Free review of Chris Gilbo’s book “Startup for $ 100”

Strange, but the search for Habré did not give any mention of the book by Chris Gilbo - Startup for $ 100 (in the original: Guillebeau Chris: The $ 100 Startup. Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, DO What You Love, and Create a New Future).
However, this can be explained by the desire of most hawkers to stop working for someone and stir up the coolest startup, which will soon turn into a megacorporation such as Google, Facebook, Apple, or at least Microsoft.
Yes, nobody agrees to anything less, and in anticipation when investors begin to give millions for another brilliant idea, we continue to go to work, get tired of dull meetings and rake other people's deadlines.
Chris Gilbo's book is not about that at all.
This book is about how to start living. How to throw a boring and uninteresting job to a landfill and start doing what is interesting to you and useful to others. All that is needed is to understand what you want from life, to finally start doing what you love, to understand how you can make money on it.
At the beginning of the book, the author talks about the relationship between freedoms and values: “We all strive for freedom, and values are a means to find it.”
According to the author, to create this book, he found one and a half thousand entrepreneurs whose business brings> = 50 thousand dollars a year, but at the same time they started with very modest investments (often, the amounts really did not exceed $ 100). Selecting the 50 most interesting entrepreneurs, Chris Gilbo structured their experience and described it in this book, in the form of tips and step-by-step instructions.
The book does not discuss the creation of a large Internet startup; it is about creating a small business that will not bring you a lot of money, but which will give you a very valuable thing - freedom.
Freedom not to stick to any schedules other than your own. The freedom not to make meaningless reports. The freedom not to participate in boring meetings.
This is a book about how to realize your dreams and earn money by doing what you are really interested in.
The book is interesting and easy to read. A volume of a hundred pages can be swallowed in one day or a couple of evenings.
Enjoy reading!
Quotes from the book:
“Value is usually created when a person does something useful and shares it with others.”
“A mysterious recipe for the magical power of micro-business:
Passion or skills + benefit = success ”
“ the main principle of building a business that has proved its effectiveness many times: create what people need and give it to them. ”
“ The most important thing is to combine your passion and skills with what will be useful to others to people. "
" Try to give people what they really want. How? Try to understand the nature of man. Take this simple truth as a basis, and then everything will go like clockwork. ”
“ 1. Select a product.
2. Create a website, the easiest is possible (there are special platforms for creating free sites).
3. Develop a proposal (it differs from the product).
4. Select a payment method (for starters, you can open a free account on PayPal).
5. Announce your offer
6. Repeat, taking into account previous experience. ”
“ If your business helps others, you will always have plenty of work. ”
“You are not paid for your hobby as such, but for the help that it provides directly or indirectly. This is the main thing. ”
“ Good companies offer solutions to problems ”
“ Business revolves around my life, and not vice versa. ”
“ Territorial independence can be reached in different ways, but the business in the field of online publications is especially convenient in this sense. (In addition to e-books, there are many other varieties.) ”
“ Be guided by the following principle: we love to buy, but do not like when they sell to us. Traditional marketing is built on persuasion, new marketing is based on invitation. ”
“First of all, answer the main questions of any micro-business:
• Does the project offer a specific product?
• Do you know people who want to buy this (or know where to find them)?
• Have you chosen a method of accepting payments? ”
“ We all have more than we think. Let's put these resources to good purpose. ”
“ The simple method of quickly generating additional income is to create a service based on a product or a product based on a service ”
“ Gaining personal freedom involves creating values for others. Put this rule at the forefront. Repeatedly ask yourself the same question: “How else can I help people?” ”
“ Your main enemies are not competition or any external factors, but your own fears and inertness. ”
“Do not waste time living someone else's life.”
And yes. I already quit my job.
Chris Gilbo: $ 100 Startup. Create a new future by doing what you love .