As a new feature iOS 12 reminded me that it was time to be treated

    Just the other day, my iPhone proudly informed me that iOS 12 became available and suggested that I upgrade. On Habré, there have already been a couple of articles about what Apple has announced in this version. But I didn’t notice there was a mention of one “Screen Time” function useful for smartphones like me. I have long known that I was inherent in too unhealthy dependence on the phone (however, I am not the only one). Now we can explore our habits in more detail without installing additional applications. Under the cut - not only the description of the possibilities, but also some recommendations on the ecology of using a smartphone.

    A lot has been written about the problem of over-enthusiasm for a “pocket friend” in various genres, from journalism to psychological research. There is even a famous game for companies gathering for dinner. All the phones are in the center of the table, and people in the company ... suddenly ... communicate with each other. The goal of the game is not to grab your phone when notifications arrive. Grabbed - lost and pay for dinner. To the psychological component, I will return a little at the end.

    The idea itself is not new. Such third-party applications already exist for some time on the market. But even knowing about their existence, how many of us have tried to establish them and study their dependency in more detail? Finally, someone took care of our ability to take care of themselves.

    What can "screen time"?

    There are two main functions - collecting metrics and limiting yourself.

    • Collect metrics. To solve a problem, you need to study it in more detail from the inside. "On-screen time" collects three types of data: the time spent in a particular application, the number of phone lifts and the number of notifications from each application. Information is available both for each individual application and by category of applications. Data is available for the current day and for the current week. Perhaps for longer periods, but I have not reached this point yet.

      So, for 3 hours on Friday evening I cut the salad, dined, drank beer and spent 1 hour 41 minutes with the unlocked phone in my hands, of which about 1 hour 30 minutes on social networks, received 25 notifications from applications and grabbed the phone 28 times. So-so, as for the evening teapnitsy, right?
    • Limiting yourself. You can set limits by application category. When the limit is reached, the application icons of the category will change:

      When you try to open the application, the following notification will appear:

      Well, at this stage we are left alone with our willpower. After all, we can always click "Ignore limit" and continue to use the application. A rest mode is also available, in which only applications that are always allowed will be available. However, this restriction can be ignored in the same way.

    Why do we do this?

    Clearly not from the good life. According to psychologists, viewing messages and tapes on social networks is such a little button for instant enjoyment. The formation of a general feeling of pleasure and satisfaction with both the current moment and life in general is a very complex and not fully studied process. But some scientists claim that social networks give us instant pleasure.

    If you grab the phone mainly in a certain situation (for example, at work) - it is likely that you are not in the right place or you are not doing the right thing. When we are genuinely involved in the process, nothing exists around us. But if we are oppressed by the current activity, we will elude and procrastinate with great pleasure. And then it is time to think, and if we do not retrain, do we not do something completely different, which would bring pleasure?

    The situation is worse if the phone is constantly in hand, almost in any situations. This may be a symptom of depression or neurosis, and then you should consult a specialist. After all, it can talk about global dissatisfaction with life.

    There is one more aspect. I think many of the readers are familiar with the diagram of distribution of tasks by urgency and importance:

    In this diagram, the response to notifications on the phone is most often referred to as “urgent, not important”. And indeed, we want to quickly respond to any “good bear”, but will the interlocutor suffer much if we do it later, during the break? Hardly. Time management experts generally recommend getting rid of cases from this quadrant. Or do them in your free time.

    What should we do about it?

    1. Measure your metrics.
    2. Analyze application usage. Which ones are really needed, and which ones can be abandoned, even if through pain? Or at least limit the time of use.
    3. Finally, think about the root causes (if there is a reason). Are you satisfied with your life? Maybe it's time to change something? Or even talk to a psychologist?

    For about 3 hours, which I spent preparing an article, 9 notifications came to my phone. At the same time I grabbed him 22 times and spent 52 minutes with him. I really should be treated ... Maybe you share your experience? Are you taking any steps to combat your gadget?

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