The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week №327 (August 13 - 19, 2018)
We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining
Web Standards podcast, Release №134: Invisible DOM and files, new attributes for images, web components in Firefox, news from the forest, a good conference.
Five-minute Angular podcast # 11 - WSD, Community, ngrx-data, websocket, Angular 7.0, CLI 6.2 beta
Frontend Weekend podcast # 66 - Zhanna Kruglova about the fate of developers on the decree and history of Big Interviews
Devshakhta-podcast ": # 46 - Joon's path - how to completely change profession in a year
Podcast" Frontend Youth (18+) " # 61 O, Lisp machine
Interview with SRI teacher Dmitry Andriyanov
Web Standards Days, recording of the conference, held on August 18 in St. Petersburg
JSCamp Barcelona 2018, 13 videos
WebAssembly: how and why
Learning web development in 2018
Full anatomy of Gutenberg WordPress editor
Creating websites for Safari Reader Mode and other reading applications
Sensor API for the web
Seven best online sandboxes for writing code
Accessibility: your links skip content broken
Maximum adaptability with a minimum number of media queries, or a method of reverse adaptability
5 CSS techniques you should be aware of
• Standard for non-standard
• First public draft of the module of values and CSS units of level 4
Variable fonts: what they are and how use
All features of the color-adjust property
3D transformation functions in CSS
About switching from HEX & RGB to HSL
Time saving techniques for working with responsive CSS images
Synchronization between tabs using Web Locks API
Built-in functions in V8 (builtins)
How to create a simple component for working with the camera
What video codecs (do not) use browsers for video calls
• Mozilla engineers removed 23 add-ons for Firefox that collected information about users
• Opera 55 released: new settings interface and simplified installation of Chrome extensions
Creation of Chrome extensions in 2018: good, bad and evil
• The new AI DeepMind system is able to diagnose and prescribe treatment for more than 50 eye diseases
• “We are the power here”. How Dvach saves and maims other people's lives
• How Amazon creates a YouTube competitor from Twitch
• Three decades of Might and Magic: understanding the history of the legendary franchise
• Artificial intelligence in action
• Is it possible to create a super-programming language - experts say
• Not like it - grow a new hand ": a designer of limb cultivation and cyberpunk in Russia
• A new set of Specter vulnerabilities has been discovered in Intel processors: Foreshadow or L1TF
← Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining








Web development







- Performance:
•18 tips on how to speed up WordPress
•Friday Frontend: Client Side Performance Edition
- Animation:
•Foot tap loader | SVG + GreenSock
•Chromatic aberration effect
•Scrolling a site with a rebound effect


• Standard for non-standard
• First public draft of the module of values and CSS units of level 4





- Practice:
•Simple interactive pie chart with CSS Variables and Houdini magic
•CSS Scroll Snapping in practice
•Creating a sea battle on CSS
- Layouts:
•Simple and responsive modern template on CSS Grid Layout
•Experimental layouts with CSS Shapes and clip-path
•Site redesign using CSS Grid layouts
•Everything you need to know about alignment in Flexbox



- Podcasts:
•JSJ 326: Talking with Ember creator Tom Dale about Ember 3.0 and the future Ember
•"JavaScript & SEO" , The Web Platform podcast, issue # 168
•"REST easy, GraphQL is here" , JS Party podcast - Episode # 38 . Hosts talk to John Resig (the creator of jQuery) about how he uses GraphQL in the Khan Academy, as well as about John’s thoughts about the present and future of jQuery
- Theory:
• Problems with interviews. Collection of solutions - Fun ES # 5: for Nerdov , Fun ES # 6: flip the number
•Analysis of the “Pattern” pattern in JavaScript
•Ivan Tulup: asynchronism in the JS under the hood
•Basics of the JavaScript engine: prototype optimization
•Ivy research - new Angular compiler
• Start working with Angular Grid in 5 minutes
• The Angular team released tools that make it easier to switch from AngularJS to Angular
•Angular 7 is coming
•Debugging Angular CLI applications in Visual Studio Code
•10 most useful Angular features, that you may not have heard
•How Angular CLI Budgets saved my day, and how it can save your
•Vuex: structuring large projects and working with modules
• Vue patterns . Useful patterns, methods, tips and tricks, and a carefully selected list of Vue links. If you like the translation, put a Like-star repository Translation
•Three reasons Vue.js use in your next project
•How do I create a browser extension on Vue: Part 1 , Part 2
• Practical React: manage rendering - performance
•Work with Reacts refs
•How you can plan three days ahead with React
•Simple internationalization of applications on React
- Libs & Plugins:
•Tone.js - a framework for creating interactive music in a browser using the Web Audio API
•from-html - get a link to the element directly from the HTML string
•TheoremJS - a mathematical library for JavaScript calculations

• Mozilla engineers removed 23 add-ons for Firefox that collected information about users
• Opera 55 released: new settings interface and simplified installation of Chrome extensions

• The new AI DeepMind system is able to diagnose and prescribe treatment for more than 50 eye diseases
• “We are the power here”. How Dvach saves and maims other people's lives
• How Amazon creates a YouTube competitor from Twitch
• Three decades of Might and Magic: understanding the history of the legendary franchise
• Artificial intelligence in action
• Is it possible to create a super-programming language - experts say
• Not like it - grow a new hand ": a designer of limb cultivation and cyberpunk in Russia
• A new set of Specter vulnerabilities has been discovered in Intel processors: Foreshadow or L1TF
We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.
← Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin