Super-hydrophobicity in everyday life or affordable nanotechnology. Continuation

    Hello, Habr!

    Some time ago I wrote about the possibility of using various chemical compounds in everyday life, which make it possible to achieve hydrophobicity of the treated surface. I present to you the first tests of the composition of NeverWet.


    Reference and unattainable at that time was the composition of “NeverWet”, which was not on sale, but about which there were rumors for several years. Not so long ago, it began to be sold at retail (previously it was only possible to buy barrels (~ 500 thousand rubles for a barrel of two) by special order and all this was extremely difficult), which I took advantage of.

    I ordered a “minimum” set at the Ebay online auction (here's a lot), costing about $ 35, delivery is different everywhere, but even if you pay the same 30 bucks, it's worth it. Most sellers ship these kits from the UK and Ireland - curious ... I

    bring to your attention the first experiences.

    As a basis, I decided to take a simple paper - it is plastic, rough and hygroscopic - all those properties that adversely affect the hydrophobic films created by different compositions similar to the test, and, in case of successful completion of the experiment, will tell about the effectiveness of the coating.

    So, the box is as follows.


    It has two spray cans - layers. The first is the base, the second is the finish. One set of hawatite for 10-15 sq.ft. - 1 sq. m
    A solvent (or, rather, a carrier fluid) is an extremely volatile substance and may seem ... suffocating to many. As for me - the usual smelly solvent - can be tolerated.


    These are the characteristics ... an incredible 165 ͦ wetting angle ... hopefully!


    Sheet after applying both layers on it




    Some short videos

    As it turned out, not so much a film is created as spraying. That is, the liquid escapes, leaving (attaching) to the first layer of nodule nano-dust.
    I conducted abrasion tests - I scratched the paper very strongly with my fingernail. White powder remained on the nail, but this did not affect the hydrophobic properties of the paper. However, this is likely to be characteristic of materials with high roughness and surface area - paper, swelling, increases the surface area by passing particles between the fibers. The same awaits the fabric. But this is a topic for further testing.

    Later, the composition was in order of a quick demonstration (the authorities didn’t like the smell, and they were interested in what I was doing at the workplace. It turned out that I was looking for ways to save the company money on cleaning the roofs from ice and snow in winter =)) was applied to the window sill from the street - right on the paint. There were unpresentable whitish stains, which, with moderately persistent scratching, were worn out, and with them hydrophobicity also went away. The documentation advised at least half an hour to wait after applying the first layer - even with the appearance of dryness, the composition contains a liquid that impairs hydrophobic properties. The optimal waiting time before use is one day.

    The possibility of using on a variety of coatings is stated — fabrics, leather, wood, metals (including electroplated coatings), vinyl, plastics, asphalt, concrete ... The spectrum of use is a little more than very wide, the most important thing is to exclude the maximum physical impact on coating. As a living example - to cover the inside of electrical appliances, which I will do after testing with a cloth.

    A few words about toxicity.
    On the packaging in small print it says that it contains a chemical that causes cancer.

    Updates will follow later.
    Write questions, tips and suggestions in the comments, I will try to answer as much as possible

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