Hut reading room or a selection of professional literature

I’ve been saving up quite a long time, choosing from various interviews, tips, articles, etc., lists of books in the “What else would I like to read” series on the topic of interfaces, behavioral psychology and business.
When the list turned into a huge pile of excerpts, references and sketches, it decided that it was time to bring this pile to the state of maximum benefit.
It took more than one hour to bring order to my person, and with the thought of “What is good to be lost,” decided to share it with Habr's readers. I hope he will benefit and save time searching for literature.
The list was divided into four categories:
- Books about business;
- Design books - did not list classics, but supplemented with something new (in my opinion);
- Books on behavioral psychology;
- Books about the texts.
For some books found sammari, links are attached.
I would be grateful to everyone who complements the list with other useful books and references.
Also offers to expand the category. As proposals arrive, I will supplement the list.
I really want this article to bring maximum benefit not only to myself, but also to colleagues.

1. Business from scratch. Lean Startup Method for Quickly Testing Ideas and Choosing a Business Model
Eric ReesDescription: A bright and useful book for everyone who is going to start their own business.
It honestly and openly talks about all aspects of transforming yourself into an entrepreneur, traps and dangers, opportunities and omissions. rating: 4
Number of pages: 256
Review: The book in the original contains examples regarding the launch of IT start-ups on the B2C market, which make you think about how to do it right, and the recommendations of the author who conducts consulting practice on this topic.
Having experience in more than 20 startups, I can firmly say that the book is writing the truth. I think that it should be read by any beginner or advanced startups, especially those whose startup is constantly failing.
2. Purple cow. Make your business outstanding!
Set GodinDescription: You do not have to spend huge amounts of money on advertising if your offer to customers is unique, and your marketing is viral. Anything that is different from most attracts attention and sets you apart from the rest. After all, even an atypical coloring can provoke an unprecedented interest - imagine, for example, a purple cow among ordinary black, white and brown. Be sure: you can always stand out, you only need to think about what in your industry no one else has done. If you are the owner of the company or do marketing - this book is for you. rating: 4
Number of pages: 176
Review:I wanted to say that the book is more likely not for an outstanding business, but for people who want to create something unusual, in other words, a “purple cow”. I do not recommend reading the book to those who are close to mediocrity and the desire not to stand out from the crowd. I put 5 of 5. The book inspired me a lot and clarified many things about the advertising strategy and its perception.
The book is about niches in business and dominance at the expense of the product, not advertising. About new world trends. About outstanding products.
Leaves a mixed impression. On the one hand, it has useful tips on how to make your business outstanding, and, rather, it is not even tips, but examples of successful companies that make you think and suggest how you could integrate their successful experience into your business. . On the other hand, the author is very categorical in his statements and believes that it is much more risky to be the same company as everyone, rather than trying to be an outstanding company, taking the corresponding risks.
3. Development of value propositions. How to create products and services that consumers want to buy
Yves Pigne, Alexander Osterwalder, and others.Description: At the core of any business model is a value proposition describing the benefits that your products and services give to the consumer. The new tool developed by the authors of this book, the value proposition template, will make it possible to consider all aspects of the complex process of developing and testing new products and come up with this version of the proposal that will lead your business to market leaders. The book contains a huge number of examples of developing and analyzing value propositions from the world's best companies, which makes it an extremely practical tool for businesses from any sphere. The book is written for entrepreneurs and managers who want to keep their finger on the pulse of the consumer market and react sensitively to its changes.
Liters Rating:5
Number of pages: 420
Review: Excellent book and a great tool for the formation of value propositions. A very good algorithm to understand is the value to the consumer or it is necessary to complement the business model before entering the market.
4. Delivering happiness. From zero to billion
Tony SheaDescription: In this book several stories are collected at once, one more incendiary than the other. Autobiography of one of the brightest young businessmen of recent times, who started his first business at the age of nine.
The history of the development of his company Zappos, for ten years from zero accelerated to the billionth turnover. And most importantly, the story of how Tony and his associates managed to build a business that pleases not only the owners, but also all those involved in the company - from employees and customers to suppliers and partners. About all plans and trials, mistakes and curiosities, principles and commandments of Zappos - first-hand and first-person.
The book will bring happiness to all who are interested in the success stories of modern companies and the principles of creating a strong business. Especially those who own or manage the company.
