A bit about container virtualization

Original author: Brandon Butler
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We share not only our own experience in automating various services of our virtual infrastructure provider (a couple of examples: 1 and 2 ), but also analyze Western experience.

Today, Brandon Butler helped us with this, who wrote a note about what is happening in the topic of containers and how they will get along with classical instruments. / Photo m-louis / CC At the thematic conference in San Francisco, VMware introduced a new virtualization technology. This time for containers. This product was called Project Photon or "microvisor". It is a branch of the ESX hypervisor, adapted for working with containers.

The project has two main components: Photon Machine and Photon Controller. The first is responsible for building mini-VMs and creating containers, and the second is something like a router that manages hundreds of Photon Machine objects.

The developers said that Photon can be integrated with open systems like Docker. Its main task is to prepare the IT infrastructure for work.

In addition to this innovation, the company introduced a more traditional tool - VSphere Integrated Containers - a plugin for VSphere and an ideal option for those who would like to experiment with container technology. This solution allows you to distribute containers across several VMs at once instead of one.

VMware experts are calm about the market situation and do not see any prerequisites for concern. They emphasize a surge of interest, which does not correspond to the real situation in practice.

These releases are a significant move by a major player who has identified himself as one of the leaders in a growing trend for the development of the entire virtual infrastructure industry.

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