Backend United # 2: Minced

    Hello! My name is Frol Kryuchkov, I am a team leader in Avito. September 22, I invite everyone to our office at Backend United 2: Ground - a meeting dedicated to backend testing. With colleagues, we will talk about the basic techniques of testing the backend, the differences in testing in different languages, the CDC approach to testing microservices, the mechanics and difficulties of implementing Pact and find out how to create honest and efficient insulation tests in the microservice architecture. The speakers, besides me, will be made by representatives of Radio QA, Juno and Lifland Gaming.

    Under the cut - theses speeches speakers, a link to the registration and broadcast of the meeting.


    Implementation of the Consumer-Driven Contract approach for testing Avito's microservices

    Frol Kryuchkov, Avito (Moscow)

    Popular implementations of CDC testing create additional problems for programmers: waste of time on the description of interaction contracts, irrelevance of these contracts, own DSL. In order to avoid all these problems, we in Avito use native tests written in the languages ​​of consumer services, which are assembled into a docker image and run when there are changes in the service on which they depend. In the report, I will tell you how we implemented our CDC testing and why we came to this decision.

    Practical introduction to pact

    Alexey Vinogradov, Vinogradov IT-Consulting (Düsseldorf)

    “Pact is a collection of libraries that implement the Consumer-Driven Contract API testing approach. I will show the basic mechanics of the work Pact. In the second part I will talk about the difficulties that arise when implementing Pact on projects. ”

    How to start testing and not balding

    Andrey Skomorokhov, Lifland Gaming (Tallinn)

    “We will try to systematize the main methods of testing the backend and discuss how testing differs in different languages.”

    Honest, simple and fast insulation tests

    Alexander Chumakin, Juno (Minsk)

    “The presentation will explore Juno’s microservice architecture testing approaches, show you how to create honest and effective isolation tests, how we maintain our highly loaded and ever-changing system fully tested in minutes, and ensure stability and resiliency with continuous releases to production.”


    12:00 - 12:30 - Registration
    12:30 - 13:15 - How to start testing and not becoming baller - Andrey Skomorokhov, Lifland Gaming
    13:20 - 14:05 - Implementation of the Consumer-Driven Contract approach for testing microservices in Avito - Frol Kryuchkov, Avito
    14:05 - 14:35 - Lunch
    14:35 - 15:20 - Practical introduction to the Pact - Alexey Vinogradov, Vinogradov IT consulting
    15:20 - 16:10 - Honest, simple and fast insulation tests - Alexander Chumakin , Juno
    16:30 - ... - Afterparty

    Registration and broadcast

    Participation in the event is free, but you need to register . Please indicate your surname and name as in your passport, and do not forget to take it (or your driver's license) with you - otherwise you will not be allowed into our office.

    Address: Avito office, Lesnaya 7 .

    A link to the live broadcast mitapa are looking to-day activities on YouTube-channel AvitoTech .

    See you at the meeting!

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