Video and review of the OSSDEVCONF-2014 conference

    A couple of weeks ago in Kaluga, the OSSDEVCONF-2014 conference was held, or more solidly, the Eleventh Conference of Free Software Developers. The topics as a whole are “how to introduce open source software”, “import substitution prospects”, “open source software in all types - from government portals to CAD systems and instant messengers,” the subtleties of developing a complex open source, pieces of domestic Linux distributions. Speakers - ALT Linux, Red Hat, ROSA, Institute for System Programming, etc. Unfortunately, it turned out that the people gathered a little - autumn diseases mowed down the participants and speakers (one of them, in a half-dead state, mastered recording a deleted report ...), and it’s difficult, despite being free, to gather people for a conference not in the transport hub. As a result, only a dozen reports,

    As picrelated - a minute overview video.

    And under the cut, I offer a brief overview-classification with links to videos and additional materials ("slides-abstracts-speaker contacts").

    The current topic of “Import Substitution” is very vague on the one hand, because a bunch of poorly confirmed rumors are sucked up by discussions here and everywhere, on the other hand, there is movement in this direction, we must even determine not only the positions, but also the definitions themselves - and here you can listen, what the leaders of ALT Linux, the members of the ARPP, RASPO say on this subject ... and the representative of the Ministry was very expecting for discussion, he promised, but unfortunately did not come. → “ Import substitution and the role of STR in itadditional materials - In my opinion , a brief squeeze is “OK preferences, you need to clearly understand that there is domestic software, but whether it is open-source is not so important,” but of course, it does not convey the fullness of theses, you need to look if the topic is interesting.

    As for the kindergarten - to the point, the guys from Chelyabinsk have put together an excellent open-source queue in kindergartens (well, anywhere, in general), and without hard implementation from above, nobody needs transparency on the spot:

    But if there are suddenly initiative and honest officials on the ground (ay!), Then, you don’t have to wait until 100500 times to remake long-suffering public services, there are already not only electronic queues, but also ready-made portals of the regional level:

    Well, there’s always an interesting topic of open source monetization → “Hack for receiving money from GPL-works in the small-run business” (although it is called differently):

    • Commercialization of open source software under the GPL license; additional materials - Russians hacked GPLv3 (Stallman knows and resents), a way has been found to hide the sorts of legally kosher, opening them only to the buyer. This is the third report of the author on this topic, which I am recording (was at ROSS-2014 , and LVEE), but a critical discussion is always interesting - programmers attack for the deprivation of their motivation, freedom and patches from the community, distro builders do not understand what the chip is for forging and sawing fork alone (and Stallman does not prohibit making distributions), integrators - what is the point earnings on several clients, ethically savvy at all ... But here you need to understand the niche - small-scale custom solutions in barely live SMB, where such a hack can cope in order to divide the cost of finalizing the base GPL platform into a dozen other customers , Well, in general, it is useful to know about this hack.

    ALT Linux-specific reports:

    • A cluster of package tracking automation a year laterdopmaterialy is just about the feat of a selfless maintainer of automated package updates in viola, who recorded a deleted report in exhausted state. Yes, automation drives, yes the productivity of the maintainer has increased 100 times, the cluster of autobots is scaled and pulls 100 times more, but there is only one person, and there is no more strength, I need help. Join now!

    • ALT Linux Rescueadditional materials - The author made a minimalistic Rescue distribution, and suddenly, as is often the case with niche products, he became popular, even for strange applications - for diskless clusters, Hyper-V virtualization, and more.

    • Life in a Bubbleadditional materials - Judging by the name, thoughts about bubbles of Internet startups come, but the specialist from RedHat was not aware of that book and here we are talking about the old American adult (22 years old) and the forever young project , to which the isolated mock testing framework was made to virtualize network communication, and it became possible to test on a heap of test cases without deploying full configurations of virtual machines, Continuous Integration appeared in the project, and even Microsoft is using it.

    • " System recovery tools in ROSA Linux " additional materials - Different versions of time machines in ROS - rollback updates system, the possibility of freezing the system (from a simple kiosk mode, to "freezing" arbitrary directories, followed by changes). Research continues, because full-fledged timemachine functionality (“return it when everything worked!”) Is what Linux distributions lack, and perhaps this is what is holding back from widespread distribution.

    • Xabber - XMPP-client for the Android platformadditional materials - Oooo ... what hopes had recently been placed on the triumph of XMPP, and why it didn’t take off, why everyone betrayed it, why the topic of normal Instant Messaginga with multi-device message synchronization is still not resolved , with adhoc chats, with an easy transition to voice and video communication ... Around there are only “social networks” and “yo”, against their background, even Skype looks ideal. One hope is that the authors, who dubbed the excellent android Xabber, will be engaged in the desktop version, and will finish some Gajim to the mind. I'm waiting!

    • " Rodin - a platform for the development and verification of models on Event-B " additional materials- Here it is necessary to read not “Homeland” (oh, this is already a discussion of import substitution), but “Roden”, because it was clearly named after him. This software is from crazy French logicians to verify formal event models (Kripke structures and other temporal matan). Specialists from ISPRAN, which has long been involved in testing / model verification / static analysis, were hired by a company that had previously observed holes in the rights system - and the guys formally examined and tested the new system, proving its correctness. Yes, if you work very hard (the work is tedious, the software does not support teamwork, etc.), you can prove the correctness of some limited models ... And if you generate software from these models, then error-free software (an example of software for the Paris metro was given - “16 years without a single mistake ”). But if you do not generate, but write with your hands, errors will, of course, be. And if you generate ... who knows, maybe there, in Paris, for 16 years now they can’t add a single feature. And it still does not save from accidents (I googled, completely, with victims).

    Here, I hope the dear reader will find something of interest (Sunday), write comments, or follow the links to contacts (usually there are reliable links to social networks and, at worst, mail), and contact the authors.

    By the way, these are still beta versions of the video, they contain embroidered "debugging information" - for example, red time markers of true time. So if all of a sudden, you find some critical bug in the video (the sound has disappeared, you need to make the screen larger to read something, or vice versa, remove the screen to see the laser pointer) - write me , or comment on the video, or The drugs, in general, as you like - indicating this same time range and problem - for now (a couple of weeks), you can still fix it.

    Bonus: here are the pictures from there, here are the PDF abstracts , here is the report with the photo-video about last year's OSSDEVCONF.

    I hope that next year one of the readers will come to listen or tell.

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