Will Runet survive to 2015?

    At the end of April, the largest industry conference Runet RIF + CIB 2014 took place .
    I managed not only to attend this event, but also to participate in one of the sections of this forum as a speaker.

    The section “Will the Runet live to 2015?” On the second day of the conference, as planned, turned out to be interesting and resonant, although we initially planned with the moderator (which was made by the cool chief editor of TJournalSultan Suleimanov, ex-LentaRu) spend part of the time on a conditional round table with the audience present and more deeply all together to wiggle / help storm what the IT community and Internet business can do in the current situation with an ever-increasing state run over to Runet. But time, unfortunately, was not enough for this, which leaves us with a moral obligation and, naturally, a desire to organize such a round table separately.


    Actually, there was already a video recording of the speeches of the section speakers, but according to the incomprehensible logic of the broadcast organizer, only figures of speakers were shot without getting into the frame of the slides and presentations themselves (although this is probably done in order to avoid copyright trolls later, I don’t see any other logic). Therefore, below I am posting not only the video, but also the presentations of the speakers themselves, I hope you can synchronize the video image and leafing through the slides. Well, of course, who will be interested.

    Video recording is not embedded here - therefore I give a link to it on RuTube .

    Speakers, in order of presentation:
    Artyom Kozlyuk, your humble servant, RosKomSvoboda
    Arseny Bobrovsky and Ekaterina Romanovskaya, KermlinRussia
    Ivan Zasursky, Moscow State University, media person
    Sarkis Darbinyan, lawyer and human rights activist, “Pirate Party of Russia”
    Vladimir Kharitonov, “Association of Internet Publishers”

    Naturally, the organizer and presenter of the section intensely called on her and representatives of authorities and other supporters and adherents of tightening government regulation the Internet sphere, but none of them dared to openly look the Internet audience in the eye, express their point of view and answer the questions accumulated by Runet to them. What do we have.

    Presentations themselves:

    1. "Legislative ice rink on the Runet"

    Currently, the State Duma has submitted about 20 bills that are repressive in the Internet sphere and the IT industry: introduce new criteria for prohibited information, blocking, encumbrance on business on the Web, restrictions, prohibitions, fines and leveling the rights of Internet users .
    Looking back when the first law on extrajudicial blocking was introduced in 2012, we can recall that this was done to protect children, to protect them from drugs, pedophilia and suicide. What happened in the end? Children did not live happier and safer, but it became the norm to regularly introduce new laws to block information on the network, which already in droves began to offend all subjects of relationships on the Web. RuNet is doomed? If Runet himself allows this, then yes.
    But what kind of reciprocal steps can society and IT-business take as the primary subjects to which the laws governing the Internet sphere apply?

    ( link ) The

    full transcript of my report, so as not to occupy a place here , can be viewed here , and at the end of this post I will give only outline options for action on the part of society and the Internet business in this situation. And I urge you to think together about these and other options for joint participation that you proposed.

    2. “Copyright Reform in the Digital Age”

    Today's concept, chosen to protect copyright on the Internet, seems to many participants in the relationship ineffective and rather controversial. Today it is obvious that existing laws in the field of copyright are not adequate for the development of technologies and communication systems, and even interfere with further technological development, and the 50-70-year term of copyright protection in the 21st century is a monstrous archaism. The largest media corporations, record companies, producers and intermediary publishers support the current situation.
    We propose a new approach for the legal regulation of civil content circulation on the network. We believe that the time has come to change copyright and offer a new conceptso that the rights of users, information intermediaries and copyright holders are more balanced.

    Video intro from the performance:

    ( link )

    3. “Plan B, or Smuggling Traffic Market Perspectives”

    Black lists, site registration, white lists, The Great Russian Curtain. The end? Not. Too few Chinese people live in Russia, and therefore, those who watch the traffic will want to watch adult films and Western TV shows, and be aware of the exact words used to scold the curtain guards. Yes, and ill-educated hackers, including those not educated in the spirit of Confucius, are also missing. So there will be loopholes, backdoors, VPN traffic smuggling, satellite modems, illegal cross-border WiFi, mesh networks. And a 10-fold increase in the cost of such traffic, which IT-bootleggers simply will not be able to overlook. How exactly will it all be? I will gladly give the report to more competent hands.

    ( link )
    Immediately I give an answer to a question that is often asked by many who have watched this presentation very tormented: Slide 11 is a frame from the cartoon “Work for Voice” .

    So what to do?

    Asymmetric society response

    - Explore tools for restoring access to information ( we tell you about them );
    - Be able to use encryption methods and specialized software;
    - When blocking the Internet resource - sue (we will help you legally);
    - Arrange social DDoS of responsible government agencies (the campaign “To the Block - NO!” );
    - Sign petitions and appeals (yes, the result is opaque, but water sharpens the stone);
    - You know for yourself - tell your friends (public “SMM”);
    - Participate in public discussions of draft laws (we created the RosKomZakon site for this );
    - Join online and offline strikes and promotions ( we participate in their organization);
    - To know who initiated and how deputies voted according to laws against the Internet, draw conclusions for the future.

    Asymmetric IT business response

    - Do not stay away! Politics has come fully to you and you can no longer remain indifferent to the situation;
    - Conduct educational program for your customers and users (for example, how do telecom operators act, which on their stubs to restrict access provide a link to block bypass tools);
    - Take part in helping public organizations and initiative groups (if you yourself support their ideas, but are not ready to act on their own);
    - Form lobby groups or help them grow;
    - Submit to the court and challenge the decisions of state bodies (we are ready to help you legally with this);
    - Organize industry online and offline strikes;
    - Organize campaigns and collect user signatures (example - Google campaign“Add Your Voice To Keep The Internet” );
    - Use the power of your online resources to disseminate information about civic initiatives.

    What do you suggest? Let's discuss.

    Will Runet survive to 2015?
    But how?

    PS Periodically, there may be problems with the built-in slides in the post - brought direct links to them if they are not displayed inside your article.

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    How much Internet sadness got into you? Or again in battle?

    • 14.5% What sadness? I finally rush into battle and my supply of ammunition is not yet exhausted, count on me when planning military operations! 180
    • 6.7% But I am ready not only to fit into the battle, but also to develop and propose operational, tactical and strategic solutions. 83
    • 5.7% Fight is not for me, I'm too star for this. But he is ready to help in an organizational or other non-material way. 71
    • 7.1% But I am ready to finance the hostilities. Where to throw money for the freedom of the Internet? 89
    • 7.2% I am perpendicular. I do not care. 90
    • 14.2% I'm just sad and I'm tired, fight without me. The squad will not notice the loss of a fighter. 176
    • 29.2% I am so sad that I call Peter the Piglet with his tractor with the sign "Russia - Any other country" 362
    • 6.4% And I have fun! The state is doing everything right. Absolutely unbelted! 80
    • 8.6% Did not find in the answers that subtle state of my soul that I am currently experiencing. I promise to write about my feelings so as not to collect the minus and the UFO will not fly 107

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