Well, how ... - Benjamin hesitated. - A positive amount is a parish, a negative one is an expense ...

    - And what about the reversal?

    - If the arrival of the parish, it is also negative ... Wait ...

    - Well, got it?

    - It seems, yes ... It will look like a normal expense. And it will not be possible to distinguish the expense from the negative income. Well your mother ...

    - What?

    - Yes, some kind of crap! I feel like a moron. As if not working as a programmer, I work as an accountant. Are you not dumb?

    - I don’t know, I’m used to ... This is 1C.

    - Well, what, what 1C? What for a programmer to know about reversal, accounting accounts and all sorts of costs there, VAT, personal income tax, KUDIR and so on? Isn't it possible to do all this in a more abstract way?

    “I don’t know ...” said Nick, embarrassed, feeling out of nowhere who had taken the blame for all his breed. - Immediately under the account all sharpened. The site, or service, or there you will not draw a mobile application on 1C. But simply and quickly.

    - Well, well, quickly. Zadolbatsya understand all these subtleties and predefined properties and methods. As you know, in the new supermarket - the devil's leg will break, how the merchandiser's head works, and where he put soy sauce - in the seasoning department or in oriental products.

    “Yes, everything seems to be clear ...” said Kolya in embarrassment.

    - You understand, because a few years sitting. But I now understand. The sources are closed, you won't see a damn thing, just a certificate. It’s impossible to understand how the thought of the developers worked.

    - Well yes. But quickly.

    - What have you done, fast and fast? What is fast?

    - Develop quickly. Well, what users need from the accounting system.

    - Come on! Where is fast? I'm on a bare html with a whine faster I will do it!

    - Maybe we bet?

    - Come on!

    - Only tomorrow, and then it's time to go home.


    - Well, what are the conditions? - asked Kohl.

    “So ... Let's do something more or less abstract.”

    - But related to accounting, ok? And then come up with a game for a mobile device ...

    - Yes, yes, of course. Maybe something related to taking orders? After all, one way or another, take orders?

    - Yes, it does.

    - So. We make from scratch a system for receiving orders. It turns out, one document ... Ugh, that and I became the tables and objects called documents ... Okay. Document - order. Property one - the client, so as not to complicate. The table of goods is simple - product, quantity, price, amount. Everything is entered manually, without auto-determination of prices and the like.

    - Is the amount at least recalculated?

    - Of course. Well, everything, sort of? You - on 1C, I - on html and cheekbones. Drove?

    - Drive!

    Both turned sharply toward the computers. Kohl created a new database, opened the configurator and quickly began to throw metadata. Benjamin opened a notebook with pluses, next is the SQL Server Manager, where he began to create tables.

    After 10 minutes, Nick stopped moving the mouse, smiled and leaned back in his chair.

    - Done. - he said.

    - What? - Benjamin did not immediately understand what Kolyan said, because was heavily immersed in the writing of input. - How ready?

    - Well, like this. Watch it.

    Benjamin drove up to Kolya in a chair, stared at the monitor. Kohl opened his first application, showed a list of orders, created a new one, indicated the goods, quantities, prices, amounts recalculated - everything was as agreed.

    - I still drew a report. - proudly said Kohl. - Here look.

    Kohl opened and showed a simple report, in which orders grouped by customer were displayed - with goods, quantities and amounts.

    - Damn ... - Benjamin leaned back in his chair. - How is that?

    - I told you, 1C faster.

    - No, well, of course, the task is simple.

    - So you yourself came up with the conditions.

    - Well, yes ... Okay, I admit. Simple applications for accounting on 1C do faster.

    - Okay. - smiled Kolyan.

    - Flexibility is not enough, of course ... And so ... In general, you won because you did not have to define classes, you did not need to draw the connection to the base, draw the interface forms, or write the button handlers.

    - In terms of? I somehow unfairly did?

    - No, no, Kolya, I don't mean that. You're doing fine. Just ...

    - What?

