Smartwatch for Vasya engineer

Nowadays, factories are highly automated, innovative machines and methods can facilitate the work of man, but still there are many problems. Now the technology of “smart environment” has become widespread, and its application in apartments / houses of people has given life to the term “smart home”. Well, without details, let's get down to business.

Application in production (now)

But what if you make a smart factory? Now a large number of various sensors are already used:

• light;
• temperature and humidity;
• movement;
• smoke;
• presence (opening windows / doors);
• other.

They proved themselves not bad, saving a lot of money to the state and our billionaires.

Currently, the sensors in the factories work offline and are tuned for a long time by special adjusters. The brain of this system is a computer hidden away from the eyes. Most systems operate on the basis of bus technology, which consists in the use of a “twisted pair”, the so-called bus, on which signals from one device to another go. The system operates at a voltage of 24 V, as a result of which it is absolutely safe for the "know-it-all" at the factory, and its installation is possible even in rooms with high humidity.

All devices of the system are connected in series with each other, while the failure of one device does not mean a malfunction of the entire system.

Nobody can configure the system, therefore progress is possible only with:

• equipment modernization;
• improving the quality of sensors;
• system response time;
• etc.

New idea

Therefore, you should focus on more important things. What else can you think of for a plant?

Most recently, people started talking about smart watches, but they have not yet become widespread due to the fact that not all players have yet entered the market. The most important trendsetter: the American company Apple still keeps its designs in the shadows. It is not for nothing that the author gives this corporation a special place in the article; one can recall the situation with the iPad when Steve Jobs showed it to the world. It was after the presentation of the iPad at the end of January 2010 and the start of sales on April 1 of the same year that the rapid development of a new industry began - tablet computers or, as they are popularly called “tablets”. We can say with full confidence that it was Apple that created the whole tablet market.

In parallel with smart watches, smart glasses are being developed. Another American corporation, Google, is developing and has already begun to carry out closed sales of its glasses - Google Glass. But this article will discuss the possibility of using smart watches in production.


Using estimated indicators, it is possible to distinguish both pros and cons. The disadvantages of using “smart watches” have a purely “novelty character”:

• the watch must always be worn on the hand;
• they need to be charged (at this time, the problem of power consumption of devices has
not yet been solved);
• get used to a new way of management.

Even the “geeks” (advanced users) are not yet accustomed to using this innovation, therefore, this instrument may seem outlandish and even superfluous to ordinary ordinary workers. But its further use will bring a number of advantages.

Pros and functionality

Even everyone’s beloved “iPhones” have a large number of shortcomings, but this does not prevent them from holding first positions in sales before the Christmas holidays. This is because there are many more pluses than minuses, and their contribution to human life is significant. The use of “smart watches” in production will change the current idea of ​​labor as follows:

1) The watches will have a map of the enterprise, with all shops, offices, exits and entrances. And also an optimal route will be laid, taking into account that some sections of the workshops may be temporarily blocked for any reason.

2) If the worker leaves the room (there will be no hours), the light turns off (or the lighting becomes dim), saving energy to the enterprise.

3) There are many installations in which there is a key with which workers block machines if they are absent. With the use of “smart watches”, when a worker leaves the machine zone (the working clock does not take off, therefore, the clock is also removed (the working-hours-setting contact occurs on them) from the machine zone, then it goes into locked mode, as when turning normal key, which is used at this time.

conventional keys have a number of disadvantages:

• they can forge and make contact with the installation, by disrupting the processes
of production Each instance hours will be your identifier to prevent unauthorized entry to. istemu plant control;
• the human factor can play a cruel joke with the worker, and he will simply forget to turn off the unit, when weaning from his place, hoping that he will return soon;
• The key can be lost.

4) Having started the widespread use of “smart watches”, at enterprises it is possible
to cancel pass systems, using them as a pass. Using the NFC module, you can
cancel cash and non-cash (namely plastic cards), and start accepting funds using the watch. The use of this technical solution will give a number of advantages:

• increase the throughput of dining rooms;
• by canceling passes, the employees of the enterprise have a new opportunity to purchase goods in vending machines.
5) Some employees of CNC machines depart from their installations during their operation. By applying RFID tags in the smart watch, it will be possible to exercise control over the employee. Putting cameras and monitoring is difficult, even if you use pattern recognition. And RFID tags can be a cheap way to improve production quality. Now the use of this technology is difficult, because there is no place where you can sew / embed tags:
• into clothes (they will deteriorate due to frequent washing);
• creating an entire object / gadget is expensive.

6) Using the OS as a base, and software for "management" of enterprises taken from
"Clouds", you can allow workers to take this device home to manage their personal space (software for which will also be in the "cloud", gaining temporary access to the hardware of the gadget). Thus, “smart watches” will be a single standard for the future of mankind.

7) Obtaining software from the "cloud" will provide the following benefits:

• increased security, because attackers will not have access to the
software code , which will be located on a third-party server;
• access to the software will be via security keys, which will
generate the clock itself, using its unique identifier. The complexity of counterfeiting watches increases - the reliability of the system increases.

8) "Smart watches" should be used to diagnose diseases of employees of enterprises. For diagnostics, a neural network located in the cloud will be used, which will be accessed by the operating system of the “revolutionary gadget”.
Why exactly a neural network? Neural networks are non-linear systems that allow for a much better classification of data than commonly used linear methods. Their use in medicine can significantly improve the quality of the diagnostic method, rejecting the human factor, but reducing its sensitivity.

An example of a neural network A

neural network is capable of operating with a large number of initial
conditions - all kinds of data after diagnosis (input neurons), after which various assumptions about diseases (hidden neurons) are formed on their basis, and already at the output we have the result - diagnosis (output neuron).

9) The watch will have an alert system that will help save time for managers and workers working in different workshops. Also, it will be possible to send a request to the server, which will determine the location of employees whom you would like to personally contact using RFID tags.

The clock should not become an obstacle to work, with excessively large alerts, workers will be distracted.

Autonomous geolocation service

10) To prevent unauthorized access to the gadget, it will
have a SightWatch camera that will scan the retina to provide access to the functionality for user authentication.

This technology is already being developed by many companies, and Samsung Corporation plans to introduce this functionality in its mobile devices in the near future.

Technical implementation


• basic module (CPU, RAM, GPU).
• NFC-module (for cash transactions);
• Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
• RFID tags (to control the location of the worker);
• SightWatch camera for scanning the retina.
• GLONASS-, GPS-modules (geolocation for the "Maps" application).

Smart Watch architecture The

basic module is very weak (but it consumes little energy), because all calculations will be done in the cloud. Not only the software is in the "cloud", but the system itself is carried out there. The device only comes with finished results.

The use of smart watches in production will increase the efficiency of enterprises and facilitate the work of man. Using this gadget will be possible

• structure the receipt of information at the plant, management;
• receiving information from the center;
• saving time on moving around the enterprise and finding colleagues;
• diagnosis of diseases;
• unification of familiar objects: keys, wallet, omissions.

PS a lot. I didn’t write for a habr, but the beginning a little bit corrected. Just thoughts, nothing more ...

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