Welcome to Voronezh Game Dev Meetup

    October 17 at the Voronezh office Mail.Ru Group will be held on the development of games. The Mail.Ru Group developers will talk about interesting methods and tools with which they happened to work, and you will have time to discuss all the speeches and exchange experience.

    Participation is free, registration by reference .

    Meeting program

    “Experience of migration of high-loaded game projects from MySQL to PostgreSQL”
    Mark Lokshin, programmer of Mail.Ru Group

    Mark will tell about his experience of migration of high-loaded projects and will demonstrate with concrete examples the advantages of PostgreSQL. Spoiler:

    • PostgreSQL is more predictable than MySQL.
    • PostgreSQL is more flexible than MySQL.
    • PostgreSQL is developing faster than MySQL.

    "Eclipse Vert.x as a platform for the game server"
    Sergey Selivanov, Mail.Ru Group programmer

    Sergey will review the platform, talk about its strengths and weaknesses, features we already use in our work, and those we plan to use.

    “Our experience in optimizing the speed of loading a mobile gaming application”
    Makar Osokin, Mail.Ru Group programmer

    Makar will tell you about Mail.Ru Group case studies on optimizing the loading of a mobile gaming application and the key conclusions that our developers made for themselves:

    • Why their data formats faster than standard ones.
    • Delayed loading and initialization of unnecessary mechanics and data more efficiently.
    • Sharing and proper organization of resources speeds up loading.

    Gathering of participants and registration 18:00
    Start of reports : 19:00
    Location : Voronezh, Prospect of Labor, etc. 65.

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