Google announces SDK for wearable devices

    Today in the blog of Android developers appeared the announcement of Android Wear Developer Preview ( link ).

    A new section has also appeared .
    Now there is an opportunity to write programs for watches. Moreover, in addition to the already annoyed rectangular clocks, round ones appeared!
    Can be seen in the video.

    To start testing the new SDK, you need to register. In response, you will receive an email with links to examples and to the program on Google Play, which must be installed on the phone with version 4.3 and higher. Unfortunately, I do not have such a phone, but the program is not installed on the Nexus 7 tablet.
    In addition, you can download the image for the emulator. There are also two emulators - for rectangular and round watches.
    To look at this miracle, I installed an emulator for round-the-clock.

    Since I do not have a device for communicating with the emulator, there is little sense from it. Have to run to the store for a new phone.
    On the site to which I already gave a link at the top, you can find additional information and videos from developers with code examples.
    This step was long awaited. We will follow the further development of the project.
    By the way, if you recently installed ADT 22.6, and you have problems installing and editing old emulators, then the good news is that update 22.6.1 has been released. Download and enjoy.

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