HyperX Cloud Stinger Core review: lightweight and durable character headset

    A universal headset is such that playing with friends, watching movies and listening to music is already a problem. Depending on the task, practically opposite parameters of the speakers and sound characteristics are required. And when it comes to an intelligent headset for reasonable money, then it’s fit to grab his head with both hands: it’s not so painful to beat against the wall.

    However, interesting options no, no, yes, slip into the market. And today we have one of them in our hands.

    HyperX Cloud Stinger

    Headsets from HyperX for 2017 year firmly entrenched in second place in the popularity rating. When design is not done by people with an Asian burden to everything brilliant and bright, but by a strong team of engineers and designers with a good artistic taste, the products are reliable and pretty. Add to this a reasonable pricing policy with a good filling, loyal conditions for warranty - everything will fall into place.

    We have already reviewed “ordinary” Stingers. At the time of release, it was the most affordable headset in the HyperX lineup, as well as a unique design. Yes, the design has practically no power elements made of metal, and the matte black plastic is a little like exquisite veneer with multilayer varnish, but most importantly, the main thing is functionality. In the "core" edition of Core, the ratio of opportunities and prices has been brought to the limit.

    Strong, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle

    Moderately flexible, moderately durable, fairly lightweight body - what you need for a gaming device. He is not afraid of falls, the hardships of traveling life (backpacks, the neighborhood with heavy laptops, careless attitude to luggage) are also minor scratches and scuff marks are barely noticeable. The sliding mechanism is simple to ugliness, but works like a clock. The cable is in a fabric braid, not detachable (economy, after all), but durable enough to withstand jerking, winding and hanging on it gamepad smartphones with awkward handling. Connection changed too - now it forks and leads to both cups. Saving. In general, everything that could be done for reliability without compromising the price is done. HyperX Cloud Stinger Core without problems survive in difficult conditions.

    The Core variant differs from the regular edition in color accents: in the pair to black, not classic red, but a rich blue tint was chosen. With the periphery of the PS4 looks like my own. Works, by the way, too. It also interacts well with the Xbox: there is a voice connection and sound. The control panel is able to adjust the volume and turn off the microphone, is located on the wire, protected from accidental operation - everything is done according to the mind.

    As comfortable as possible

    Soft polyurethane foam with a memory effect? There is. A micro-perforated leatherette that lets in water and air? Not this time. Instead, today is a durable fabric with perforated rapport - is not afraid of wear, breathes well. Ear pads, probably the best in class. Soft, light, not pinching the ear, adapting to the owner. The head under them does not even stop at +30 - yes, you, of course, will sweat, but under the headphones there will be no wet spot - the moisture will freely pass through black synthetics, porous sealant and come out with the air flow into open space atmosphere.

    Noise isolation did not hurt: the cups of headphones with moderate force pressed against the skull, and the material of the ear cushions absorbs sound waves well. At reasonable volume levels, you will not hear others, and they - you. Content above all.

    Team given to all

    The microphone part in HyperX headsets has remained unchanged for many years: depending on the model, designers invent new cases and redesign the bar with a sensitive element, but “under the hood” everything is stable! A narrow-band electret (i.e. condenser) microphone with passive noise cancellation is what you need for gaming and voice communication. The working range of loudness is huge: you can talk in half-whisper in the night, you can gurgle in broad daylight. No "clipping", no noise, no extraneous sounds on the air.

    Music and games

    Where, without talking about sound - in the end, we are discussing the headset, not a new fridge. Since HyperX Cloud Stinger Core is primarily a gaming device, the sound character is appropriate. A lot of low frequencies, explosions and shots sound right. The averages are slightly pressed down - at the medium and low volume they will be just right, at the high level - a little lacking. High, as low - with the head. Ringing sleeves, crunching branches under the awkward steps of opponents, screeching upset youngsters in Overwatch - by five plus.

    In single-player games, you can not touch anything at all, the special effects and speech of the characters sound balanced and clear. In multiplayer, most likely, the equalizer will want to trim the frequency balance under the conditions that are comfortable for you, so that you can hear enemies a mile away, communicate without problems, and not be distracted by unnecessary sounds. The stereo effect is quite pronounced, it is possible to be oriented “by ear”, the main thing is habit and practice. There are no problems with films, as well as with games. Music ... Well, hardly anyone will listen to Tchaikovsky in such headphones, and guitar drums, drum marks and angry vocals of the speakers are digested without problems. Fashionable now (again) rap and hip-hop, thanks to the abundance of low frequencies, sound as it should: loud, bold, with a characteristic atmosphere.

    Components and specifications

    The core editions of HyperX headsets are minimalism in all possible manifestations. The most simple packaging, nothing superfluous inside, all for the sake of reducing the price is not at the expense of the functionality of the device itself. Therefore, inside the black cardboard and plastic blister - only the headset and warranty. Connection - through a half meter cable with four-pin mini-jack, a splitter for two connectors - “microphone” + “headphones” - on the conscience of the future owner, if, of course, he needs it at all. In most modern gaming hardware, the connector is still worth the hybrid.


    What, where, how much

    Home sales have already passed, the headset is available in the Russian Federation exclusively in the DNS network. The price is the most democratic, 3,500 rubles. In Ukraine, HyperX Cloud Stinger Core can be found in the stores rozetka.com.ua and 3ona51.com, you will have to pay 1,200 hryvnia.

    I want myself such!

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