PHP Digest No. 74 - interesting news, materials and tools (November 5 - 22, 2015)
We bring to your attention the next selection with links to news and materials.
Enjoy reading!
News and Releases
- PHP 7.0.0 RC 7 - PHP 7 was expected to be released on November 12, however, due to the instability of RC 6, it was decided to release an additional release candidate. The final release should be expected in a week, of course, if no significant problems are found.
- Drupal 8.0.0 - After four and a half years of development and thanks to the efforts of 3 thousand contributors, Drupal 8 saw the light of day. Video announcement . The system is completely redesigned, uses Symfony components and is compatible with PHP 7. Nevertheless, in performance tests, the new version shows worse results than Drupal 7 - a critical look . Support for Drupal 6 was also announced February 24, 2016 .
- Symfony 3.0.0-BETA1
- Magento 2
- A quarter of the largest sites are running WordPress - According to the W3Techs rating , the share of WordPress among the ten million popular sites has reached 25%.
- RFC: Default Value in List Assignment Syntax - It is proposed to implement the default values for the construct
:list($a, $b='default') = [1]; // a = 1, b = 'default'
- RFC: Void Return Type - Voting on a feature proposal
ended with a positive result. Improvements are expected in PHP 7.1. - RFC: Resource typehint - It is proposed to add type support
for typinghinting parameters and return values. - RFC: ext / curl HTTP / 2 Server Push Support - As the name implies, it is proposed to implement HTTP / 2 Server Push support in curl.
- oscarotero / Embed - A library for conveniently obtaining meta-information about pages (oembed, opengraph, twitter-cards, images, etc.). Sent tkf .
- akalongman / php-ip-tools - A universal tool for working with IPv4 / IPv6. Sent l0ngman .
- bitExpert / disco - DI container compatible with the container-Interop standard .
- php-http / httplug - A set of abstract interfaces for unifying HTTP clients in PHP. A post with an example of use.
- dunglas / phpdoc-to-typehint - The tool adds the appropriate typhints for PHP 7 based on docblock comments. Post in support.
- Payum / Payum - An excellent library that simplifies integration with various payment services: Paypal, Payex,, Be2Bill and others. The topic is a comparison of Payum and Omnipay .
- Spomky-Labs / otphp - Implementation of one-time passwords based on RFC 4226 (HOTP) and RFC 6238 (TOTP).
- eloquent / phony - Moki, stubs.
- Ocramius / PSR7Session - Implementation of sessions in the form of PSR-7 middleware.
- bitExpert / adroit - PSR-7 middleware implementing the Action-Domain-Responder pattern .
- etsy / applepay-php - PHP extension that allows you to check and decrypt Apple Pay payment tokens. Post with a description.
- vinkla / climb - The utility checks if there are more recent versions of dependencies than those written in your composer.json.
- briannesbitt / carbon - Extended wrapper over DateTime. Post with examples of use.
- reactphp / espresso - Silex + React / Http
Learning Materials
- Upgrading to PHP 7 - A free book from O'Reilly and Davey Shafik.
- My PHP 7 Migration Experience
- New in Symfony 2.8: Enhanced Console
- New in Symfony 2.8: Symfony as a microframework
- User management in Symfony2 with FOSUserBundle
- Prevent Time Attacks When Comparing Strings Using a Double Hash Strategy (HMAC)
- Cryptographic Library Selection Guide for a PHP Project
- Risks and problems of password hashing
- mattiasgeniar / php-exploit-scripts - A small selection of malicious scripts found on hacked servers.
- 103 of the 1000 most popular WordPress plugins contain vulnerabilities - Static code analysis of thousands of popular plugins.
- Neat with threads - Great post on threading and working with pthreads .
- A rational approach to the coding style
- About Composer commands -
composer test
and other examples. - Symfony, Xdebug, and the maximum nesting issue
- ReactPHP: HTTP Client - Examples of using a non-blocking HTTP client.
- Introduction to Zend Expressive - Zend microframework tutorial that allows you to quickly implement projects based on PSR-7 middleware.
- Doctrine 2 ORM - Best Practices - Slides by Marco Pivetta (Ocramius).
- Create test data using fixture factories
- PHP vs Ruby - Let's Live Together
- Asynchronous PHP - A selection of links to the topic of asynchronous PHP.
- PHP Study Guide - A quick guide to preparing for PHP certification.
- Protected classes
- Description of constants PDO :: FETCH_ *. - Analysis of the assignment of constants of the modes of obtaining data in PDO with examples. Sent FanatPHP .
- Symfony2 Certificate Two-Factor Authorization
- Making open_basedir + realpath_cache work together
- We force the php-fpm 5.6 service launched through systemd to read global environment variables
- Go search for palindromes
- Using large pages in memory in PHP 7
Audio and video
- Five Minute PHP Issue # 16 - Composer Virtual Packages
- PHP Roundtable: 034: Debugging is more than var_dump ()
- Video reports from SymfonyCampUa 2015 - Submitted by Igor Onachenko .
- Rasmus Lerdorf - Deploying PHP 7
- Rasmus Lerdorf - Speeding up the Web with PHP 7
- PHP 7 Up and Running - An overview of new features.
- Video recordings of reports from the conference php [world] 2015
- POPSuL / brainfuck - PHP brainfuck interpreter. Sent popsul .
Thanks for attention!
In the last issue, there was a vote on the inclusion of extensions for popular frameworks in the Digest. 86% (337) reacted to the idea positively, so in the next release there will be a selection of tools for frameworks. Special thanks to everyone who voted!
If you notice a mistake or inaccuracy - please inform me in PM .
Questions and suggestions write to mail or twitter .
Send links to interesting articles or useful tools that were not in the PHP Digests , and your name will be next to the link in the release.
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