Sailfish OS has become fully compatible with the ecosystem of Android


    In today's short press release , Jolla, the maker of Sailfish OS, announced that their operating system has achieved compatibility with the Android ecosystem, both at the application level and the hardware level.

    As stated, from now on Sailfish OS is able to work on the same smartphones and tablets that are released for Android, which virtually eliminates the need for some adaptation of manufacturers to a new player in the mobile systems market.

    It was also announced that existing Android applications (such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Spotify and others) are already working on Sailfish and, in fact, we are talking about the fact that the Finnish system is capable of running an entire fleet of Android programs without any problems, thus ensuring , for future owners an already prepared ecosystem. At the moment, Jolla is in talks with Android application stores to integrate them into its system.

    Interestingly, for about a month, Jolla has already announced that the first batch of pre-order devices has already been purchased, and in connection with this week the pre-order opportunity for the second batch will be open.

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