Rating Liters: 4,6
Number of pages: 300
Review: Although what was said in the book should be strictly filtered, correlating with our realities, I, as the owner of online stores, found in it a lot of useful and interesting things for myself. Very inspiring, I want to immediately run and do something. And although the thought “there were other times, somewhere was scratched, then it was all easier, they were pioneers ...” still there is an understanding that in 10-15-20 years they will also say about our time.
The author also very well reminds about the need to build and maintain a social atmosphere in the company and that not everything is decided by money ...

1. Designing Web Interfaces
Theresa Neil, Bill ScottDescription: The authors offer more than 75 templates for creating their own convenient and attractive web applications. The following templates illustrate six key principles that allow you to fully use the capabilities of modern web technologies and ensure the effectiveness of the user interaction process.
For clarity, the book presents a large number of graphic samples taken from real functioning sites. All illustrations in color version for detailed information can be downloaded from the publisher's website.
The publication contains all the necessary information to the designer and developer to make the right decisions to create or update an interactive site or a rich web application. This book should read every modern web designer. The templates presented in it will serve as an excellent addition to the toolkit, useful reference material that will help both the novice and the experienced specialist in their work.
Rating Liters: 4
Number of pages: 348
Review:Very interesting. There is live material on UI / UX. The authors are practitioners, and with achievements. Despite the 2010 translation (and even earlier - the year of writing), little has changed. Apparently, because the design of interfaces develops by jumps, from one revolution to another, and the one who thinks strategically, and in general - who thinks, wins. Does not copy the mainstream.
More to the authors, plus something that they write about, they also demonstrate “in the flesh,” in practice.
The book will certainly be useful. Those who are accustomed to think, and pass the learned "through themselves." For such readers there is a base here to make a qualitative leap in development.
2. Information architecture on the Internet. 2nd edition
Peter Morville, Louis RosenfeldtDescription:Developers of large corporate sites and intranets with a complex information architecture will find all the necessary material in Rosenfeld and Morville’s book “Information Architecture on the Internet”. According to experts, Lou and Peter wrote one of the best books on web design, the real Bible of the EA. Most books on web development focus on either the graphics or the technical aspects of the site. This edition discusses both. The authors consider not only the user interface, the content and structure of the site, but also issues affecting the corporate hierarchy and policy. You will learn how to develop a memorable and yet easy-to-use website, how to organize a site hierarchy and navigation systems on it, understandable to users, how to customize search systems that return meaningful results. Principles
Rating Liters: 5
Number of pages: 534
Review: In my opinion, a very rare and high-quality book. Suitable for both a business architect and business analysts who develop business processes for further automation. At this point in time, the question arose of writing architecture, fully guided by this book.
3. User stories. The art of agile software development
Jeff PattonDescription: User stories are a method for describing requirements for a product under development. The book tells how to properly use this technique in order to focus on the task and the client's wishes, and not to spray on the implementation of secondary functions. The author of the book shows how this approach not only speeds up and systematizes the development, but also improves mutual understanding in a team.
Rating Liters: 4
Number of pages: 400
Review: An excellent book with a detailed explanation of what story cards give, how to put them into practice. There are live examples of colleagues of the author. Very easy to read, as a dialogue with the author.
Books of professionals read easily. This book is one of those. I learned interesting nuances about the problems of joint vision of the product and immediately ran into it at work. Recommend.
4. Design time. Psychology of time perception in software
Stephen K. SeovDescription: There is hardly a person who would not be familiar with the state of agonizing waiting when working on a computer. The long process of installing programs, downloading updates, anti-virus scanning ... Everyone understands that it is technically impossible to reduce this time, but there are other ways to change the situation. About them and described in this book. The author examines in detail the features of the perception of time by man and offers methods and techniques that contribute to improving user tolerance and satisfaction. The proposed methods allow not only to cause the user to feel the acceleration of long-term operations, but also to make him enjoy the time spent waiting for them to complete.
Rating Liters:
Number of pages: 217
5. “Work to be done”
IntercomDescription: Comparing the most valuable lessons we have learned so
far, Intercom’s publication on the concept of “Work to be
done” helps you to understand for which real work your customers are using
your product.
If you want to know more, we regularly share our thoughts
on the concept of “Work to be done”,
product management , design and start-up companies in our blog “Inside Intercom”.
Number of pages: 69
6. Form Design Patterns
Adam SilverDescription: On the techniques of form design. The author examines many typical examples.
Number of pages: 386
Testimonial: It was very lacking, because the only decent thing that existed until this point - Web Form Design by Luke Wroblewski - to put it mildly, was outdated.
