How I bought a height-adjustable table

    This is not a great post I would like to touch on one of the main problems faced by any resident of Habra - the inconvenience of standing position "sitting" and the impossibility of "stand up" when working at the computer

    Yes, some few years ago Kotyamba in his post " The Perfect table for the daily work at the computer 'proposed solution to this problem, but I was disappointed no approximate prices, different comparisons, table build process and other " delicacies ", without which the Habr becomes dull and boring

    is why I decided to share my experiment is given and the information collected during the purchase of such an interesting table

    How did it all start?

    One fine day, having finished work on the next project and getting up because of my workplace, I suddenly thought: “How cool would it be if the table was adjusted to me, and not I to the table” The

    thought seemed to me more than sound, and the whole evening of that day was spent searching for such a table and evaluating proposals from leading IMs offering such a miracle

    What did this search lead to?

    The huge availability of proposals, of course, was impressive, and in the end I stopped at the choice:

    "The brainchild" of Habré - Descartes v3.2

    • Cost 14 600 RUR (+ about 7 000 RUR delivery)
    • Table adjustment: gas lift
    • Stroke: 380 mm
    • Height adjustment: 74 - 112 cm
    • Payload: up to 45 kg
    ErgoStol Duo

    • Cost 27 900 RUR (+ 2 000 RUR delivery)
    • Table Adjustment: Electric
    • Stroke: 520 mm
    • Height adjustment: 66 - 118 cm
    • Payload: 70 kg

    The final choice of table was influenced by the lifting mechanism: I met many opinions that a gas lift is a rather inconvenient and not designed for heavy load construction. Also, a small review on Lifehacker “hinted” that with this adjustment of the table you can sweat a little:
    The key word here is "electro-adjustable" - this means that you will not need to constantly move and unscrew something. Just press the button and the table will rise or fall to the desired height

    Yes, I admit, the price of the Cartesian pleased, but I also want to go for a drive on the table and chose a table for a long time, so I paid attention to the useful properties of the table in terms of intended use.

    At the same time, Duo bribed me with the presence of additional gadgets in the form of a retractable outlet and cable pass. Little things, but damn it, nice.

    And so, the choice fell on ErgoStol Duo, which was subsequently successfully ordered.

    A few words about the delivery

    Considering that I do not live so close to the capital (Stavropol), I was pleased with the relatively quick delivery of the table: the order was placed on June 4, and received already on June 10.

    Everything was packed in hard cardboard. In addition, the store assured me that in case of damage to the goods by the transport company, a new copy will be sent to me for free.

    Assembling a table is a surprisingly easy task

    Armed with tools and downloading the assembly instructions , I got to work.
    The table was assembled for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

    The assembly process itself, I decided to comment, so that some points either did not converge with the instruction, or were poorly described in it.

    And so, unpack the package
    Photos of the unpacked parcel

    Next, connect the two legs together, getting a frame on which you can already put the countertop
    Photos of the described actions

    Then the most interesting thing: since the motor is built into only one leg, we connect it to the second with the help of a traverse. As the support service explained to me, traverse can be done of any length (up to 180 cm), which allows you to order tables 2 - 2.5 meters long (for conferences, perhaps the most)
    Photos of the described actions

    That's it, the frame is ready.
    Now we put the countertop on the floor and attach the frame to it. We align the holes in the frame with the holes in the countertops and pull it all with the self-tapping screws that come with the kit.

    Then we connect the power, which consists of a power supply and a control panel
    Power connection

    Add the finishing touches
    And again the photos

    And the final version, which we have been going for so long.

    I’ll say separately about the control panel: it’s quite cunning “tricky” (two more buttons), and for the table to go, you need to hold both buttons in one direction. As explained to me over the phone, this is not a bug, as you might think, but a feature - protection against accidental clicks and from children

    General impressions

    I’ve been using it for more than three weeks - the flight is normal

    . Mostly I work at the computer by alternating positions: for example, I work sitting for about 1 hour, then standing for 20 to 25 minutes. You can still say during a change of position: "We wrote, we wrote - our fingers are tired ...". Although, probably, they only said that at my school. Or not?

    Finally, some interesting facts

    • This post was written exclusively while standing.
    • Children really like to ride on the table
    • The table adds +10 Stamina
    • Working at such a table, you are always in the center of attention of curious people (relatives, friends, acquaintances)

    UPD from 12/02/2017

    It has been several years after the publication of the article, and I still get questions on social networks and by mail about choosing such a table.

    During this time, I managed to collect several more tables from friends from different manufacturers, so for those who have a desire to write to me, I suggest not to do this, but to read on.

    At the moment, my attention is attracted by the Shapdesk table model , which wins noticeably in cost and has the ability to complete tables with oak countertops. The rest so far work only with chipboard and, as it seems to me, this is not comme il faut.

    The main thing in this story: alternate work sitting and standing. Better yet, play sports and eat healthy foods.

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    Do you use such a table?

    • 2.6% Yes, and he completely suits me 35
    • 1.2% Yes, but he doesn’t like me 16
    • 44.9% No, but I’m going to purchase such a 592
    • 49% No, and I don’t even think about acquiring 646
    • 2.2% I'd rather share my opinion in the comments 29

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