Magic barcode

    Rustam went up to Stas, handed him a stack of papers - dirty, in oil, with battered corners and some marks.

    - What kind of waste paper? - Sergey asked, looking over Rustam's shoulder.

    - You yourself waste paper. - offended Rustam. - Invoice it, on the assembly.

    - And why did you bring it to us? - Sergey asked.

    - Yes, there ... - Rustam waved his hand. - Dasha again namu something, you need to understand.

    - What did I namud, what do you persecute? - Dasha was originally from the village, which was visible to the naked eye. Yes, she did not hide. - I was told I did!

    - Who told you what? - Sergey was surprised. - What is going on here?

    - Yes, they change the document in the system, and then Rustam raises howl. - answered for all Stas. - Usually nothing terrible - the positions are shifted in places, or one line is broken into two.

    - What for? - Sergey asked puzzled.

    - It is necessary, what are you. - Dasha said with a call. - What shall I do if there is a minus rod?

    - Where are some minuses?

    - In revision, where else. One position, and lies on different accounts. So I break it - a bit from here, a little from there.

    - Well, that's fine. - Sergey nodded. - And then Rustam got to the bottom?

    - I didn’t get to the bottom, but I got bogged down! - said Rustam. - They give me this piece of paper on Monday, with two hundred positions, I am going to collect. And on Tuesday I go in, and Dasha says - take a new piece of paper, we changed a little there. Prints - mother is honest, and there are already two hundred and fifty positions!

    - Well, she just explained. - Sergey nodded. - Splits positions into several lines. The total number and position remain unchanged.

    - And how do I know, with the changes or not? - outraged Rustam. - They change something, and then we are guilty, they didn’t put it, they dragged it in the wrong place.

    - Dasha, let's ban you from changing your documents? - Sergey squinted. - So that Rustam was calmer.

    - Right now! - Dasha made hands on the sides. - I forbid you! I will eat the chief accountant!

    - I'll eat you myself! - with a kind smile said Rustam.

    - Well, well, you promise only. - Dasha answered with a smile.

    - So, friends, get out of here, coo under the fence. - Sergey smiled too.

    - Well, right now, we'll figure it out, and let's go. - answered Rustam.

    - It's ok. - Stas, all this time picking on the system, turned to his colleagues. - I checked. Work on.

    - How did you check? - Sergey frowned.

    - And I have a toolkit here. - with pride declared Stas. - It gets old versions of the document, and compares it with the current one. I fold the lines there — well, to remove all these breaks — and check the totals. On, Rustam, take.

    - Oh, thank you, Stasjandra! - Rustam smiled, took the papers and went to the exit. Dasha went next.

    - And what is normal, do you think? - Sergey asked when the couple closed the door behind him.

    - What exactly? - Stas frowned.

    - So that people ran to you for this reconciliation?

    - And what options are there? - a little offended answered Stas. - At first I made them verify themselves, but this is a hell of a job, judge for yourself - we usually have long pieces of paper, on several sheets, because they move positions a lot at a time to assemble one piece of equipment.

    - Well, yes, this is definitely not an option ... - Sergey nodded.

    - Well, that's what I thought. Then I think - oh, there are versions! Let the versions compare! Well, I wrote this toolkit, unpretentious. Just ...

    - Just what?

    “Well ... He doesn't always help.”

    - Why?

    - First, I am not always there. Secondly, there are a lot of versions, and then hell you will understand which one to compare with. Yes, and it is not clear from which version they printed out - that is, what is considered the original.

    - Maybe on a piece of paper to display some information about the original and version? Well, like, printed on the second of October at twelve o'clock.

    - I thought about it, but did not do it yet. Well this is what hemorrhoids - it is necessary to display this garbage in all types of paper.

    - Why? - Sergey was perplexed.

    “Well, how ... To move - one form of paper, to shipment - another, to transfer to production - the third, and so on. Some pieces of paper are also unified, in the sense that they are printed according to the state standard, it’s impossible to display any garbage, such as the date of printout.

