Virtual server - for data storage

    Today we will discuss one of the options for cloud storage, in fact, is a virtual server VDS / VPS with an additional large capacity disk for storing data - up to 18 TB without taking into account the costs of organizing a RAID in an array of 24 disks. In this case, with such a virtual server, you can work as with a normal remote PC, and not just as with a cloud drive. So what to choose - VPS or cloud storage "in its pure form"?

    Server or cloud?

    Often there are questions: what is preferable for storing content, for example, backup copies of files or a large number of images - VDS or cloud storage? How to properly organize the storage of such data "on the side", so that it is reliable, budget (cheaper than corporate Dropbox or Google Apps for Business) and also confidential, like storing data on your own or leased server?

    Take a simple example. Suppose there is an online store site with tens of thousands of products, each of which corresponds to two dozen photos in the gallery. Often a folder with pictures and the site itself are located together on the same hosting. But such a folder will occupy 30-40 GB, and standard rates of virtual hosting, as a rule, do not provide such volumes.

    Any VPS is determined by three main parameters: the processor, RAM and allocated disk space. As a rule, virtual servers have a very limited hard disk of the order of 20 GB (although you can find up to 100 GB). In addition, often the disk capacity is rigidly tied to the other characteristics of the VPS, i.e. if you need a large disk, you will have to choose an expensive data plan with maximum performance. You can verify this and compare prices using an online calculator . So what do sites with large archives of data, documents, photos or videos that do not need this excess computing power?

    If you upload images to cloud storage, for example, Amazon S3 or a Russian storage compatible with it, the price will be calculated not only by the amount of stored data, but also for traffic, depending on the region. In addition, there is the problem of reliability of Russian services of this type. Many do not advise choosing them for critical projects, since “stability is far from ideal”. A solid store is not in the face of a situation where something periodically falls for a few minutes.

    Real terabytes on a virtual server

    The alternative is a proven VPS / VDS, where you can now order terabyte capacities. At the same time, there is no payment for outgoing traffic - only payment for resources, especially convenient if the entire project is located there. And in general, this option is more logical than placing the site engine on VDS / VPS, and the pictures - on another hoster, for example, in the cloud. It is best to expand the place on the same virtual hosting.

    But for large global projects, there are also arguments in favor of the cloud, for example, download speed. For these reasons, sometimes pictures and any static files are best taken to a foreign or Russian cloud storage with a CDN connected. In this case, these files will be quickly downloaded worldwide, because usually servers are located in different regions, which will reduce the speed of loading the site. Another plus CDN: if the server with static files is not available, then these files are given to users from the CDN cache, and they will receive them, and not an error.

    The counter argument is cost. So, RUDVSoffers the service “Big Disk” - an additional large-capacity virtual server at a price of 50 kopecks per 1 GB. The minimum volume available for ordering 1 terabyte will cost 500 rubles. The remaining resources - at classic prices. For such a virtual server, the same operating systems are available as for regular VDS. We offer the reader to determine for himself whether he can save with the required parameters of the virtual server, and how much .

    Range of tasks

    Of course, the above example is far from exhaustive. The “virtual storage server” application areas can be very diverse. In particular, it will interest customers who need to place backup copies of their data on a third-party site or organize remote work with large data arrays. As a rule, customers are legal entities that are concerned about the safety of accumulated materials, and therefore prefer to securely store their backup copies using this service.

    This service turned out to be in demand, so instead of looking for opportunities to place customers , it was decided to allocate the direction to a separate service on the current equipment in RUVDS .

    Now the service is based on the SuperMicro SSG-6048R-E1CR24N platform. In addition, the equipment of other vendors will be involved.

    As with any VDS, you can at any time change the required capacity of the disk / RAM / number of CPU cores and pay only for the necessary resources. For applications requiring high speed storage subsystems, you can use SSDs.

    Additional services are also available: backup, IP addresses, DDOS protection , anti-virus protection , personal insurance against AIG , which can cover losses from network failures. Thus, it is possible for reasonable money to get easily scalable hosting, ensuring stable operation of the site or reliable backup of information, company databases (email, 1C, photo and video archives, documents).

    If necessary, a VPS with a large data storage capacity will cope with increased load or other tasks assigned to it, and its speed does not depend on its neighbors. Having tested the virtual server and making sure that it can withstand the estimated volume of traffic, you can be sure that it will cope with the planned flow of visitors. Such a VPS works in the same way as a physical server, having all its advantages and capabilities.

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