Go error handling idea


Recently (and not only recently), many copies have been broken about the inconvenience of error handling in Go.

The essence of the claims is that direct use:

customVar, err := call()
if err != nil {
	return err

on large numbers of repetitions is much less convenient than the classic:

try {
	String customVar = call();
} catch (BadException e) {

One can argue for a long time both on the subject matter of the claims and on roundabout maneuvers , however, the logic in the “package” approach does exist.

In this connection, I had an idea about handling exceptions without much departure from the “Go-way”. The option is not working - just my imagination.

It would look like this:

try err {
	customVar1, err := call1()
	customVar2, err := call2()
	customVar3, err := call3()
} catch {
	return err

The general idea is this: immediately after try, a variable (in our case err) of the error type is declared, the scope of which is the entire try ... catch block. Further, each time a variable is assigned a new value inside the try block, the compiler checks it for nil, and if an error is returned, a transition to the catch block follows. Theoretically, this is not a very expensive operation; performance should not be affected.

It is also possible to assign several variables, such as:

try errIo, errNet {
	customVarIo1, errIo := callIo1()
	customVarIo2, errIo := callIo2()
	customVarNet1, errNet := callNet1()
	customVarNet2, errNet := callNet2()
} catch {
	if errIo != nil {
		return errIo
	} else {
		return errNet

In this case, the example is not very illustrative, however, with a large amount of code inside try, it can be useful to group errors so that in catch they are not reduced to:

switch err {
	case net.Error1:
	case net.Error2:
	case io.Error1:
	case io.Error2:

In general, I have everything. Scold.

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