Small video chat for contact

    Dealing with adobe stratus - accidentally wrote a video phone for contact.

    It works something like this:
    1. You go to the application page and ask your friend to do the same.
    2. Your friend sees you in the list of subscribers and presses the “call” button.
    3. If you have a webcam / headset for both subscribers, you can chat live, like on Skype.
    4. In the absence - by the way, too, but without video.

    To be honest, I completely forgot about it, but then I suddenly remembered, suddenly someone would need it, but it was lying around to itself, was gathering dust. I do not plan to make it paid, or anything like that. If you do not believe it - here is the sourceif it suddenly becomes clear that I am a goon - you can easily clone it and all that.

    Have a nice day.

    PS: There weren’t any decent screenshots at hand, so sorry, there will be no picture.
    PPS: I continue to deal with this wonderful technology and for now, to be honest, there are more questions than answers. If you suddenly have lots of links to examples / examples of other P2P applications - do not be greedy, please share.

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