Understanding Virtualization, Containers, and Kubernetes: 18 Cloud Work Stuff

    In this compilation, we have combined articles and guides for those who want to get acquainted with virtualization. In the materials under the cat - how did the virtual infrastructure appear, what is containerization and what does Cloud DevOps Engineer do?

    Likbez and historical excursion

    Virtual Infrastructure: Historical Retrospective
    The article will talk about the technologies that formed the basis of modern IaaS and PaaS solutions. Let's see how virtualization solutions have evolved since the 60s of the last century, when the first mass mainframes appeared, before the beginning of the zero, with which new hypervisors came.

    Fantastic cloud computing and where they live
    Material about those times when push-button telephones, tetris, and mass purchases of hardware for business development were popular. We describe how computing power was “mined” before the advent of cloud technologies: why it was difficult and expensive, and what changed in the era of the “cloud boom”.

    How SaaS, PaaS and IaaS work: like a pizza, just a cloud (in English)
    A few years ago, an IBM engineer from Albert Barron described the work of the IaaS, PaaS and SaaS cloud services using the example of pizza making. He called his concept Pizza-as-a-Service. The author of this article, David Ng, the developer of Oursky, which has created an open backend platform for writing applications , explains why Barron’s vision is not quite right. David offers an alternative version of the analogy with this Italian dish, in his opinion, more complete and correct.

    What to listen about the cloud: 10 podcasts about IaaS and PaaS
    The presenters of the shows discuss the latest news and technologies from the cloud sphere: containers, virtualization, DevOps, and even GDPR. The list has podcasts for both newbies and those who have been “brewed” on a cloud topic for a long time. Important: nine out of ten audio shows presented are in English.

    Work in the cloud

    Why clouds go down to earth: what is foggy computing
    Researchers at IDC analyst firm believe that classic cloud technologies will not be able to cope with the amount of data that will generate IoT devices and artificial intelligence systems in the near future. Therefore, according to their estimates , by 2025, 45% of the data will be processed on the periphery. The article tells why the traditional cloud can not “pull”, and how the technologies designed to strengthen it work - foggy and peripheral computing.

    Cloud professions from “a” to “z”
    In 2009, there was only one vacancy in HHrelated to cloud technologies, and now there are a thousand. The article talks about which of the “cloud” specialists is most in demand in the market, and what skills these people should possess. It is recommended to read not only HR'am, but also those who are thinking of starting a career "in the cloud."

    Cloud native: the cloud is home to new business models
    We discuss the impact of technology on the services market as a whole and on specific online services: for ordering a taxi and food, listening to music, streaming games and storing data. Let us tell you how the cloud influenced the monetization model of Dropbox and why streaming services like Netflix are called the “parents” of the television renaissance concept .

    Can cloud replace data center employees? (in English)
    In 2015, the game development company Zynga fired360 employees. Their work is now performed by Amazon cloud services. Experts say that in a couple of years the cloud can “take away the work” of network and system administrators. How true this is and whether it is urgent to change qualifications - an analysis of the situation in this article.

    Cloud security

    Security in a public cloud: how to check the reliability of a data center
    Five years ago, half of Russian companies considered public clouds unsafe. Today, their share has shrunk to 10%. We discuss the reasons for increasing the level of trust and tell what measures the provider is taking to protect the cloud. Inside you will find two checklists: the first is for checking the security of the data center, the second for safe migration to the cloud.

    Containers and cloud security : what's the advantage (in English)
    Material from the personal blog of James Bottomley, who works with the cloud and containers in IBM Research and is “involved” in the development of the Linux kernel. Bottomli offers a look at security in the cloud from the perspective of the provider and the tenant. He compiled attack profiles, compared the threat levels for different types of infrastructures and suggested three ways to reduce the number of vulnerabilities in the cloud.

    Netflix OSS Solutions for Cloud Protection (in English)
    The Netflix Information Security Team talks about its open source projects for protecting data in the cloud. Many of them are named after animals: Security Monkey monitors cloud security, Sleepy Puppy prevents crossite scripting , and Lemurautomates the management of SSL certificates. For all the tools are links to GitHub.

    Security - the main driver of growth of the virtual infrastructure market (in English)
    Experts from MIT and Google Cloud interviewed five hundred IT executives of international companies and found that a key factor in migrating business-critical applications to the cloud is its security. But does this mean that the cloud has really become more secure? In the study - expert opinion and forecasts.

    Infographics: popularity and security of the cloud (in English)
    Rick Blaisdell, an expert with twenty years of experience in the IT industry and the author of numerous articlesabout cloud technologies, gathered in one place the results of surveys of clients from Cisco, Spotlight, McAfee, Alert Logic and Symantec on the topic of security in the cloud. Blaisdell created an infographic in which he reflected statistics on the introduction of cloud technologies, the most popular types of workloads in the cloud, solutions for data protection, as well as the attitude of users to cloud security in general.


    Kubernetes - for those who have a large farm
    Although virtualization allows you to manage different operating systems on the same machine and simplifies the work of administrators, virtual servers consume a large amount of resources and take up a lot of space. In this article, in simple words (and with the help of analogies) we tell what application containers are and how they help solve these problems. We will also talk about how to "steer" a large-scale container system using Kubernetes .

    Kubernetes Beginner's Guide (in English)
    How to work with the container management system Kubernetes: from launch and configuration to the nuances of use. The author of the material, Ulash Turkmen, CTO of the chat bots company Twyla, shares his personal experience with Kubernetes and deals with the problems that he (like a beginner) had in the course of studying this tool. Having passed this tutorial, you will learn how to lift a container cluster from scratch.

    Kubernetes 4 years later: the project's path (in English)
    A brief insight into the history of Kubernetes from TechCrunch: how the idea of ​​the project originated, why it was made open and how it became popular. All this with examples and opinions of industry experts and authors of the tool.

    "Container" terminology for beginners (in English)
    The article is useful to those who want to "join" the topic Kubernetes. In this article, Scott McCarthy, who teaches how to work with Red Hat clients, developers, and partners, has prepared a small thematic glossary of terms. He explains such concepts as the image layer, orchestration, register, and gives real cases of work with Kubernetes.

    Linux container in 500 lines: a practical guide (in English)
    Lizzy Dickson, a security specialist and software developer, tells you how many lines of code you need to create a secure container from scratch. It turns out - 570. And the article is about how to do it.

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