String enum - string enum

I work in the gaming field. In this regard, constantly have to deal with all kinds of configs.
Every time there should be a certain enumeration in the configs, a dilemma arises. On the one hand, I want readable configs, on the other hand, quick parsing and quick handling of this type.
What do you want:

		"id": 1,
		"type": "one",
		"id": 2,
		"type": "two",
		"id": 6,
		"type": "three",

But at the same time, I want to use structures like:

enum Type

Further in the body of the article several solutions will be given.

The library requirements were as follows:

  • Cross-platform;
  • Minimum dependencies;
  • Reading speed;
  • Simple syntax

The first solution was before c ++ 11:

class Type
    enum type { one, two, three };
    static const std::string &to_string( type enumVal )
        static const std::map enumStringsMap = _make_enum_strings_map();
        auto it = enumStringsMap.find(enumVal);
        static std::string emptyString;
            return emptyString;
        return it->second;
    static type from_string(const std::string &value)
        static const std::map stringsEnumMap = _make_strings_enum_map();
        std::map::const_iterator it = stringsEnumMap.find(value);
            return (type)0;
        return it->second;
    static const std::vector& values()
        static const std::vector valueVector = _make_values();
        return valueVector;
    static const std::vector _make_values()
        std::vector valueVector;
        return valueVector;\
    static std::map _make_enum_strings_map()
        std::map enumStringsMap;
        enumStringsMap.insert(std::make_pair(one, "one"));
        enumStringsMap.insert(std::make_pair(two, "two"));
        enumStringsMap.insert(std::make_pair(three, "three"));
        return enumStringsMap;
    static std::map _make_strings_enum_map()
        std::map stringsEnumMap;
        stringsEnumMap.insert(std::make_pair("one", one));
        stringsEnumMap.insert(std::make_pair("two", two));
        stringsEnumMap.insert(std::make_pair("three", three));
        return stringsEnumMap;

Not bad, but writing this for each listing is a bit long.

Usage example:

    Type::type type;
    type =  Type::from_string("one");
    std::string stringType = Type::to_string(type);

Basically, it works, if to_string, from_string and values ​​are not called, then there will be no overhead.

It was decided to focus on the syntax STRING_ENUM (Type, one, two, three);

I can not imagine how to make such code in c ++, but where c ++ is powerless, They will help. They are macros (yes, an inevitable evil, but writing 60 lines of code for each class is very expensive).

Found a piece of solution here . After minor modifications, the following code is obtained, I think that 32 is a sufficient number of arguments for most tasks.

As a result, after some experiments, I settled on this code:

