Google will develop children's accounts for Youtube and Gmail

    In the United States, children under 13 years of age are prohibited by law from using a large number of different Internet services. Including, of course, social networks. But the kids also want on Youtube! Therefore, the company is working on a special type of account that will allow children to watch videos and use the mail.

    Under habrakat - details and a survey on the use of social networks by children.


    The company plans to create a system that allows parents to set up accounts for children and control their use of Google services. Earlier this year, by the way, Google already announced the development of a children's version of Youtube.

    The main goal for Google is not to fall under the Children's Internet Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): after all, it imposes restrictions on Internet companies in collecting information about children under 13 years of age (this requires parental consent) and tightly controls the use of data collected about children for advertising purposes.

    In the meantime, children have to sit in services in which their parents have already logged in for this.

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    When to allow a child to register on social networks?

    • 6.1% At birth, created an account 103
    • 6.3% of the Year in 3-5, when he starts using the tablet 106
    • 12.2% From the first class - from 6-7 years old 204
    • 35.5% Years in 12-15, when 595 will be in high school
    • 2.6% From the first year of university 45
    • 5% at age 18 84
    • 7.2% Before the wedding - no, no! 121
    • 24.7% When it can register, then I will allow 414

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