Clouds for scientists from Microsoft Research
Microsoft Research announces the launch of an international competition for Azure for Research Grants . Contestants can become scientists who work on socially significant projects in computer science, physics, chemistry, medicine, geology, ecology, genomics and other fundamental disciplines. Winners will have the opportunity to use the features of Microsoft Azure for free throughout the year. Request

for a grant should contain a brief description of the project indicating the necessary computing power and resources for data storage. Suggestions in any areas of research are welcome. Particular attention is paid to projects, the result of which may be a service or a service demanded by the scientific community. It is also planned to accept applications for participation in additional competitions in selected areas of cloud research. Possible topics include: data services for collective research, processing data streams in the clouds, machine learning in the cloud, high resolution image analysis, environmental studies, astronomy, genomics, social sciences. The results of the competition will be announced on October 15.
“The work of the Microsoft Azure for Research contestants will be judged by two main parameters - the possibility of their deployment on Microsoft Azure and how much it can speed up the research process,” said Daron Green, director of regional research at Microsoft Research. “The Microsoft cloud platform allows you to manage data of any size and extract new knowledge from it, which can become the basis for new grand scientific discoveries.”
The winners of the pilot phase of the Microsoft Azure for Research competition were a group of scientists from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS and the Institute of General Genetics named after N.I. Vavilova RAS. Microsoft Azure allowed to streamline all the available data from many years of research by Russian and foreign geneticists studying the causes of the onset and development of Alzheimer's disease and other genetic diseases. According to scientists, the provision by Microsoft of a grant for the use of Microsoft Azure facilities fundamentally changes the speed and depth of research carried out by scientists.
For more information about Microsoft Azure for Research, visit research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/azure . You can submit your application at www.windowsazurepass.com/research. The name of the file with the application text must begin with the letters RUS (so that projects can participate in the competition of applications from Russia). Questions about the Azure for Research contest can be directed to Elena Pavlova v-elpavl@microsoft.com.

for a grant should contain a brief description of the project indicating the necessary computing power and resources for data storage. Suggestions in any areas of research are welcome. Particular attention is paid to projects, the result of which may be a service or a service demanded by the scientific community. It is also planned to accept applications for participation in additional competitions in selected areas of cloud research. Possible topics include: data services for collective research, processing data streams in the clouds, machine learning in the cloud, high resolution image analysis, environmental studies, astronomy, genomics, social sciences. The results of the competition will be announced on October 15.
“The work of the Microsoft Azure for Research contestants will be judged by two main parameters - the possibility of their deployment on Microsoft Azure and how much it can speed up the research process,” said Daron Green, director of regional research at Microsoft Research. “The Microsoft cloud platform allows you to manage data of any size and extract new knowledge from it, which can become the basis for new grand scientific discoveries.”
The winners of the pilot phase of the Microsoft Azure for Research competition were a group of scientists from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS and the Institute of General Genetics named after N.I. Vavilova RAS. Microsoft Azure allowed to streamline all the available data from many years of research by Russian and foreign geneticists studying the causes of the onset and development of Alzheimer's disease and other genetic diseases. According to scientists, the provision by Microsoft of a grant for the use of Microsoft Azure facilities fundamentally changes the speed and depth of research carried out by scientists.
For more information about Microsoft Azure for Research, visit research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/azure . You can submit your application at www.windowsazurepass.com/research. The name of the file with the application text must begin with the letters RUS (so that projects can participate in the competition of applications from Russia). Questions about the Azure for Research contest can be directed to Elena Pavlova v-elpavl@microsoft.com.