Handling POST requests from AngularJs in Symfony2

Original author: Sander aka Othillo
  • Transfer
  • Tutorial
A long time ago I read a post on a hub, about a subject in the context of php, and all hands did not reach Symfony2 to bring this into some kind of beautiful look, and here in a recent digest I came across a simple solution, which is presented here.

Using Symfony2 and AngularJs in conjunction is a good idea, but there is one problem - the solution out of the box has a communication problem. This post will talk about how to automatically decode JSON requests and use the received data using Request Symfony using the symfony-json-request-transformer library (in fact, there is only one class).


AngularJs $ http service automatically sends header data Content-Type: application/jsonin a POST request, and Symfony in turn expects application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

For example, let's send a simple JSON object from our angular application:
     "name": "John"

Now in the controller we get this data:
public function postAction(Request $request)
    $data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
    echo $data['name']; // John

Pretty simple, right? But, unfortunately, we cannot use the ParameterBag interface in the Request object in this case.
If it is nameoptional and has a default value, I would like to receive data like this:
$name = $request->request->get('name', 'Ivan');

Fortunately, using the replace method, we can replace the data in the ParameterBag with our decoded JSON.
public function postAction(Request $request)
    $data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
    echo $request->request->get('name', 'Ivan'); // John

Great, it works the way we wanted. But, after all, this is only one controller ...


imageBut copying the code into each controller violates the DRY principle, making the code wet ( punctuation of the abbreviations DRY and WET ). What if I say that you can process each JSON request without worrying about it at all? Using an event handler marked as kernel.event_listener, it:
  1. Check for header request Content-Type: application/json
  2. If so - decodes it
  3. Fill object Request::$request
  4. Will return an error code HTTP 400 Bad Requestif something went wrong

You can see the full code on Github .

Registering an event handler is very simple by simply defining a new service:

Exit through the souvenir shop

To show the above code in action, a demo application was created, its code is also on Github . That's all, thanks for your attention.

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