Java Multicore Programming: Lecture # 1

    Good afternoon.
    On May 15, the first webinar (out of 16) of the course “Multicore programming in Java” was held . Here I would like to publish the materials mentioned in the lecture: links to sources , terms , pictures , assignment . Perhaps someone will find them useful for themselves.

    I also teach the Scala for Java Developers course on the online education platform (similar to Coursera / EdX).



    It is worthwhile to “see the pictures” in the following sources


    Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, “The Art of Multiprocessor Programming” : “Hardware Basics” page 469-482


    Memory hierarchy # 1

    Memory hierarchy # 2

    Memory hierarchy # 3

    Typical access times for different memory levels

    Examples of specific processor registers

    Schematic interaction of cache controllers

    False sharing: code

    False sharing: effect (negative scalability)

    Poor match between cores, caches and data

    Good match between cores, caches and data


    CPU, core, multicore era, memory wall, memory hierarchy, registers, L1 / L2 / L3 caches, cache line, false sharing, memory padding, cache pollution, cache miss, SMP, NUMA, multisocket, thread affinity

    What to read in terms
    - Mechanical Sympathy: “CPU Cache Flushing Fallacy”
    - Mechanical Sympathy: “Memory Access Patterns Are Important”
    - Mechanical Sympathy: “False Sharing”
    - Mechanical Sympathy: “False Sharing && Java 7”
    - Ruslan Cheremin: “False sharing”
    - Ruslan Cheremin: “Cache coherency # 3: false sharing”
    - Ruslan Cheremin: “How caching affects hashing”

    Assignment to Lecture # 1

    Write a utility class (in option A or in both options (A and B)) that returns the following processor characteristics
    - cache line size
    - number and size of caches (L1, L2, L3)
    - number of cores
    - defines SMP or NUMA architecture
    A ) by "setting up software experiments." It is recommended to read the article “Gallery of Processor Cache Effects” (in lecture # 2 we will analyze examples from the article and outline ways to solve the problem)
    B) by using JNA to call the operating system API
    public class HardwareSpy {
        public int cacheLineSize() {...}
        public int cacheL1Size() {...} // -1 если считается, что нет L1
        public int cacheL2Size() {...} // -1 если считается, что нет L2
        public int cacheL3Size() {...} // -1 если считается, что нет L3
        public int coreCount() {...}
        public int isSMP() {...}
        public int isNUMA() {...}


    Webinars, video in recordings, source code of programs and verification of tasks are available only to those who register for the course.

    I do Java training online (here are the programming courses ) and publish part of the training materials as part of the redesign of the Java Core course . You can see video recordings of lectures in the audience on the youtube channel , perhaps the video of the channel is better systematized in this article .

    skype: GolovachCourses

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