Batl: STM32 Developer Platform


    Good afternoon, dear readers / writers of Habr!
    Today is a special day for me, I decided to try my hand at launching a project.
    The project promised to be interesting and quite viable. While an idea finally took shape in my head and I was about to throw it out in the bowels of boomstarter, a similar project started on the more famous kickstarter site. If this didn’t disappoint you, I ask for a cut ... The

    article will go copy-paste with boomstarter, so who is too lazy to poke the link below will not lose much.
    “Each person is talented in his own way. Regardless of age, religion, financial situation and many other factors, we are all also creative people. Expand your opportunities with us! ” Somehow these lines themselves fell "on paper" and, as I did not re-read them, it was decided to leave it that way.

    Project objectives

    Some realize their creativity in work, others in a hobby. We bring to your attention a device that helps not only develop creative abilities, but also become your assistant in the implementation of your projects, which are based on programmable controllers. The aim of this project is to create an electronic “designer” module that can be used both as an integral part of a large project and as a complete device. This project is only the first step in developing a line of commercially available devices of various configurations and purposes. It is important for us to find like-minded people in the project, those who are truly inspired by the idea of ​​creating a product. Following each other and foot in foot we can succeed! By financing this startup, you can not only try your hand at mastering the art of programming,


    There are dozens of different Batl applications. Here are a few of the most common:

    1. Education. Programming and circuitry are key points that help a person develop (this is especially true for children of preschool and school age, when their brain absorbs new information like a sponge).

    2. Design. Batl can act as a software and hardware debugging platform. Choose the development environment closest to you, from several proposed ones, optimize it for yourself and start working!

    3. Robotics. The interest in creating something “reasonable” with one's own hands is always high. Having plunged into the development of your robot, you will not only be able to create your dream device, but also experience the charm of the possibility of "revitalizing" inanimate objects.

    4. Automation. Designing automation devices for use in Smart Home, Alarms and Alerts, Leakage Monitoring systems, etc. ... Make your home more reliable and economical.

    And also: one Batl module acts as the “heart” of your project, let it be a robot, a smart home system, a data acquisition and processing controller, an electronic lighting and ventilation control system, a programming training system, or any other device. With Batl, most of your fantasies can come true.

    Target Audience

    Diverse. Batl is a device with virtually no restrictions on age, gender and educational level. It is never too late to realize your project or just start learning something new.

    Difference from existing projects

    1. Customization. Batl has an intuitive hardware interface that does not need to be configured and starts working immediately after connecting to a PC. The ease of communication with the module will be appreciated even by a beginner.

    2. Pricing policy. Even the first batch of devices will be competitive in cost and performance compared to other similar projects. In the future, it is planned to adjust the price based on the increase in the number of devices in the batch.

    3. Availability. Controllers (STM32) over the past year have attracted a large number of developers. STMicroelectronics provides first-class support - this is one of the key points in the development of electronics.
    4. Key Features Batl S
    Core: ARM Cortex-M3, 32-bit;
    Flash memory: 64 Kbytes;
    RAM memory: 7.875 KB;
    Core / Peripheral Supply Voltage: 2-3.6V;
    Interfaces for interfacing with a PC: miniUSB;
    Additional programming interface: SWD;
    Number of ports: 25;
    Management: buttons boot and reset;
    LED Indication: Power and Controlled Output (PC13).

    5. Dimensions of Batl S. One of the most obvious advantages is the miniature size of the module, which is especially true for embedded systems. The dimensions of the board are only 18.5x43 mm, and the possibilities contained in it are huge.



    The project will be implemented in four main stages.

    1. Design. Cosmetic changes in the Batl S board (STM32F100C8T6B). Designing the next in the Batl M lineup (STM32F100RBT6). To facilitate debugging software, a programmer will be built into this version for integration with a programming environment (for example, IAR).

    2. Order 10 samples and run test software on them. Hardware revision. Writing documentation.

    3. Order the first batch of devices 100pcs. Development of the concept of extension boards for the project.

    4. Encouragement of persons actively involved in the promotion of the project. Preparation of booklets and instructions. Website revision.

    Delayed goals:

    After collecting 300000r there is a possibility of further assistance to the project, each subsequent 100000r collected will go to the next stage:
    1. Development of the site and organization of the possibility of pre-orders for devices. Writing detailed technical documentation. Create a study room with several lessons for quickly mastering Batl.

    2. Creation of the first expansion modules for the Batl board. A voting form will be presented on the website, which will help you choose the most popular modules (expansion breadboard, real-time clock, modules with sensors, screen module, relay switching card, RF modules for different frequencies, etc.). There will also be an opportunity to offer your options.

    3. Development, production and testing of three modules from the line. After successful completion of testing, the modules will immediately go on sale. New features - new ideas!

    4. Creation of equipment for quick testing of assembled printed circuit boards, which at the same time can be used as an expansion board for Batl modules. Additional connectors, “suspenders”, LEDs and much more will help to achieve the goal even faster without spending additional time and resources. We will do everything for you! You only need one thing: a creative approach to solving the task!

    5. Development of the product body. In addition to embedding the Batl module in finished systems (switches, sockets, cases of electrical appliances, etc.), you can give your devices a finished look. We have the opportunity to create several designs of the case, creating designs (printing on a 3D printer). After the end of the stage, anyone can download a 3D model of the case from the site and print it.

    At each new stage, we will try to do everything to reduce the cost and, consequently, the final cost of the Batl modules, without compromising the quality of workmanship.

    Future plans

    After the launch of the first batch of devices, it is planned to finalize the hardware of the device, taking into account possible comments that arise in the process of introducing users to the platform. Next, create a line of devices on various controllers (from the ST line) and with various functionalities.

    The first Batl XS board in the line will have an incredibly low cost and is designed on the STM32F100C4T6B chip (dimensions will also be possibly reduced).

    Batl XXL will be with a wide range of interfaces on a high-performance chip. To develop this module, a survey will be conducted among users to resolve technical requirements. Each developer will have the opportunity to contribute to the project. We believe in your experience and hope for cooperation!

    In total, the lineup will feature six devices with extensions. I want to note that the extensions will be cross-platform.

    Parting words

    Let your dreams capture you! Materialize your ideas! Starting your study of microcontrollers with an introduction to the Batl S module, you will not start from scratch!

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