Damn dozen for PM: book list for project managers

    Binary District teachers have prepared a list of books for future students of the Project Management in IT course : this is a base that can make a good manager out of the best. The list is so good that at least half of the books can be recommended at all to anyone who wants to become the best version of themselves.


    “Comprehending Agile: Values, Principles, Methodologies” Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Green

    The book tells about the most popular Agile approaches - Scrum, XP, Lean and Kanban. No bureaucracy and paperwork, no clinging to the original plan, only readiness for changes and communication with each other and with the customer. The book is suitable not only for those who are familiar with Agile, but also for those who have already encountered a flexible approach to development in practice: it sets out the principles and ideas that stand behind specific techniques.

    “Scrum. A revolutionary project management method. ”Jeff Sutherland

    We say "party", we mean "Lenin", and vice versa. If Agile is an approach, then Scrum is one of the agile development methodologies. Scrum - a rugby term, means a centipede with priests towards the audience, which players form during the fight around the ball. Today it is one of the most popular methodologies for developing new IT products - when a small group (7 plus or minus 2 people) is fiercely and purposefully, like rugby players, grapple in the work on a new project. Sutherland describes Scrum's commandments in detail in the book: all are responsible for the result, down the hierarchy, complete transparency of information about the project, and so on.

    “How to put things in order” by David Allen

    The legendary book about the GTD system (Getting Things Done). Even the author himself admits that the name sounds alarmingly - as if once again they want to make us work more and have time for everything. In fact, the book is much more useful - it shows how to "solve problems" correctly. For example, how to decide what to do in the first place, and how to stop worrying about what has not been done. Allen does not focus on inspiring passages and motivation, but on useful techniques and techniques.

    “Deadline. A novel about project management »Tom DeMarco

    Raise your hands to those for whom the deadline is the biggest scarecrow and the best motivation to finally set aside coffee and, wildly stressful, frantically get to work. The book is primarily aimed at product managers and teaches project management, but it will be useful to all those who are not very good at managing their time. As promised in the DeMarco title, the story about the principles of management is kept in the novel format - with a plot and other attributes, so the book is easy to read.

    “Leader and Tribe: Five Levels of Corporate Culture” John King, Dave Logan

    The authors argue that even a person who values ​​only weekends in his work can be turned into a super-loyal company fan who will go to the office as if it were a holiday. They distinguish five levels of team development: life sucks → my life sucks (others don’t) → I’m cool (I don’t have the rest) → we are cool (there are no others) → life is beautiful. The higher this level, the more loyal the staff and the more effective the team. Determine the level of advised on stable expressions used by employees. German Gref recommends the book to all managers at Sberbank. In general, it will be useful to all who play the role of the leader of the "tribe" - a team of 20+ people: for example, developers who teach at the university at their leisure.

    "The Five Vices of the Team" by Patrick Lensioni

    Mayakovsky has this: “I read the report. Not a report, but a novel. ” So here, well-known business coach Patrick Lensioni, instead of another team building guide, wrote a story about how a manager came to one backward company to raise it from their knees, and what he had done there. Rather, the story is one part of the book. The second one is a guide that systematizes the mistakes and successful steps of the manager himself. In addition to the artistic component, the publication is good because it translates the phrase “create a team spirit” from the poetic sphere into a strictly logical one.

    “Without TK: How to start the service and not miss anything. Digital Product Development Outsourcing »Dmitry Ershov

    A product manager with ten years of experience serves as a cool guide for beginner products. He talks about both the everyday life of managers and real-life product development cases — read in one breath. It is especially valuable that the book describes Russian realities.

    Personal development

    “Think slowly, decide quickly” Daniel Kahneman

    The world bestseller from the Nobel laureate tells how the lazy brain deceives us, pretending what it thinks and what actually happens when we are sure that we are making informed decisions. The bad news is: even if you are warned about traditional thinking errors, you have to be alert all the time to “catch yourself by the hand.” The good news: Armed with information from Kaneman’s book, it’s easier to bypass the brain traps.

    "Goal: a process of continuous improvement" Eliyahu Goldratt

    Another talented book in the fashion business genre today is about how one manager saves a company with an overstocked warehouse and a cloud of overdue orders. Written is accessible and very exciting, and literally clears the brain on how to effectively manage the company.

    “You can agree on everything!” Gavin Kennedy

    The magic word of the negotiator is “if”, and with its help much can be achieved, you just need to know how. Explicit and implicit tricks and techniques of the negotiators from this book are universal and will be useful to everyone, including parents trying to negotiate with a fraying child at the bar with chocolates (and this is exactly in the top 10 most difficult tasks in the world).

    “Difficult conversations: what and how to say when the stakes are high” Joseph Granny and Ron Macmillan

    If Kennedy gives a good base, here we delve into the complex topic of negotiations on sick or sensitive topics, when the interlocutors are overwhelmed with emotions and it is easy to spoil everything. For example, how to tell the developer Serezha that no one wants to work with him because he infuriates everyone? Usually they either cut the truth-womb in the forehead, or suffer and keep silent, which is equally bad. Granny and Macmillan will teach the subtle art of speaking honestly and not offending people.

    “Say No First” Jim Camp

    But Jim Camp believes that the most important word of the negotiator is “No.” But there is no contradiction here (sorry for the pun). When it comes to unnecessary compromises and fruitless discussions in trying to observe the very overvalued principle of win-win, it’s better not to find a tool.

    “The power of the moment. How to fill life with vivid and memorable events "Chip Heath, Dan Heath

    The latest book of the Heath brothers, who wrote the famous Traps of Thinking. It opens with a strong and touching story about how the founders of a school for Latin American children invented a ceremony that made the graduates think about the future and had a great impact on their lives. And this story sets the tone for the whole book - the authors teach how to “become a wizard” and create such moments that your clients, your team, and your children will remember for a lifetime.

    The role of a really good IT project manager is not limited to planning, setting tasks and controlling deadlines. This is a negotiator, and an optimizer, and the owner of a broad outlook in technical terms. The fact that the project manager should be able to manage so that the best companies of the market will fight for him, we will tell you on a four-week course.Project Management in IT , which starts on November 19 and will be held in Moscow Digital October.

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