#define VA_SIZE(...) INVOKE( VA_GET_SIZE VA_OB INVOKE(VA_SPEC##__VA_ARGS__()), 0, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 VA_CB )
#define VA_OB (
#define VA_CB )
#define VA_SPEC() 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34
#define VA_GET_SIZE(_0,_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_10,_11,_12,_13,_14,_15,_16,_17,_18,_19,_20,_21,_22,_23,_24,_25,_26,_27,_28,_29,_30,_31,_32,_,n,...) n
#define INVOKE( ... ) INVOKE_A( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define INVOKE_A( ... ) __VA_ARGS__
#define VA_FOR(macro,data,...) INVOKE( CAT(VA_FOR, VA_SIZE(__VA_ARGS__)) ( macro, data, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__)),  (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__))) ) )
#define VA_APPLY(x) x
#define VA_FIRST(a, ...) a
#define VA_WO_FIRST(a, ...) __VA_ARGS__
#define VA_FOR0(m,d,e,x)  
#define VA_FOR1(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e ) 
#define VA_FOR2(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR1( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR3(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR2( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR4(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR3( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR5(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR4( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR6(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR5( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR7(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR6( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR8(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR7( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR9(m,d,e,x)  m( d, e )  VA_FOR8( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR10(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR9( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR11(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR10( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR12(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR11( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR13(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR12( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR14(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR13( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR15(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR14( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR16(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR15( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR17(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR16( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR18(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR17( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR19(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR18( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR20(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR19( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR21(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR20( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR22(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR21( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR23(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR22( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR24(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR23( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR25(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR24( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR26(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR25( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR27(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR26( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR28(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR27( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR29(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR28( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR30(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR29( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR31(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR30( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR32(m,d,e,x) m( d, e )  VA_FOR31( m, d, VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x), (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define CAT(x,y) CAT_A(x, y)
#define CAT_A(x,y) x##y
#define ENUM_STRING_TO_ENUM(X,A) X.insert(std::make_pair(#A,A));
#define ENUM_ENUM_TO_STRING(X,A) X.insert(std::make_pair(A,#A));
#define ENUM_TO_VECTOR(X,A) X.push_back(A);
#define STRING_ENUM(name, ...) \
class name \
{ \
    enum Type { VA_FOR(ENUM_IDENTITY, fake, __VA_ARGS__) }; \
    static const std::string &to_string( Type enumVal ) \
        static const std::map enumStringsMap = _make_enum_strings_map();\
        auto it = enumStringsMap.find(enumVal);\
        static std::string emptyString;\
            return emptyString;\
        return it->second;\
    static Type from_string(const std::string &value)\
        static const std::map stringsEnumMap = _make_strings_enum_map(); \
        std::map::const_iterator it = stringsEnumMap.find(value);\
            return (Type)0;\
        return it->second;\
    static const std::vector& values()\
        static const std::vector valueVector = _make_values();\
        return valueVector;\
    static const std::vector _make_values()\
        std::vector valueVector;\
        VA_FOR(ENUM_TO_VECTOR, valueVector, __VA_ARGS__)\
        return valueVector;\
    static std::map _make_enum_strings_map()\
        std::map enumStringsMap;\
        VA_FOR(ENUM_ENUM_TO_STRING, enumStringsMap, __VA_ARGS__)\
        return enumStringsMap;\
    static std::map _make_strings_enum_map()\
        std::map stringsEnumMap;\
        VA_FOR(ENUM_STRING_TO_ENUM, stringsEnumMap, __VA_ARGS__)\
        return stringsEnumMap;\

Usage example:

    STRING_ENUM( MyStringEnum, one, two, three);
    MyStringEnum::Type type;
    type =  MyStringEnum::from_string("one");
    std::string stringType = MyStringEnum::to_string(type);

Pros of the solution is compiled in almost all compilers, I personally tried on gcc 4.3-4.9 clang 2.8-3.4 MSVC 2012-2013.

Some time passed and c ++ 11 became supported by almost all compilers. I wanted to make type-safe enum, it was also decided to put auxiliary functions into a separate class, since the enum class does not clog the global scope:

enum class MyEnum { ONE, TWO, THREE };
class MyEnumHelper{
    typedef MyEnum Type;
    static const std::string &to_string( Type enumVal ) 
        static const std::map enumStringsMap = { { Type::ONE, tolower("ONE") }, { Type::TWO, tolower("TWO") }, { Type::THREE, tolower("THREE") } };
        auto it = enumStringsMap.find(enumVal);
        static std::string emptyString;
            return emptyString;
        return it->second;
    static Type from_string(const std::string &value)
        static const std::map enumStringsMap = { { tolower("ONE"), Type::ONE }, { tolower("TWO"), Type::TWO }, { tolower("THREE"), Type::THREE } };
        auto it = enumStringsMap.find(value);
            return (Type)0;
        return it->second;
    static const std::vector& values()
        static const std::vector valueVector = { Type::ONE, Type::TWO, Type::THREE };
        return valueVector;
    inline static char easytolower(char in){ 
        if(in<='Z' && in>='A') 
            return in-('Z'-'z'); 
        return in; 
    static std::string tolower(std::string &&tolower) 
        std::string temp = tolower; 
        for (std::string::size_type i=0; i

Пример использования:

    Type::Type type;
    type =  Type::from_string("one");
    std::string stringType = Type::to_string(type);

Также в процессе адаптации было принято решение разрешить назначать конкретное значение определенному значению. Идея была подсмотрена тут.

