What to give to IT specialist?

    Notebooks, diaries, calendars, pens and flash drives are included in the gentleman's set of souvenirs of any company. Banal gifts filled everyone’s edge, but there is a more interesting option - a variety of household items and accessories. MTS shaker, Beeline umbrella, Symantec headphones, Skylink card reader or AXON Consulting Swiss knife, as well as bags, laptop backpacks and other little things like branded socks and slippers (sometimes even white if it matches corporate colors). Sweets, cakes, bottles of expensive (maybe not expensive, but branded) alcohol and other dry rations the audience meets even better. Food packages are usually presented for the holidays and not to everyone, but to employees, partners or editorial staff of popular publications.

    At Smart Soft, they preferfunny souvenirs with jokes relevant to the IT world . Say, the poster "Aishishnitsa" for the server, dedicated to the ladies working in our industry. By the new 2013, we have released a thermometer that not only shows the temperature in the room with the equipment, but also displays the admin boiling point. Calendars with the traditional symbol of the year have not been forgotten, but the main hit of our collection is the admin shamanic tambourine . The idea of ​​this decorative souvenir was born back in 2010, but it still enjoys well-deserved popularity among IT specialists and even caused a stir at a rally of system administrators in Kaluga.

    Now we are preparing several new samples of souvenir products and decided to find out which gifts evoke positive emotions in the audience. To this end, a small rating of the most fun souvenirs issued by order of IT companies will be compiled. In the comments to the publication, you can talk about the option you like and we will definitely consider it. Of course, Smart-Soft advertising products will not be included in the list in order to maintain objectivity.

    PS We are talking only about funny little things - you should not write about smartphones, tablets and other expensive toys donated to you by the company. It is clear that gadgets will win a priori.

    PPS You can get our souvenirs by purchasing any Smart-Soft product (including modules and improvements) or after passing a free exam to the title of certified technical specialist.

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