    - Well, I do not know ...

    - Can you lose?

    - I know how. Okay, let's work.


    - Kolya, what is a subconto?

    - Why do you want it?

    - Yes, here, the task was given in accounting. In the analysis of subconto withdraw heads.

    - Strange ... Give me, I will.

    - No, I want it myself. Just do not know what a subconto. And where is his analysis. Is it a type of offal, or what? Stomach, liver, chicken hearts?

    - No, it ...

    - And, something Italian? The word is just weird.

    - Yeah, the dish is. Served after pasta aldente, along with caprese salad.

    - Well, seriously ...

    - Cutting analytics accounting.

    - Your mother, again. Accounting ...

    - We'll have to figure it out, in the end.

    - So I'm a programmer, not an accountant.

    - Well, you and look at these tasks as a programmer. Accounting is abstract, in general. Just such a technique, devised by God knows what century. The principle of double entry.

    - I heard something like that ...

    - Well, you know the registers?

    - More or less. - Benjamin nodded.

    - Do you have a register of goods. Feed arrived - arrival in the register, feed left - consumption out of the register. So?

    - Yes, yes.

    - That's when the flow is done, where does the feed go?

    - In terms of? I do not know, there are different options. The hens were fed, or thrown away, if the feed was spoiled.

    - In the register you see where the food went?

    - No ... Or see? Wait ... - Benjamin buried in the computer.

    - Yes, do not look, no there. In the register of this information is not. Just an expense, and all. And somewhere, in another table, there is a parish. For example, in costs if the chickens were fed.

    - Well, that's understandable where that went.

    - This is understandable to you, but it is not clear for an accountant. They generally do not like registers, always look at them with hostility, like a ram at a new gate. And from the cost of your feed again in the warehouse fall.

    - What is it like?

    - Not fast. The hen ate them, grew up, and then her cuckoo was sent to the thief. Then - again to the warehouse, only in the form of ... Well, a dead chicken, in short.

    - Well? And what are you doing?

    - To the fact that without the principle of double entry, you never really understand what where it came from and where it went.

    - And what is the principle of something?

    - In balance. More precisely, no ... Balance is rather a consequence. Or not ... Damn, I'm confused right now.

    - Well, there is something to get confused. - smiled Benjamin.

    - In short. The principle of double entry says: always, in any movement, the source and the receiver must be specified. Then at any moment of time you can understand what came from where and where it went.

    - That is, taking food from the warehouse, we indicate where they were dragged? Type in the coop number 16?

    - Nearly. It does not indicate a specific place, but, as it were, the type of this place, or something ... The principal format of the receiver. For example, on costs. Or at a loss, if we throw out the spoiled feed. Although it may be spoiled and given to marriage ...

    - That is, costs, losses, marriage, warehouse, and so on - are these your receivers? Or types of receivers?

    - Well, yes, sort of. Only they are not called so, the numbers were given. These are the very accounts of accounting that you don’t want to remember.

    - Give a couple of examples?

    - Yes, at least a dozen. Costs are 20, 23, 25, 26, 44 bills, depending on the type. Losses - 94, marriage - 29, warehouse - 10, 21, 43, 41, some more like ...

    - It seems, I understand ... And between them, by these accounts, movements occur?

    - Yes, only they are not called by movements, but by those very provocations.

    - Oh, that's it ... And what about subconto? And where?

    - This is additional information, analytics accounts. Well, the type here has a score of 43 - these are finished products in warehouses. But it is not clear, in which warehouse?

    - Well yes…

    - Subconto just clarifies. For example, the warehouse of finished products No. 3. In the wiring it is indicated simply that the chicken moved to the 43th account, to this particular warehouse. Well, that's it, everyone understands where she lives now.

    - It does not live only if it is already finished products ...

    - Well, yes. Got it now?

    - Yes thank you. It seems not scary.

    - Well yes. It is terrible to dig into details, intricacies. Not in the abstract principle of accounting, but in its concrete implementation, tuning - the Russian system of accounting.