И, наконец, после многих часов отладки макросов препроцессора (помогла эта тема), вот он, финальльный вариант:

#ifndef _StringEnums_h
#define _StringEnums_h
#define VA_SIZE(...) VA_SIZE_((VA_SIZE_PREFIX_ ## __VA_ARGS__ ## _VA_SIZE_POSTFIX,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0))
#define VA_SIZE_(__args) VA_GET_SIZE __args
#define VA_SIZE_PREFIX__VA_SIZE_POSTFIX ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0
#define VA_GET_SIZE(__p0,__p1,__p2,__p3,__p4,__p5,__p6,__p7,__p8,__p9,__p10,__p11,__p12,__p13,__p14,__p15,__p16,__p17,__p18,__p19,__p20,__p21,__p22,__p23,__p24,__p25,__p26,__p27,__p28,__p29,__p30,__p31,__n,...) __n
#define INVOKE( ... ) INVOKE_A( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define INVOKE_A( ... ) __VA_ARGS__
#define VA_FOR(macro,...) INVOKE( CAT(VA_FOR, VA_SIZE_INVOKE(__VA_ARGS__)) ( macro, (__VA_ARGS__) ) )
#define VA_APPLY(x) x
#define VA_FIRST(a, ...) a
#define VA_WO_FIRST(a, ...) __VA_ARGS__
#define VA_FOR0(m,x)
#define VA_FOR1(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )
#define VA_FOR2(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR1( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR3(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR2( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR4(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR3( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR5(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR4( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR6(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR5( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR7(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR6( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR8(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR7( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR9(m,x)  m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR8( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR10(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR9( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR11(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR10( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR12(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR11( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR13(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR12( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR14(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR13( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR15(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR14( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR16(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR15( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR17(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR16( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR18(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR17( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR19(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR18( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR20(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR19( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR21(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR20( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR22(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR21( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR23(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR22( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR24(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR23( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR25(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR24( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR26(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR25( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR27(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR26( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR28(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR27( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR29(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR28( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR30(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR29( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR31(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR30( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define VA_FOR32(m,x) m( VA_APPLY(VA_FIRST x) )  VA_FOR31( m, (VA_APPLY(VA_WO_FIRST x)))
#define CAT(x,y) CAT_A(x, y)
#define CAT_A(x,y) x##y
#define M_STR(A) M_STR_(A)
#define M_STR_(A) #A
#define M_LOWER_STR_(A) tolower(#A)
#define M_IF(P, T, E) CAT(M_IF_, P)(T, E)
#define M_IF_1(T, E) E
#define M_IF_2(T, E) T
#define M_FIRST(A, ...) A
#define M_SECOND(A, B, ...) B
#define M_ID(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define STRING_ENUM(name, ...) \
enum class name {  VA_FOR(ENUM_ENAME, __VA_ARGS__) };  \
class name##Helper { \
public: \
    typedef name Type; \
    static const std::string &to_string( Type enumVal ) \
        static const std::map enumStringsMap = { VA_FOR(ENUM_TYPE_TO_STRING, __VA_ARGS__) }; \
        auto it = enumStringsMap.find(enumVal);\
        static std::string emptyString;\
            return emptyString;\
        return it->second;\
    static Type from_string(const std::string &value)\
        static const std::map enumStringsMap = { VA_FOR(ENUM_STRING_TO_TYPE, __VA_ARGS__) }; \
        auto it = enumStringsMap.find(value);\
            return (Type)0;\
        return it->second;\
    static const std::vector& values()\
        static const std::vector valueVector = { VA_FOR(ENUM_TYPE, __VA_ARGS__) }; \
        return valueVector;\
private: \
    inline static char easytolower(char in) \
    { \
        if(in<='Z' && in>='A') \
            return in-('Z'-'z'); \
        return in; \
    static std::string tolower(std::string &&tolower) \
    { \
        std::string temp = tolower; \
        for (std::string::size_type i=0; i

Вариант использования:

    STRING_ENUM( MyStringEnum, ONE, (TWO,4), THREE);
    MyStringEnum type;
    type =  MyStringEnumHelper::from_string("one");
    std::string stringType = MyStringEnumHelper::to_string(type);

Проверял на gcc 4.6-4.9 clang 3.2-3.3 MSVC 2013.

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