Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Administration
Hi, habrozhiteli!
We have not released books on Windows Server for more than two years. And finally, we want to bring to your attention:

Prototype: Windows Server 2012: Up and Running
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 14, 2012)
Book " Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Administration"is a guide to deploying, configuring, securing, and managing Windows Server 2012. This section covers topics such as the new approach to administering Windows Server and the new Active Directory features, examples of working with Dynamic Access Control, improving data warehousing, clustering, and Hyper -V, Unified Remote Access Technologies. The book also describes new ways to solve problems in Windows Server 2012 and provides additional information about this system.
Available paper and electronic version.
Book on the ID Peter website.
At the beginning of summer, I promised that an electronic version of the publication would appear. "Windows 8 applications in C # and XAML . "
And now the electronic version is available on the website of Peter
We have not released books on Windows Server for more than two years. And finally, we want to bring to your attention:

Prototype: Windows Server 2012: Up and Running
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 14, 2012)
Book " Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Administration"is a guide to deploying, configuring, securing, and managing Windows Server 2012. This section covers topics such as the new approach to administering Windows Server and the new Active Directory features, examples of working with Dynamic Access Control, improving data warehousing, clustering, and Hyper -V, Unified Remote Access Technologies. The book also describes new ways to solve problems in Windows Server 2012 and provides additional information about this system.
Available paper and electronic version.
Book on the ID Peter website.
At the beginning of summer, I promised that an electronic version of the publication would appear. "Windows 8 applications in C # and XAML . "
And now the electronic version is available on the website of Peter