    - And what's scary?

    - When you figure it out - nothing. There are a lot of rules that go where you can, wherever you can In abstract accounting, you can make from any account to any other wiring. And in RAS - no. Plus, these rules are constantly changing state.

    - What for?

    - How do I know ... Probably, so that 1C programmers do not stay without work. Well, the army of accountants.

    - I see ... - Benjamin smiled.


    - Kolya, what is a plumb?

    - A plumb line ... It seems like a piece of iron on a long string, it is used during construction. You hang it near the brick wall you are building, and it shows a vertical. Well, that you did not deviate, and the wall then did not collapse.

    - Chot, I do not understand anything ... Why accounting to automate accounting for pieces of iron on the ropes?

    - What? Let me see.

    Kolya got up from his chair, walked over to Benjamin and stared at his monitor. There was opened a letter with the formulation of the problem of accounting - to automate the accounting of the plumb line.

    - Oh, I get it. - smiled Kohl. - This is about another plummet. Chickens when losing weight.

    - In terms of? Do they have a diet, or what?

    - No, it happens when the palatability of food decreases.

    - What? - raised his eyebrows Benjamin.

    - Well, eatability. For the first time you hear, or what?

    - Some stupid term ... What does it mean?

    - Do not eat chicken.

    - Why?

    “Who knows? I once was at the meeting, the director of the chief zootechnician tortured on this topic.” Say - apply zootechnical techniques to increase palatability of the feed. He answers - yes, that they just did not do it, they do not eat ...

    - I understood. - smiled Benjamin. - And what is there to automate? A separate document to do?

    - No, most likely the document is the same as for the gain. Only need to do so that you can enter a negative amount.

    - What? What is it like? What kind of document are you talking about?

    - Pro release. Do the hen-houses have a release of what?

    - Chicken?

    - Not. Well, that is, yes, but this is when they are sent to death. And while they live in a chicken coop, the main thing that is necessary from them is weight gain. Gain, in short. On it and the costs are distributed.

    - What is it like?

    - Well, damn ... Feed, electricity, staff salaries, and so on. Grow a chicken coop per ton of live weight per month, for example. For the same month, say, this coop was spent, say, 200 thousand rubles. This ton of weight will cost 200 thousand rubles.

    - Ah, well, I understand that. And if there was a plummet, then the release will be negative, and the cost of it will fall?

    - Yes.

    - Damn, how your head does not burst ... We this week produced minus one hundred kilograms of chicken, and it cost us 100 thousand rubles. It sounds like an explanation of a stolen official who spent the budget money for laying asphalt, and on the road not only the new asphalt did not appear, but the old one also disappeared.

    - Well, yes, this is a poultry farm. - embarrassed smiled Kohl. - It's all like that. Give me that task.

    - No, I want it myself.

    - Right?

    - Right.

    - Okay. Do not forget about accounting in their heads.

    - What?

    - Well, the second unit of measurement. They also consider their heads. There is a case.

    - Death case? I mean, do chickens die?

    - Well. And any combinations are possible. Chickens became more, and the weight decreased. Or chickens became less, and the weight increased. And so on.

    “Maybe you should give it back ...” Benjamin smiled.

    - As you want. - shrug Kolya.


    - I quit, Kolyan.

    - BUT? What? In the sense of? Why?

    - Yes, my wife is tired of living in the village. Daughter has grown up, it's time to go to school.

    - So we have a school ...

    - My wife wants to give it to the section, to rhythmic gymnastics. She herself was engaged in childhood, she said, very useful.

    “Oh, that's what ... Well, we don't have that here.” At school, like, athletics is. Summer. And in the winter - skis.

    - I told her the same way, does not want. Although, I suspect that rhythmic gymnastics is just an excuse.

    “And you are not this ...”

    - What?

    - Isn't it because of 1C?

    - And what about 1C at all?