    - Oh, yes ... And what?

    - Something, I do not know. - Stas shrugged. - That's how we suffer.

    “No, that’s not good ...” said Sergey thoughtfully. - We need to come up with something ...

    - Yes, we tried, different options. - slightly increased the tone of Stas. - Even before you tried. Data collection terminals, for example.

    - By the way, a great idea because! - caught Sergey. - No paperwork, and communication with the system is direct. The accountant made the document - he appeared at the storekeeper right away!

    - Not uncomfortable and expensive. - shook his head Stas.

    - Why? Come on, explain.

    - First, expensive. - began Stas. - Judge for yourself. An ordinary TSD, with a small screen, is no good, although it is not expensive.

    - Why not fit?

    - Well, you try to assemble two hundred positions with such a small screen. - smiled Stas. - TSD for another is needed - for retail, there. Here he really only interfere and will enrage. Another thing is a tablet.

    - Well, the thought has earned! - again caught Sergei.

    - Earned and worked. - smiled Stas. - It is really expensive, because the tablet needs a protected one. We took one, on trial - it costs a lot of money.

    - What for protected? - Sergey frowned. - We have the usual conditions, not hot, not wet.

    - Well ... Wet. Seen in what condition of a piece of paper?

    - Dirty.

    - Yes. Because we have, I repeat, not retail. Parts are unpacked, but in grease. Hands are constantly dirty.

    - Gloves can issue?

    - You can't use a tablet with gloves, why? - smiled Stas. - Yes, and still they get wet, from the oil, or what the parts smear there ... Not good, in short. Yes, and uncomfortable.

    - What is uncomfortable?

    - With the tablet uncomfortable. On a piece of paper, the same as: took a position, put it in a box - put a check mark with a pen. Took less - put the amount, pen again. You can carry a few pieces of paper with you. One - in one pocket, another - in another. You do not need to look for anything there in the computer, flipping, swearing. You collect one order, bring another, more urgent - put a piece of paper in your pocket, and calmly went on. Again, it is convenient to put a piece of paper in the box with the details.

    - What is this for?

    - Well, how ... One storekeeper collected, the shift is over, the second is coming out. A storekeeper comes up to the box, takes a piece of paper, and finishes it - collects what's left. A piece of paper - even in the teeth, take it, though ...

    - I understood. - Sergey frowned.

    - Well, here ...

    - And where do you know everything from in detail, about the papers? - suddenly it dawned on Sergey.

    - So I was carrying with them how much then. - said Stas. - Straight myself tried to collect these boxes. So I understand now what they have there and how.

    - Well, well, do something need something? Suppose we leave pieces of paper. How to compare the paper and the system?

    - It is probably necessary to recognize ...

    - No, this is generally debilizm. - Sergey shook his head. - First, there are several pieces of paper, on one consignment note. Secondly, the format is different - you yourself said. There is enough work for half a year to recognize them, and then compare them.

    - Well, yes ... - Stas said thoughtfully.

    - What other options are there?

    - Maybe we unify the paper? - suddenly said Stas. - Well, for internal use.

    - In terms of? How? Is it possible to replace the standard form adopted in any law?

    - No you did not understand. Take a look yourself. Now what was his invoice now? - Sergey asked.

    - To move like ...

    - Typical form?

    - Well, yes, some typical.

    - And then what will happen to her? When will the move happen?

    - In the accounting department will pass, deposited, I guess.

    - In this form? Dirty, rumpled?

    - No, probably ... And how then?

    - I think they will reprint it, and he will sign it. Is there a signature there?

    - Yes, the sender and the recipient.

    - Well, both will sign. - Sergey nodded. - And once it is reprinted, then what for the first time was a typical form? Moreover, it contains unnecessary information, but it does not contain the necessary information.

    - By the way, yes ... - as if Stas remembered something. - They complained then, there was another conflict, when they put their marks with a pen on the consignment note for shipping. The accounting department was indignant, then the managers - well, that this disgusting customer is sent. Then sort of decided to reprint again. Well, there was no place for these marks, in the margins only.

