Do the batteries leak? It doesn’t matter, we will refund your money!

    Consequences of leakage

    Has it ever happened that your batteries “leaked” and spoiled the device in which they were located (approximately like in the photo above)? I think that most likely yes. And when once again a similar situation happened to me, I asked myself - what will happen if you write a complaint about this incident to this battery manufacturer himself, since it’s easy to do so.


    I had the mouse of one “fruit” company, which was lying, was used once a week, and in general everything was not bad until July 14 of this year. That day it was discovered that the mouse was not working, and there were some strange streaks from below. After removing the battery cover, it was discovered that the batteries, which had been a month on the strength of what is called “leaked”. Attempts to reanimate the unfortunate autopsy failed in any way - although the appearance was relatively restored, the mouse lost all functions except the left click (the touch panel failed). The mouse was automatically classified as "garbage, but it's a pity to throw it out."

    After resuscitation attempts

    We write to the manufacturer

    A couple of angry tweets about the quality of the batteries led to the idea that you can try to write not in the void, but directly to the manufacturer. It turned out to be easier than ever. A form was found on the Procter & Gamble website where you can complain about the quality of the product (“Reason for contact” item). He filled out all the required information: contact details, information about the incident (where, among other things, he indicated the market value of the mouse on the manufacturer’s website - 2890 rubles), the batteries themselves, attached a photo of the consequences and waited for an answer.

    Sudden response

    Two days later, an answer came to the e-mail, which surprised me very much.

    The text of the received letter
    Dear Yuri,

    thank you for contacting Procter and Gamble, from which we learned about the incident with Duracell batteries. We are very sorry about that.

    In principle, you have already answered all the questions that we must ask in this case (battery size, device type and model, battery production code, etc.), I’ll just ask you to answer those questions for which there is no information in your initial letter :

    • What is the current state of the battery (it fell apart, intact, leaked).
    • The number of batteries used in the device
    • The place where the batteries were made (indicated on the cardboard packaging)
    • Where were the batteries purchased?

    In principle, the battery could leak for the following reasons (I’ll list all the possible ones, although it is obvious that some of them do not apply to you):

    • The battery was inserted in the device incorrectly (the polarity of the installation was not observed).
    • Use the power cord and batteries at the same time.
    • Attempting to recharge an alkaline battery.
    • The battery has been exposed to extreme temperatures (high or low) for a long time.
    • Batteries were stored in a damp place or in high humidity.
    • The use of old and new batteries at the same time. Replace all batteries in the devices at the same time.

    Upon receipt of answers to your remaining questions from you, I will be ready to offer you compensation for the cost of the device (you have already indicated it) and the cost of used batteries (please indicate). Compensation will be sent to you by postal order.


    Galina Petrenko,
    Head of
    Procter & Gamble Consumer Services in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    Key phrase:
    Upon receipt of answers to your remaining questions from you, I will be ready to offer you compensation for the cost of the device (you have already indicated it) and the cost of used batteries (please indicate). Compensation will be sent to you by postal order.
    Yes, when I filled out the form on the site, I expected some kind of reaction, perhaps compensation for the cost of batteries, but to get compensation for the cost of the device? Procter & Gamble at that moment really surprised me. In a reply letter, he provided all the information that I was requested and began to wait.

    Success story

    A week later, in the mailbox I found a notice of receipt of a mail transfer. The amount exceeded the cost of the mouse and batteries indicated by me when circulating (2890 and 120 rubles, respectively), amounting to 3300 rubles.

    With all this, I was not asked to send either a damaged mouse or leaking batteries. They didn’t even ask to send a photo of the check to the batteries or something like that. They just sent me compensation. This is the most amazing manifestation of company loyalty you can think of. Yes, on Habré there were already stories about broken mice and new ones, received in return after the destruction of the old ones. But to get compensation for a device that costs almost 30 times more than the batteries themselves? Procter & Gamble deserved that, in spite of this incident, I bought further.


    I don’t know how long it will last, because after the publication of this topic, the number of such calls will undoubtedly increase and the company may only offer compensation for the cost of the batteries themselves, but so far this has not happened, I am glad to share the experience gained. Perhaps for someone this information will be useful.

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