Judging by the free chapter (“registration form”), the book turned out to be quite sensible. The only thing I don’t understand is why they stuffed the implementation nuances in JavaScript into the design book.

Behavior psychology
1. Think slowly ... Decide quickly
Daniel KahnemanDescription: Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman explains why we sometimes commit irrational actions and how we make the wrong decisions. We have two systems of thinking. “Slow” thinking turns on when we solve a problem or select goods in a store and “fast” - automatic, instantaneous and unconscious ... rating: 4
Number of pages: 656
An excellent popular science book about some of the principles of our thinking. The book, thanks to which it will simply be easier for you to live, accept reality and look at it more soberly. The author deeply reveals the meaning of his research. Provides a sufficient number of examples. This book is, in fact, a manual for beginners of the development of elements of artificial intelligence.
Almost 600 pages are not the easiest text. To fully perceive all the material, it seems, you need to read several times. The text is designed for a prepared reader.
2. The buyer is on the hook. Habit Product Formation Guide
Nier Eyal, Ryan HooverDescription: Why do some products attract our attention and some do not? How do some products form our habits? Do these products have any similarities and patterns?
This book describes a four-step process that allows you to shape customer habits. Products that form habits, allow you to regularly return consumers without aggressive marketing and expensive advertising. rating: 5
Number of pages: 224
Review:This is a book from the category "I knew all this, I simply could not articulate." Well, that is, many of these things probably occurred to you if you were doing something similar. Or at least thought about questions like "why one product may be more popular than another." But it was difficult or simply not enough time to put them in some system. Congratulations, the author in this book does it all for you.
3. Brain plasticity: Stunning facts about how thoughts can change the structure and function of our brain.
Norman DoydzhDescription:
Norman Doyd offers a revolutionary look at the human brain. He talks about the brilliant scientists who are promoting a new science of neuroplasticity, and the astounding successes of the people whose lives they have changed — examples of the recovery of stroke patients; the case of a woman who had half a brain from birth, who reprogrammed herself to perform the functions of the missing half, a history of overcoming obedience and emotional disturbances, increasing intelligence and restoring an aging rating: 5
Number of pages: 544
Review: The most informative book about the possibilities of the human brain, written in a very interesting and accessible way, is read in one breath.
After reading many of the moments that happen to us, they become clearer and closer. It helps to better understand yourself and the people around you. After reading these books, you understand how our brain is still a unique thing, and that we can really do a lot if we learn a little about how it all happens and works. Do not just advise, but please - read this book. There is a lot of useful information about it, how we work, what rules our psyche, our brain, our body works.
4. How we make decisions
John LehrerDescription: Every moment we make decisions: from very important to insignificant and everyday. It is this property - the ability to make free choice - and makes a person a man.
But how does this happen? How does the brain, in a fraction of a second, process a tremendous amount of information? How do the mind and intuition? These questions occupy not only philosophers and neuroscientists, but also each of us. John Lehrer not only fascinatingly describes how the decision-making mechanism works. The book “How we make decisions” talks about how the selection process takes place and at the same time helps to make this process more efficient. rating: 4
Number of pages: 352
Review:Simple abstracts with vivid, memorable examples. Understandable logic of the book. There are useful practical conclusions, especially about the balance between emotions and ratio when making important decisions. The book is great! This is the psychology that everyone should know. Written clearly, clearly and very interesting. Sometimes intuition is important, and sometimes you can not go on about the "erroneous intuition" and listen only to your mind. The book is about all the intricacies of the decision-making process with examples from the lives of great athletes, directors, managers!
5. The turning point. How minor changes lead to global change
Malcolm GladwellDescription: What is the book about? The fact that ideas, products, information and types of behavior are distributed in the same way as viruses. The author seeks to answer two main questions: why some ideas, types of behavior or products cause epidemics, while others do not, and what can we do in order to cause beneficial epidemics at will and consistently manage them. rating: 4
Number of pages: 256
Review: An interesting and useful reading, reveals some of the secrets of the popularity of seemingly ordinary things.
Describes in detail how and what happens during moments of rises to the peak of popularity. Reveals patterns, why certain things happen.
Very exciting and useful book! Personally, I was most interested in how it turns out that something suddenly becomes extremely fashionable. And in the book I found several excellent case studies on the topic - such as the history of the American shoe brand Hush Puppies, how it turned from being practically dying into a trendy one. But other stories collected by Gladwell are no less exciting. In the end, it's just interesting - to find out how some minor changes lead to significant consequences.
Disadvantages: Many examples about the epidemic of disease and murder, a little unpleasant to read.
