Startups VCStart: cloud CRM QuickOrder for the restaurant business

    The VCStart collective investment platform blog appeared on Habré two weeks ago, simultaneously with the pre-launch of our project. We have already written a lot about ourselves here - who we are, why and where. In fact, all these preliminary posts of a general informational nature were a prelude to why the platform was created for helping worthy startups in attracting investments. Moreover, for this relatively short period, they have already registered on our site for more than 200 and a rather high percentage of them has the potential for financing.

    It is time to show the goods face. From this moment on, VCStart blog will regularly cover crowdfunding investment projects whose ideas seemed promising and interesting to us. And one of them -QuickOrder mobile service .

    The project is a cloud-based CRM-utility that optimizes the relationship of the restaurant business with its client using digital technologies, which ultimately significantly improves the level of service and positively affects sales.

    Forrester Research evaluates the mobile CRM market as fast-growing. More and more Western companies in the integration of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in their business, focuses specifically on mobile solutions. The Russian project QuickOrder chose such a direction for its activity, covering immediately all the major mobile platforms - iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

    As a target audience for the integration of their software, QuickOrder developers took the restaurant business and, in the long run, restaurant chains and fast-food cafes. Applications are electronic menus of cafes and restaurants, with the possibility of receiving payments. With their help, the service offers a wide range of opportunities for both restaurateurs and customers.

    For the first, QuickOrder is an effective channel of communication with visitors and a tool to increase the revenue of the institution. With the help of software, the institution forms a knowledge base about visitors, improves the quality of service and optimizes the work of staff. In addition, the software provides tools for collecting statistics and analytics.

    Pavel Shelekhov, CEO of QuickOrder:

    “At the disposal of the restaurateur there are currently no comprehensive effective tools to answer the question:“ Who is your guest? ”(For example: Sergei, 29, walks on Wednesdays and Fridays, after 19:00, usually orders pizza and take-away coffee) and at the same time, get a tool that uses this information to increase the average check and / or the number of visits, which ultimately affects revenue. We embody all this in QuickOrder. For guests, we provide the convenience of ordering dishes and paying without unnecessary expectations, as well as pleasant bonuses and discounts especially for users of the application. ”

    Service users also have something to attract. Restaurant customers right in the application can see information about the institution, contacts, news, photos, as well as view menus and order selected dishes.

    Recently, the international Starbucks coffee shop chain announced that it is introducing a system of ordering and subsequent payment of coffee through the application in the smartphone. QuickOrder users had this opportunity even a little earlier. By linking a bank card to his account, a client can pay it in a restaurant without any participation of the waiter. In the mobile applications of the service, the full cycle “Choose.Order.Pay” is available, which is integrated with the institution’s cash system.

    Additional motivation to download the application, and not go to the restaurant the old fashioned way (wait for the waiter to place an order, then wait again to pay) is also present. Registered users have access to a list of promotions and special offers of restaurants, and in some of them, when ordering through QuickOrder, visitors receive discounts from 20% to 50%.

    For guests of restaurants, working with applications is as follows. After downloading QuickOrder (for free, of course) in the application store of our mobile platform, we register in the service - you can log in via Vkontakte or Facebook, let the application determine the geolocation, go to the search section, find the restaurant of interest, scroll through the menu, select dishes, find on the table, at which we sit, the QR code by which we place an order.

    The application interface is intuitive, there will be no difficulties when working with it. In addition, you can use the filters by selecting a restaurant according to the parameters you need. And in one of the latest updates, the function of home delivery of food has appeared. In short, the utility is quite convenient and functional if you often visit restaurants and cafes.

    QuickOrder applications for different platforms are already used by more than 5500 people. Among the partners of the service are a number of restaurants and cafes, among which are the popular metropolitan Zurtsum and ArteFAQ. The monetization model is also understandable - the institution pays for setting up the CRM infrastructure and creating a modern image, in return receiving service optimization and a potentially high audience of the application. Everything is thought out, it works, and it meets the declared capabilities. At first glance, it’s not even clear why the developers needed funding.

    However, not all so simple. The sowing stage of QuickOrder has been successfully completed, it is time to enter the market, and this will require funds. First of all, the startup team needs to seriously engage in expanding its geography and attracting the maximum number of restaurateurs to create an extensive federal-level base. We need good sales people and PR specialists in the state. Restaurateurs need, first of all, a wide audience, which QuickOrder can quickly achieve by bringing applications to the tops of their platforms. Therefore, an advertising campaign to promote the application, as a measure for its popularization, would be a logical and necessary step.

    To attract the necessary funds, the project is ready to give investors a 30 percent share. You can invest in its development , as well as in dozens of other interesting startups, atcollective investment platform VCStart .

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