    - Well! I say! - Sergey began to be inspired. - Let's make a universal piece of paper! After all, they are different? Warehouse operations in the sense of. You need to take something and take it somewhere, right?

    - Well, so ... - Stas nodded.

    - Or from warehouse to warehouse, or - from warehouse to shop, or - from warehouse to car, or - on the contrary, when the arrival.

    - A complete set?

    - And what is the equipment? - Sergey was surprised. - Oh, yes ... In the same place, one of four parts is assembled?

    - Yes.

    - Well, okay, there will be one piece of paper slightly different from the others. Everywhere there will be one table of goods, and for a complete set - another. And most importantly - we will not display anything superfluous there, and leave a place for marking them!

    - By the way, maybe then the version number to display? - Stas remembered. - Well, to verify something ...

    - Exactly! Well done, Stas! - smiled Sergey.

    - I try! - proudly answered Stas.

    “The only thing ...” a shadow flashed across Sergey’s face.

    - Well, again ... - Stas sour.

    “I don't like versions, they can't be trusted ...

    ” Why? - sadly asked Stas.

    - We clean them periodically.

    - Oh, yes ... - Stas contritely shook his head. - Well, they occupy a lot of places ...

    - Yes, and a rather heavy way is obtained. - Sergey thoughtfully spit in the hands of a smartphone. - Versions to compare something. It is necessary to choose something simpler ...

    - Any other sign, identifier to find ...

    - Barcode type? - with hope asked Stas.

    - Well, yes, like a barcode ... Well, in order to ... How to explain something ...

    - Yes, I understood.

    - What did you understand?

    - That this barcode, or some other identifier, uniquely identifies this piece of paper.

    - No, you do not understand. - Sergey shook his head. - Definitely identify a piece of paper can its number, here and the barcode is not needed. When you manually checked what information you used? That is, what exactly checked?

    - So ... I checked the date of the document - well, so that the day was the same, but let them move within the day as they want ...

    - So, what else? - Sergey became interested.

    - Another sender and recipient ...

    - Yes, it is clear, then what?

    - The nomenclature and quantity, after convolving the table. Well, so that there are no duplicate lines.

    - Here you go. We consider. - Sergey began to bend his fingers. - Date, sender, recipient, table with nomenclature and quantity. This is the essence of the document, its key fields. The rest, in terms of inventory accounting - nonsense.

    - What are you talking about?

    “It’s still full of fields, especially in shipping.” Contracts of all kinds, accounts, comments, orders, etc. - all analytics needed for management, accounting, CRM, etc. From the point of view of the warehouse, all this is nonsense.

    - Oh, I understand, I understand. - Stas nodded a little shamefully.

    “So, somehow all these fields we need to identify, you understand?” Well, so that on some grounds, perhaps, again! - and check the contents of the document. This one, our warehouse stock. Do you understand?

    - Yes, understand. Just do not understand how to do it. - shook his head Stas. - With the version I understand. I, in principle, do the same there. And how to store such information on a piece of paper? Do you want this? Keep on paper, check with the program?

    - Yes. Maybe all the same barcode?

    - document barcode?

    - Well, yes ... Although ... No. - Sergey shook his head. - Barcode will not work. He himself lives, and does not contain any useful information in himself.

    - Why? How? - surprised Stas.

    “Well, you're just assigning barcodes to documents, in order, and that's it.” One document - one barcode. Change the document - the barcode does not change. This, as a long number, or the second number, I do not know ... Just suitable for scanning. You pick, the program searches for it, and determines which document has been scanned. Everything.

    - Well, tell me about it ... - Stas gave up. - I worked with retail several times, he will tell me about barcodes ...

    - Well, come on, enlighten me, nerd. - Sergey smirked.

    - SchA, dokurim and surrender. - Stas said with a smile from an old joke about students. - Heard about the rams?

    - Plush? I really love Russian and talk a lot on it?

    - Oh village ... Do you buy fruit in a supermarket?

    - Yes of course.

