Penetration Testing Laboratories Test.lab

PentestIT "Test.lab"
About the laboratory
PenetIT penetration test labs “Test.lab” simulate the IT structure of real companies, with servers and workstations. The purpose of the laboratories is to provide an opportunity for everyone to test pentest skills in conditions as close as possible to real ones, while completely legal. The tasks, which are laid down in "Test.lab", are taken on the basis of completed pentests in anonymous form and are always interconnected. For example, the found logins and passwords stored in the user's browser can be used to access the servers of the attacked virtual company. Thus, Test.lab laboratories are more realistic than the ones that differ from regular CTF competitions.
Attack vectors and tools
In the process of developing Pent.labs “Test.lab”, various attack vectors are laid down, affecting almost all areas of information security: network, systems, and application software security. Completing tasks requires not only deep technical knowledge, but also the ability to use special tools: BurpSuite, IDAPro, Metasploit, etc., as well as specific thinking.
In addition to the practice of penetration testing, participants get the opportunity to communicate, share knowledge, and the spirit of competition only adds an incentive to win and be in the hall of fame .
We invite everyone to take part in PentestIT laboratories, which gather people around themselves with completely different levels of training - from beginner specialists to information security professionals, while everyone discovers something new in the field of information security.
By the way, at the moment, you can take part in the laboratory, developed as part of the All-Russian contest for IT specialists “ProfIT-2013” of the journal “System Administrator”. Read more here .