6. Hacking marketing. The science of why we buy
Phil BardenDescription: In the book, consumer behavior is analyzed using modern science of decision making. The author talks about the reasons for making purchases on the example of brands and services, tells what happens in the mind of the buyer when he makes decisions, and how you can use modern scientific research in your marketing. rating: 5
Number of pages: 304
Review: The book is very interesting to read. I think it will be useful for both marketers and those interested in psychology and mind manipulation. There are a lot of useful chips that you can immediately apply. Many visual illustrations.
Disadvantages: There are no methodologies for analyzing or applying the principles described. There are just examples on famous brands. Pieces 10-20.
7. Social psychology
Robert CialdiniDescription: This book, which has stood five editions, has all the key characteristics of a modern textbook on social psychology. It comprehensively covers the approaches to the understanding of such socio-psychological phenomena as social influence, persuasion, cognition, self-esteem, and examines in detail the phenomena of the social psychology of friendship and love.
Rating Liters: 4
Number of pages: 1420
Review:R. Cialdini is known to us from his book "The Psychology of Influence." In it, he briefly described the interaction of people with each other. This book "Social Psychology" was the basis for it. This is a long-term study of the behavior of people in society, the reasons for such behavior. This book is for those who have read the “Psychology of Influence” and want to understand themselves, their decisions, and their relations with the outside world even more deeply. A bit hard to read, but worth it. Recommend!
8. Psychology. People, concepts, experiments
Paul KleinmanDescription: The author of this book has rejected boring details and statistics and offers the reader entertaining psychology lessons from which it is impossible to break away!
The book will be useful for anyone interested in psychology, but does not have time to study the original sources.
Rating Liters: 4
Number of pages: 280
Review: The book is good. It is easy to read (for me it was important, since psychology is not the main activity). The information is presented in excellent form, does not overload. Do not have time to get bored, because the heads are rather small. For me personally, there were no boring and tiring chapters in the book.
Very good book. For those who are interested in those on which the basic principles of psychology are based.
9. Neuromarketing: Visualizing Emotions
Arndt TripleDescription: A book about how to comprehend the secrets of consumer behavior and induce to make a purchase, using the techniques of traditional marketing, supplemented by the results of modern brain research. She talks about neuromarketing - a new direction at the junction of two sciences, which allows you to use the knowledge of the laws of human perception to choose a more accurate way of emotional impact on the buyer at points of sale.
Rating liters: 4
Number of pages: 110
Review:Do you want to understand such an interesting question as NEUROMARKETING? Then this book is what you need. The book may not please everyone: it contains terms that are not familiar to most, but not so many. I recommend to psychologists and those who are interested in this topic.
10. Why we are wrong. Thinking traps in action
Joseph HallinanDescription: All people are wrong, because our senses are imperfect. However, most often this is due to the imperfections of our mind: we overestimate our abilities, think patterns and stereotypes, losing sight of important details. Learning to make less mistakes, according to Joseph Hallinan, is very simple: you need to have a good rest, really assess the situation and your capabilities, ask for the help of others to check the decision and, of course, learn from their mistakes and those of others. But there are secrets to this simplicity.
Rating Liters: 4
Number of pages: 340
Review: A book about the important: thinking, perception, memory and much more.
All information is provided on the basis of research, statistics, and therefore reliable.
The book will be interesting, as a lover of psychology, and psychologist.
Written in a language understandable for the amateur, is also quite informative.
There is no “water” —as authors often like to describe one topic per third of a book.
Everything is brief, clear, concise.

1. Write, cut
Maxim IlyakhovDescription: How to create a strong text in the information style.
Tricks of the language. Changing Beliefs with NLP
Robert DiltsDescription: If you live and work among people, you will inevitably have to face the need to convince others of something really important. And the most popular book by Robert Dilts, the genius of neuro-linguistic programming, will help you. You just can not do without the "tricks of the language." The point is that certain speech patterns (patterns) are able to transform the beliefs and perceptions of any situation, radically changing our reactions to it. Over the three decades that have passed since their discovery, the “foci of language” have earned the right to be called the most effective method of influence and the best means of changing beliefs in the process of communication. rating: 5
Number of pages: 256
Review:There is this book in the personal library. Very sensible manual on working with the language, about what words to think and speak. One of the few noteworthy books, where the title or description is the abbreviation "NLP" (basically, those - just rubbish).
Very interesting and self-sufficient edition! Dana very detailed information on all sorts of manipulations. At the end of each chapter are given verification tasks.