    - Well, how ... You're this, how is it ... True programmer.

    - So what?

    - Well, here 1C, wiring, subconto, chicken on a diet ... Like a stremafon.

    - Yes, what stremafon something?

    - Yes, I understand everything ...

    - What do you understand? I now do not understand, to be honest. You, 1Sniki, some strange. You live as if with a guilt complex, as if doing something shameful.

    - Is not it so?

    - Not. What is shameful in the automation of the poultry farm?

    - Well, I do not know ... Rather, I am ashamed to call myself a programmer. We don’t know what you use there every day. Classes, objects, all kinds of encapsulations ...

    - So what? What's the difference?

    - Well, how ...

    - Well, like this. I do not remember who said this: if your code works, then it is good. What does it matter what it is written on?

    - Your words would be, yes to God in your ears ...

    - You first stuff it in your ears, Kolyan. Nothing to strive for. For such tasks as accounting for chickens, profits, losses, costs, balances and all the rest of the production, you do not need Reactor, NoSQL, webpacks and abstract components. We are with you held a competition, remember?

    - Yes I remember.

    - Here you go. If on 1C to solve the accounting problem faster, what for to make a kitchen garden from a heap of files, dependencies and components? In 10 minutes you made a system for accepting orders, for which we spend hours, days or even weeks in web projects.

    - But then I rub ...

    - What are you talking about?

    - In the sense you labor programmers. You are interested, beautiful, it works through the browser ...

    - Damn, Kolyan, you already got it. You are in a real business, sitting in a real enterprise. Helping them not to die here, to control the activities, to count chickens. And note - very cheap, I'll know your salary. And all the shy, like some zadrot, which, well, this ... With the girls he does not work, in short.

    - No, I'm not talking about that ...

    - And I'm talking about this. Afraid - do not do it - do not be afraid.

    - Genghis Khan?

    - Probably I do not know. You work on 1C - work and be proud. Do you want to become a labor - learn anything else besides 1C. Then you will print out a piece of paper with the inscription “I am TRU!”, Hang it on the wall and continue counting the hens. Well, or do sites, I do not know.

    - Yes, by the way, the site itself can do it, otherwise it is outsourced with us ...

    - Yes, a good idea. What is it with you?

    - On bitrix.

    - Damn ... No, this is not true. Well, that is, do not care, of course, but if you really want to be true, do not smoke the bitrix. This is 1C of the web world. Choose something else, Reak or Angular, and javascript, respectively. And there itself will trample.

    - SchA, wait, I will write down ...

    - Come on ... Handle, if that. I will always help. Will you help me?

    - in what?

    - In 1C.

    - Why do you want it? - surprised Kohl.

    - And why should the good disappear ...

    - I mean? I thought you forget how terrible a dream.

    - Any experience is useful, and 1C - as well. As the task will be suitable, I will decide on 1C.

    - Seriously?

    - Yes, why?

    - So, you will spit in your office.

    - Zadolbayutsya. I already have an idea, I will propose to the director ...

    - What is the idea?

    - It doesn't matter ... Listen, do you want to move to Moscow yourself? I would arrange a job.

    - I do not know ... No, I guess. I used to, but you somehow reassured me, now it has become easier. Not so dumb. I will smoke your reactions, so maybe I will be happy in general.

    “Hm, okay ...” Benjamin shrugged. - As you want.

    - Yeah, I want to. Chicken, 1C, and a little rub.

    - Okay. I have two weeks working off, I can help in mastering something, if you want.

    - Oh, class! Come on!

    Friends sat at the computer of Benjamin. Fifteen minutes Benjamin spent on something to download something from the Internet and install. When the program started, Kolya saw a name that was not completely unfamiliar - Benjamin mentioned this netbing.

    Finally, the preparations were completed, and joyful Kohl moved closer, ready to listen and understand.

    - So. - said Nick. - Is it a development environment?

    - Well, yes, like your configurator. Like?

    - Unusually ... oh well. How is that?

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