TEST Labs 2018. Online MAP for testers. September 28 - 29

testWe invite you to the next open meeting for testers, test automation and test managers, which will be held on September 28 and 29. In a programme:

  • testOn September 28, at 12:00, as a “preparty”, Pavel Abdyushev will make a report on the “rakes” that he collected during the migration of millions of customer contact information , tell you what the specificity of downloading the name, phone numbers, addresses, documents and share secret knowledge about the number genders in humans.

September 29 from 11:00 to 15:30 - three reports of the main program:

  • imageGrigory Senin will talk about some of the psychological characteristics that influence the work of the tester, namely about perceptual bias, and the most common of them - confirming thinking (confirmation bias).
  • imageIvan Pavlovsky will make a detailed overview of the Serenity test automation framework and the Screenplay GUI test automation model and, using practical examples, compare the Page Object and Screenplay test automation models.
  • imageAlexander Shipovalov will consider the main approaches to the alternative use of functional tests and will try to prove that it is possible to conduct non-functional testing of web applications using Selenium WebDriver .

To participate in the conference you need to register . The start time of the reports is Moscow time.

In order to take part in any Soft Labs conference, it is enough to have a computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. No special software needs to be installed. Platform plugin will load in a few seconds.

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