About P2P traffic restrictions

After the announcement of the launch of the fourth federal mobile operator Yota, our readers had many questions about restricting various types of traffic on the network. In order to clarify and eliminate misunderstanding, we want to highlight this point in detail.

Yota offers users two types of mobile Internet services:
• for smartphones and tablets,
• for laptops and computers.
They differ in that in the first case there is a speed limit when transferring p2p and VPN traffic to 32 kbps, and in the second there is no such restriction. This is reflected in the cost of both services - for smartphones and tablets, mobile Internet is much cheaper.

Why is P2P traffic limited? There are several reasons for this.

Technological reason

A feature of P2P protocols - uncontrolled "capture" of all free channel resources with the establishment of a huge number of connections to different IPs - leads to situations where a very small number of users take up most of the network resources. In particular, only a few users generating P2P traffic are able to completely occupy all available resources of the nearest base station, thereby significantly reducing the speed of mobile Internet for other subscribers connected to the same station. This is especially true for 2G / 3G networks, whose capacity and efficiency are lower than 4G networks and in which, in addition to data, voice streams are also transmitted.

There is no clear classification of P2P protocols - they are used in many fields, but they are most widely used infile-sharing networks , mainly for downloading media content. However, most smartphone and tablet users prefer other scenarios for using mobile Internet on their devices. This is evidenced by data on preferred scenarios for the use of mobile devices in Russia from the NewMR research agency:

As follows from the tables, only about 11% of smartphone owners and 19% of tablet owners use these devices for tasks related to the generation of p2p traffic. The increase in the share of such subscribers is due to the expansion of 4G coverage areas and lower tariffs for mobile Internet.

Most users of mobile gadgets prefer using them to receive multimedia content through online services: surf, read e-books, play and communicate on social networks. We will discuss this in more detail in subsequent publications.

So, p2p traffic is not a priority for the vast majority of users of smartphones and tablets. Therefore, to ensure the high quality of mobile Internet, taking into account the most popular scenarios for its use by our subscribers, Yota limits the maximum transfer speed of P2P data and when using a VPN to 32 kbps. This is a necessary measure that the vast majority of mobile operators have to resort to .

Ideological reason

One of the main principles that guides Yota as a mobile operator is the provision of high-quality Internet access services from mobile devices - smartphones and tablets. This means ensuring the smooth operation of online services that require a high response speed: first of all, downloading sites and streaming video. Most often, users of such networks download video files. Due to technological progress, the average file size of a feature film is constantly increasing.
Yota is confident that due to the continuous increase in the performance of mobile devices and channel bandwidth, the future lies precisely with streaming video, which will gradually displace the downloading of video content through peer-to-peer networks. This trend is evidenced byA study by Cisco , which regularly publishes statistics and forecasts on world traffic.

Changing the share of streaming video in the total global mobile traffic:

For this reason, while providing mobile Internet services for owners of smartphones and tablets, Yota deliberately relies on ensuring the smooth operation of streaming video to the detriment of the P2P traffic of file-sharing networks. If you need a full-fledged data transfer rate through P2P and VPN, we recommend that you purchase one of the Yota mobile router models .

Thus, the reasons for limiting P2P traffic for users of smartphones and tabletsconsist in the inefficient use of network resources by P2P protocols, as well as the need to ensure high quality services for the majority of users of mobile Internet from Yota.

For users of mobile and stationary Yota routers, there are no restrictions on the type of traffic. The restrictions apply exclusively to users of smartphones and tablets on the network of the mobile operator Yota.

Thus, we provide the most comfortable conditions for using mobile Internet for different groups of subscribers and the competitive cost of services.

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