Common business mistakes on the Internet that you can avoid

    More than a month ago, five companies became winners of the “Free Promotion” campaign and won the promotion of their websites by the combined team of Rookee and Ingate specialists. The problems that we faced during the work on the resources of the winners turned out to be very nontrivial in terms of the selection of solutions. But quite popular among site owners. We publish a brief overview with solution options and pro tips to warn site owners from common mistakes and short-sighted actions.

    The promotion “Free Promotion” will last 6 months. Participating companies were randomly selected by lot. The project is designed to clearly demonstrate what results can be achieved by launching website promotion from scratch. And what you need to do. To do this, the site provides information on the results of the promotion, plus a step-by-step description of the work done.

    But first things first.

    When is it easier to write a new site?

    In the online store Softplaid are proud that here you can find a blanket for any request, but from the point of view of seo, the company’s website needed to be refined and refined. Rookee specialists compiled a list of all the works on technical optimization and submitted tasks for implementation. At this stage, and found the main problem. It turned out that the platform on which the site is located does not allow for any improvements: neither additional metrics nor Yandex.Webmasters connections are anything . All this was possible only when switching to a tariff with an inadequate amount of payments per month. They considered and understood: it is more profitable to write a new website taking into account the wishes of the SEO specialist from scratch and switch to a new hosting service than to agree to this cannibalistic tariff plan.

    Monthly results

    The client has already approved the prototype, all optimization work is carried out on the new site, which will soon replace the old one.

    Rookee Tip: When choosing a site for hosting a site, pay attention to whether it is possible to make changes, edit templates, add your own modules, promote a resource in search engines, and bring the site to another hosting.

    When to check the structure of the site

    The first thing that Domovenok consumer services customers faced was the illogical structure of the site. A classic case, they wanted to do it better (for example, the ability to call a plumber immediately with the necessary detail), but it turned out as always - not very convenient. Another mistake immediately caught my eye - the presence of a basket, which in this category is completely incorrect and only distracts users.

    Among other things, with a more detailed analysis, it turned out that even before the start of improvements, the site had flown down in all positions. Began to look for the cause. It turned out that the page with the price list had flown; it just stopped opening. Plus, the owner of the resource made improvements without notifying the optimizers: he added a calculator to calculate services and new offers.

    Results for the month of work:

    For a start, a new logical and convenient structure was thought out. Combined pages of services and products in one large section. Added offers related products for each service. We thought over the ordering mechanics “in one window”, for example, the necessary specialist and details, with a preliminary calculation of how much the repair would cost.

    Rookee Tip: One of the fundamental steps in creating a website is to work on its convenient and understandable structure. It defines the location, logic and interrelation of the resource elements. Think over the structure, invite professionals to this stage of work, then you can easily develop it and add any updates.

    When size doesn’t matter

    The Smolensk online hardware store Axon has many chances to bypass major federal services. Its commercial factors are not inferior to competitors, the site has a regional office - address, telephone, warehouse. The site contains a wide selection of popular products from key manufacturers. A product card contains all the information, starting with the technical specifications, ending with descriptions. The perfect site to start promotion right away.

    Results for the month of work:

    We carried out technical optimization and posted meta tags, took into account the strengths of the online store: regional representation, the completeness of the catalog. And immediately saw the positive dynamics of the site.

    Rookee Tip: Yes, this example is not about problems, but about how to work. A good example, hassle-free promotion. Just to show that it happens that way too. If at the initial stages of creating a website to take into account all the requirements of SEO, it will be ready for effective promotion in search engines immediately after launch. In this case, you can immediately rely on the target traffic - the structure will fully reflect the demand.

    When hosting changed, but forgot about access

    All technical tasks were prepared for the Sklad27 site and transferred to specialists, when suddenly it turned out that there was no access to the resource. More precisely, they were, however, literally 5-6 days after the victory in the promotion, the site stopped working and had to urgently change hosting. Access to FTP and SSH, of course, changed, but the client forgot to transfer new passwords to the contractor.

    After a while, everything was fixed and the tasks finally began to be performed, so the only critical problem of the project was solved.

    Results for the month of work:

    We posted meta tags, set clear URLs for each card, set up redirects. And immediately noticed the dynamics in Yandex. For example, the request “to buy an office desk” from 101 places in issuance has risen to 8. At the moment, work on the site’s visual changes is being completed, the last stages of technical optimization are coming to an end.

    Rookee Tip: Be careful when concluding a hosting agreement. You must provide access to your personal account. Check the login address, login or account name, password. Access to a hosting is extremely important, as with the help of it full control of information on the site is exercised.

    When you need to be detectives, not SEOs

    The food delivery site Sakura22 went to its owner along with the business he bought 3 months ago. That is characteristic - it had no access to a hosting, the domain and FTP. Rookee specialists were given only the opportunity to get into the admin panel of the site. In this situation, 7 of the 8 most important improvements were impossible to complete. It was possible to register meta tags and to complete the optimization. However, Rookee decided otherwise. First of all, they contacted the hosting service - it turned out that the fact of owning a business does not prove ownership of the site, and the deadline for registering a domain name is almost over.

    Then Rookee specialists had a plan: to deploy a site on a new domain name, buy back the old one, as soon as it goes on sale, and connect them. In this case, the site would disappear a whole month of progress, because progress would be on the new name, and only the old site remained in the issue.

    The situation was saved by a grand investigation. SEO is not always direct work with the site, sometimes you need to be real detectives. For example, search for contact information in the basements of the site via hidden links, decipher the code names of previous owners in the admin panel, contact these guys and try to reach them. This helped, the owner of Sakura22 finally got all access, and Rookee experts with a calm soul began to technical optimization.

    Results for the month of work:

    All these peripeties with accesses slowed down the work, but even according to the meta tags there are small results. Literally in two days, the average position on Google has risen from 72 to 59th place.

    Rookee Tip: When buying a “ready-made site,” be sure to re-register your domain, transfer site files and database to customer hosting, check website performance, change user passwords on a site, transfer affiliate sites, send password statistics, etc. Contact the professionals who will control!


    As can be seen from the examples, difficulties with website promotion begin long before the arrival of SEO specialists. Difficulties with access, restriction of hosting on site improvements, errors in structure and insufficient functionality - this is not the whole list of common mistakes that business owners face when they decide to start promotion. Many problems can be avoided if you do seo-design in the initial stages of creating a site. But this is the topic of a new article, which we will publish.

    PS You can get acquainted with the project participants and read interviews with their leaders on the action page . All participants' sites are very different, interesting in their own way, as well as errors that needed to be urgently corrected.

    Rookee Tip: Learn from the mistakes of others and use successful solutions to work on your projects!

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