Dostoevian crowdfunding passions

Western journalists put Indiegogo in a row with GoFundMe . GoFundMe is associated with various semi-scandal fundraising campaigns, such as a pizzeria that raised $ 842,000 after announcing its rejection of same-sex weddings or a florist who raised $ 150,000 for refusing to service such customers. (We in Russia will leave the emotional color of these proposals overboard. We have a different politic.) Darren Wilson also raised money here.
Despite this, GoFundMe refused to place the campaign in the interests of Michael Sliger, and Indiegogo allowed it to be posted. Currently, the campaign has raised $ 136.
Most users are against such a campaign and the number of negative comments is growing quite quickly.
Who posted the campaign complements:
I see a lot of negative reviews about the fundraising campaign, but remember Officer Michael Sleiger deserves competent protection, regardless of the widespread opinion about his actions. This is still America.
Comments Indiegogo
Indiegogo allows anyone, anywhere to get funding for their ideas, and we, like other open platforms Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, are not going to condemn the content of campaigns as long as they comply with our terms of use.