Study: Java is the most popular language in the cloud - who uses it and why

    At the end of the summer, the Cloud Foundry Foundation ( CFF ), a non-profit organization, published a ranking of the most popular programming languages ​​for corporate cloud development. According to their research, Java has become the leader .

    Under the cat, we will tell why and how IT companies and other organizations use it.

    / photo r. nial bradshaw SS

    More than 600 IT professionals participated in the CFF study. And according to the survey, Java is the most popular language for developing enterprise applications - it was chosen by 58% of respondents. At the same time, the choice in favor of this programming language was also made by 57% of specialists who use private clouds in their work.

    Java also ranks first in popularity among other programming languages ​​according to the TIOBE rating , which ranks PL by the number of search queries on the portals of Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, etc. According to data for August 2018, Java is 16.88%.

    Who uses Java in the cloud and how

    One of the main reasons for the popularity of this programming language (including in the cloud) is a wide choice of libraries . For example, employees of OverOps in 2017 identified and analyzed about 260 thousand unique Java libraries on GitHub. Note that the most popular of them were: JUnit (for writing tests), Mockito (mock library) and slf4j (representing a powerful facade for various logging systems in Java). They are leading in the rating presented on the site DZone.

    A large number of libraries makes PL flexible, which allows to implement new functions. This language feature helped Spotify build a set of modules for the development of Apollo microservices . It manages the life cycle of services and has been used for a long time by the streaming platform.

    Another advantage of Java is adaptability. Thanks to the Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) written in this PL code can be run on Windows, Linux and MacOS. This makes it possible to implement the principle “ once written, works everywhere ”, which is especially appreciated when developing cloud applications. Twitter Software Development Director Robert Benson (Robert Benson) calls this one of the reasons why the company switched to JVM.

    Java portabilitynoted in Netflix. The fact is that the company's infrastructure runs on Linux, and video encoding is performed on Windows machines. Netflix notes that a large number of open source Java tools make it easy to monitor and update data in “offsuit” environments.

    Another reason why companies choose Java is scalability. Edward Wu (Edward Wu), CIO of the game development company Niantic Labs, says that the Java capabilities helped them a lot when developing Pokémon Go (the game was downloaded over 500 million times). The Java cloud platform with containers and the Kubernetes framework helped them cope with the influx of traffic. Thanks to her, they were able to effectively synchronize the state of millions of virtual world entities between player devices.

    Where else use java

    In addition to cloud services, Java is used in the development of other solutions. For example, applications for the Internet of things are written on it: applications for working with various kinds of sensors , surveillance cameras , etc.

    Java is also popular in robotics. Programmer Dan Royer ( Dan Royer ) creator of Makelangelo - an open source art robot that draws posters (code is on GitHub ) - says that it uses Java in almost all its developments.

    / photo NASA PD

    PL is popular in the space industry. For example, it is used at NASA. As notesengineer Sean Henley (Java), allows you to quickly and cost-effectively implement cross-platform solutions. In particular, Java tools are written to visualize data from the telescope named after James Webb .

    The NASA World Wind API set is also created in Java. It helps to build interactive 3D maps of the globe. Data for this system is taken from Landsat and SRTM satellite images .

    Java cannot be called a new technology. More than 20 years have passed since its creation. Young PL appeared on the market, ready to compete with it. However, the language is still widely used. It is constantly updated , got a huge community.and it is expected that the popularity of Java will only grow.

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