Headhunter 2014 Programmer School enrollment starts

    Today, a new, already fifth annual recruitment to the School of HeadHunter programmers for the 2014-2015 season has opened  . During the first part of the training, students will receive lectures by our specialists, and during the second part, the guys will have the opportunity to apply knowledge in the team development of their own projects. Classes will be held from November to May 2015 on weekdays in the evenings in the Moscow office of the HeadHunter technical department near the Alekseevskaya metro station.

    This year, the training program covers the entire stack of technologies we use: from Java and Python to JavaScript and XSLT. In the second part of the training, students will receive a monthly scholarship of 15 thousand rubles, and the best students will receive an invitation to join our team.

    Admission consists of three simple steps: you needfill out a questionnaire , complete a test task in Java or Python and undergo a face-to-face interview.

    2013 setdistinguished by the fact that the training was divided into two parallel flows: frontend and development for Android - these were the specialists that our team needed at that time. Of the 12 people who entered the school last fall, seven reached the second part (team projects). They created prototypes of new interfaces for hi-resume job search and hh.ru vacancies, including finding vacancies on the map for mobile applications. As a result, the set turned out to be very successful - at once 6 people joined our team: one person joined the Android application team, and five worked with the frontend-part. The only graduate to whom we could not make an offer also found a good employer a month and a half after graduation.

    What will happen this year?

    The task of the fifth anniversary set is to prepare full-stack developers, not limited by knowledge of specific tools and technologies, but capable of solving a wide range of practical problems. Last year's school completely solved the needs of the technical department in Android and frontend developers, so this year we will return to the classic format.

    The first part - lectures

    The training program is quite diverse: we will tell students about Java and the various frameworks that we use ourselves, about Python and its application for developing asynchronous web services. A separate lecture course will be devoted to frontend development: JavaScript, CSS and XSLT. Teachers will talk about the architecture and operation of highly loaded services, flexible methodologies and engineering practices. A more detailed program can be  found on the school website .

    Lectures will be given  by HeadHunter specialists, many of whom have been doing this for more than a year, and some were once our students themselves. Time and dates of classes will be coordinated with the applicants, so that it would be convenient for everyone to study. In addition to lectures, homework is provided during the first half of the training, so I think I recommend that you plan to do so 10-15 hours a week in advance. “Leaning” from the home will not work: students may be expelled from school for poor progress or lack of motivation - there were such precedents, so immediately tune in to serious work.

    Part Two - Team Projects

    During the second part of the training, students of the School will work on full-fledged team projects under the guidance of our curators, project managers and designers. During the work on projects, students will be paid a scholarship in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

    The HeadHunter School of Programmers is designed mainly for undergraduate students, recent graduates and graduate students, young specialists: for all of them this is a great chance to systematize knowledge, get real teamwork and, possibly, continue to develop as a member of our development team. Although I’ll immediately make a reservation that we do not impose any restrictions on age and education, so we welcome everyone who wants to study and work with us. If you are already a person with experience and knowledge, it is better to immediately send a resume to our hunter Ksyusha Zueva: k.zueva@hh.ru or respond to vacancies on the site .

    In the four years that we have been conducting the School, 15 graduates became my colleagues, almost all of them still work with us. If you have any questions about the school, ask them in the comments or write to devschool@hh.ru .

    This year, the recruitment will last until the end of September, applications are  already open , welcome. See you in class!

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