Android ahead of iOS in revenue from ad impressions on social networks and games on mobile devices

Photo: REUTERS 2015
In the first quarter of 2015, the Android mobile OS ranked first in terms of revenue from mobile advertising, ahead of iOS. Android now accounts for 45.8% of revenue from mobile advertising, writes RBC.
Opera Mediaworks’s State of Mobile Advertising report, based on which this publication was prepared, also mentions the high iOS monetization potential. For example, the revenue-to-ad ratio of iOS is higher than Android. At the same time, according to the results of the first quarter of 2015, the maximum revenue from mobile advertising impressions was brought by the iPad, with a 4: 1 revenue-impression ratio.
Apple’s OS still ranks first in terms of traffic and revenue from mobile video advertising. So, the coefficient of full viewing of advertising videos among users of this OS is higher than among users of the Android OS: 87.1 instead of 76.7%.
The most profitable categories for the first quarter are social networks and games. Relatively recently, these categories have defined the category of “music, video and media”.