Implementation of TestLink - the main steps from the idea of ​​implementation to your logo in reports

After completing the implementation of Testlink in the company where I currently work, I decided to talk about the steps that I had to follow before starting to create user accounts (that is, give them access to the system). I wanted the testers to see a tool that creates a feeling of completeness and reliability.

All steps, except for the initial installation, I did myself. And this means that TestLink setup is not rocket technology and is subject to any manager (and not only).

Below you will learn about the following:
1) What to ask from the person who will install TestLink.
2) What is desirable to configure (yourself or ask someone) after installing TestLink.
3) How to translate non-translated UI elements and use it in TestLink.
4) How to transfer tests from XLS to TestLink.

In this article I did not talk about the following things that are necessary or desirable to do when implementing TestLink :
1) integration with bug (issue) tracking systems.
I set up integration with Redmine specifically from TestLink (since it would be very risky and time-consuming to include plugins that we didn’t test in corporate Redmine).
2) create your own templates for reports (not done yet).
3) using TestLink as part of your company's business processes.
4) training in working with TestLink.

Before editing any TestLink configuration files, do the following:
1) Open the file in edit mode.
2) Change the file encoding mode to UTF-8. This step must be performed after EVERY file is opened for editing!
3) Now you can edit and save the result.

Install TestLink

Test Link took the latest version, 9.1.11. They took the assembly from Bitnami,
The program is free. Program website:
To install, ask the administrator to download and install this software. Or install yourself.

What you need to specify when asking the administrator:

1) Version number for installation
2) Test Link needs MySQL database and a web server to work. Often included in Testlink distributions.
3) It is necessary to configure database backup. If you back up all the TestLink files as well - fine. It’s safer to make changes to the settings.
4) It is necessary to make sure that Testlink is included in the startup of the server on which it is installed. This is necessary so that when the server reboots, Testlink immediately starts working.
5) Ask immediately in the file (it is located in the /opt/testlink-1.9.11-0/apps/testlink/htdocs directory of the Testlink program) to make the following changes (if you need to properly support the Russian language):
$ tlCfg- > default_language = 'ru_RU';
$ tlCfg-> charset = 'UTF-8';
When editing Testlink configuration files anyway, make sure that you change when UTF-8 encoding is enabled.

In addition, you must ask the administrator to configure the TestLink mail system. Those. set up Testlink to work with your company mail. It will simply configure SMTP in the config file.

Testlink setup immediately after installation

These steps were already done for fine tuning, i.e. not by the system administrator, but by me, i.e. the manager.

Toolkit digression

For settings, you must go to the TestLink server through the SSH protocol.
If you have Windows, it’s very convenient to use this program: - this is the popular Putty with a graphical user-friendly interface).

basic settings

Configure the following fields in the file (it is located in the /opt/testlink-1.9.11-0/apps/testlink/htdocs directory of the Testlink program):
Show history and steps of tests during test run

$ tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> history_on = TRUE;
$ tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> show_history_all_builds = TRUE;
$ tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> show_history_all_platforms = TRUE;
$ tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> steps_exec = true; - starting from Testlink 1.9.11, this value defaults to
$ tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> steps_exec_notes_default = 'latest'; - this change allows you to show notes from the previous (last) test run in the notes of each test step, with a new test run;

Your company data in reports

$ tlCfg-> document_generator-> company_name = 'company name';
$ tlCfg-> document_generator-> company_copyright = date (Y). ' Company name';
$ tlCfg-> document_generator-> tc_version_enabled = TRUE;

Setting auto-correction of the test name (when importing from XML)

When importing tests or test groups from XML, if such a name already exists in the system, TestLink will generate a new name based on the existing one. The test number in parentheses will be added to the name. If no changes are made, the name will be formed as shown in the commented lines, i.e. based on date and time.
// $ tlCfg-> testcase_cfg-> duplicated_name_algorithm-> type = 'stringPrefix';
// $ tlCfg-> testcase_cfg-> duplicated_name_algorithm-> text = strftime ("% Y% m% d-% H:% M:% S", time ());
$ tlCfg-> testcase_cfg-> duplicated_name_algorithm-> type = 'counterSuffix';
$ tlCfg-> testcase_cfg-> duplicated_name_algorithm-> text = "(% s)";

Your company logo

Test Link files with graphics are stored here: /opt/testlink-1.9.11-0/apps/testlink/htdocs/gui/themes/default/images.
Insert two files with the same parameters as the tl-logo-transparent-25.png and tl-logo-transparent-12.5.png files into the image directory.
We edit the following fields in the file:
$ tlCfg-> logo_login = 'file with your logo.png'; - file size 231 * 56 pixels, transparent
$ tlCfg-> logo_navbar = 'file with your logo.png'; - file size 116 * 28 pixels, transparent
Now on the login page, in the line of the TestLink main menu, your company’s login will be in the reports.

Translation of some parts of the UI

In the file, you can translate the text used in the description of the tests that are automatically generated for the requirements.
You need to make a translation for the text provided by these fields:
$ tlCfg-> req_cfg-> testcase_summary_prefix
$ tlCfg-> req_cfg-> testcase_summary_prefix_with_title_and_version


In TestLink itself, you can edit roles, i.e. create new and change the opportunities provided for each of the roles.
In general, setting up roles is worth a separate article.
But, for example, make sure the Show Test Cases Assigned to me option is enabled for almost all roles.

Details about localization in Russian

Testlink includes localization into Russian.
The problem is that approximately 40% of the user interface elements there are not translated into Russian or for which I would like to change the translation.
Therefore, you can perform additional translation work. Unfortunately, not all interface elements are programmed so that the translation for them is in one file.
Therefore, even after the full translation of the text from the custom_strings.txt file, there will remain elements that are not translated into Russian.

What needs to be done to translate into Russian (and any other) language part of the UI:
1) Go to the /opt/testlink-1.9.11-0/apps/testlink/htdocs/locale/ru_RU directory (if we use Russian for the UI ) on the server with Testlink
2) Copy the files custom_strings.txt.example and strings.txt to your PC
3) Copy the data from strings.txt to custom_strings.txt.example
4) Make the necessary translation in the file custom_strings.txt.example - ATTENTION !!! BEFORE THE EDITOR BEGINS, IT IS NECESSARY TO DO THE CHECK BECAUSE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS SEQUENCE OF STEPS!
5) Rename custom_strings.txt.example to custom_strings.txt
6) Copy the custom_strings.txt file to the /opt/testlink-1.9.11-0/apps/testlink/htdocs/locale/en_RU directory on the server with Testlink

Before editing any configuration files TestLink you need to do the following:
1) Open the file in edit mode.
2) Change the file encoding mode to UTF-8. This step must be performed after EVERY file is opened for editing!
3) Now you can edit and save the result.

Porting tests from Excel to TestLink

New versions of Excel do not support (in any way!) The XML format that Testlink understands.
Therefore, external software distributed free of charge is used for porting.
The program is called EX-converter.
This is free software. Here is his page:
The program runs on MS Windows.

Read the documentation

Go to TestLink. At the bottom left is the Documentation element. Choose the necessary documents and read (in English). There is, among other things, a user guide and a TestLink setup guide.

Once again links to useful

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