    - Did it ever surprise you that at the checkout your bananas normally make their way, with the determination of weight, price, etc.? Note on the barcode.

    - Yes, but what is there ... Wait ... - Sergei thought. “Do they store these barcodes?” After each weighing remember the result in the database? And then the barcode is looking for my weighing result?

    - Well, I say, the village. Very smart. - laughed Stas. - Everything is much easier there. All information necessary for sale is contained in the barcode itself.

    - That is, as? - Sergey was surprised.

    - That is so. I don’t remember the details, I’ll tell you about them. There is a cannon, that is, PLU - this is either three, or four numbers, they uniquely identify the product.

    “Yes, I remember something like that ...” muttered Sergey. Then he suddenly began to scream. - Galya! What is the royal on apple royal gala?

    - Well, yes, it is. - nodded Stas. - This is where there are no weights in the hall, the cashier should know a scribe there, because he weighs it himself. But there and the barcode, as such, does not occur.

    - About the cushion understood, then what? - Sergey asked with interest.

    - Further weight and price, it seems, but this is not the point. - waved his hand Stas. “Well, I’ve told you that you can put any information into a barcode, especially at one hundred and twenty-eight.”

    - Which one?

    - Well, they are different, barcodes something. Damn, how stupid you are, huh? - smiled Stas.

    - Let's tell. - did not become distracted Sergey.

    - In short, there are different types or types, I don’t know what this classification is called. The most common is EAN13, you see it most often. But, if you need to cram a lot of information into a barcode, then Code128 is better suited - there you can even write letters, and they are encoded, decoded, and read by any modern scanner.

    - Letters? - Sergey rounded his eyes. - Seriously?

    - Well.

    - Damn, this is a thrill! - Sergey smiled. - Then everything falls into place! We can complete the entire document - well, the fields that I have listed - to drive into one long line, as if on a stack, and encode it into a barcode! And then - quickly check!

    - Well, I do not know ... Imagine, two hundred positions, for each you need, at least, the nomenclature code, quantity ... A very long line will turn out. Such a scanner can not take normal. Some kind of broad need, I do not know ...

    - And what, how to be something? - Sergey sour. - Come on, wise guy, genius barcoding, prompt.

    “I’d like to archive it somehow, I don’t know ...

    ” “Wait a minute ...” Some thought occurred to Sergey’s head. - Similarly, it is good that you spoke about the archiver! Checksum must be calculated!

    - What?

    - Do not be stupid, Stas. - Sergey smiled. - Well, the checksum, on the long line. It is calculated according to different algorithms, it does not matter. It is important that she is short, do you understand?

    - Not.

    - Well, the line is long, at least a kilometer, and the checksum is short, always short. And she always uniquely identifies this line! More precisely, not the string itself, but we don’t need it. She will say the main thing - whether the document has changed or not!

    - I'm starting to understand ... - Stas said thoughtfully. - You will calculate the checksum of the document, save it, and when printing - display as a barcode directly on a piece of paper?

    - Yes!

    - So what is next?

    - And then they will come to you with their dirty papers, and you are the peak scanner! - and you say - everything, bring down, nothing has changed. The system goes off by itself, searches for this checksum, and if it finds one, then everything is fine. And if not found - it means that the document has changed. Then your heavy algorithm with versions will do.

    - Oh, right! - supported Stas. “Then we'll just add a checksum to the version information!” Damn, buzz! Then, even if the document has changed, I will definitely identify the version from which the seal was!

    - Well. Then they don’t need to run to you, in general ... Give her a scanner, some kind of deshmansky, and let it bang itself. Or even give Rustam a scanner, is it a pity?

    - Cool, listen ... - Stas said dreamily. - Straight decision is cool, I like it. The main thing - will not respond to changes not related to the warehouse. This is, like, such clever versioning, with quick response and defining key differences.

    - Yeah, but the most interesting thing in the other. - Sergey nodded. - The fact that you and I figured out how to quickly check the paper with the program.

    - Why? It is important?

    - immensely. In our warehouse project.

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