Organizational report of the conference “Just Sell IT! Effective IT sales »

    On April 13, the GeeksLab project team held a conference in the HUB Odessa Coworking Space , which was dedicated to sales techniques in the IT sector “Just Sell IT! Effective IT sales . The event gathered 157 people from 10 cities of Ukraine.

    The conference “Just Sell IT” was a series of reports by specialists in the field of marketing, sales, as well as the founders of successful startups. The topics of the reports were created with a specific practical aim, so the event turned out to be as useful as possible.

    The conference was divided into two sections in order to cover the features of marketing and sales in two of the most promising areas of the Ukrainian IT industry - startups and outsourcing. It should be noted that both sections aroused equal interest among the audience.

    The topic of the first section was sales and marketing, because, as you know, it is this stage that determines the success of the project in the market. The report of Dmitry Tkachenko (SMM, Group) on where to start looking for the first customers and what tools to use, aroused great interest among the audience.

    Sales Director of Opera Mediaworks, Alexandra Ilyina, shared her experience in international sales of IT products and spoke about the specifics of communicating with customers in different countries.

    Nikyara Purmambetova (CEO, UCat - a single catalog of goods) shared how, as a startup, it is possible to enter into transactions with corporations such as Coca-Cola, Red Bull and large supermarket chains. And Vadim Rogovsky (CEO, Clicky), also touching on the topic of B2B sales, helped determine which profile offline events it is better to attend and how to make the necessary acquaintances for effective sales of IT products.

    Of great interest was the report of Denis Dovgopoloi (GrowthUp), who, despite being busy with iForum, nevertheless came to Odessa. Effective startup marketing has sparked a lively interest and flurry of questions.

    In the sales section in start-ups, the marketing guru of the project Konstandin Shtondenko shared his successful experience in promoting his project, as well as the tricks of the PR company. World publications such as CNET, TechCrunch and PetaPixel already write about startups.

    An interesting and lively discussion was caused by a report by Vitaliy Goncharuk (CEO, Augmented Pixels) on how to distinguish a good sales manager from a marketer and what type of person is most suitable for working as a sales manager.

    Vera Zvereva, an internet marketer with a huge track record, talked about how effective email marketing can drive sales and which techniques are best used.

    The outsourcing sales section was hosted by the founders of the IT sales school in Kharkov and Kiev - Anastasia Novikova and Evgeny Kovalik. Anastasia convinced the audience that cold calls still work, and shared the basic techniques and skills of telemarketing. And Eugene emphasized the main "cockroaches" in the head of the sales manager and how to deal with them in order to succeed in his field.

    One of the most active people in the outsourcing business, the organizer of the large-scale Outsource People event in Kharkiv and various IT sales webinars, Pavel Obod revealed the secret of the information business, focusing on mutual support, rather than on the competition of outsourcing companies

    And Natalya Stoyanovich, in the summary of which the organization of her successful outsourcing company, as well as her MBA degree in the best business school in Europe, shared how to better position her outsourcing company in the world market, how and how to differ from competitors, and also what to focus on in working with clients.

    On a very positive note, Denis Seleznev, VP, Sales of Provectus, concluded the conference. As the common hobbies of AC \ DC, sincere interest and human qualities influence the sales process, the method of how to be yourself in business has caused a resonance and loud applause.

    It is also impossible not to note the active involvement of the audience - the speakers literally did not want to let go. Communication with the speakers continued after the performance during the coffee breaks. And this only confirms the interest in such events, as well as the success of the conference.

    Thanks to the speakers for practical and useful topics, and to the participants for the lively discussions and atmosphere of the event.

    The event was supported by the gold sponsor of Opera , as well as sponsors of the startup incubator WannaBiz and DataArt .

    Conference presentations can be found here .

    Video recordings of reports are available on our YouTube channel .

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    Submission of applications for participation in WebCamp 2014 continues

    From July 21 to July 24, the V Professional Conference of WebCamp 2014 web developers will be held as part of Odessa Innovation Week 2014 . Each day of the conference will be devoted to a separate direction:
    • July 21 - WebCamp: Developer Day - a day dedicated to backend and frontend development technologies.
    • July 22 - WebCamp: Designer Day & Internet Marketing Day - in parallel, independently of each other, there will be a day devoted to design issues, as well as an Internet marketing day.
    • July 23 - WebCamp: Mobile Day - Mobile Day: we will focus on developing applications for various platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone and others.
    • July 24 - WebCamp: HighLoad Day & Project management Day - for the first time on WebCamp there will be a day dedicated to high loads and parallel to it a day for managing projects and teams.

    To become a speaker or to give a master class / workshop , you must fill out an application by June 2 at: .

    We invite partners and sponsors for cooperation.

    Odessa Innovation Week- A week of innovative technologies, which will be held from July 21 to July 27. Over the course of 7 days, participants will find a number of interesting conferences, workshops and master classes, during which specialists in the field of web technologies, mobile development, high workloads and project management will discuss various professional topics, entrepreneurs will demonstrate their projects and receive feedback from mentors and coaches , beginning entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to create their startup in 48 hours under the strict guidance of domestic and foreign mentors, as well as make new acquaintances, find partners, and, of course, x It’s good to relax on the Black Sea.

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