Forbes magazine integrated access point in American special issue

    I remember, on Habré, after the release of Vogue magazine with a media player, which articles did not appear. They did not just make an artificial satellite of the Earth from this player, and so much has been built ( here and here ). Now those who like to do everything from almost nothing have a new chance to show themselves: an access point that works with the T-Mobile network has been built into the Forbes American special issue.

    The action was conducted by Microsoft Corporation, which, as you can understand, “sharpened” this router for trips exclusively to its sites. The goal is to let magazine readers try Office 365 in practice. Previously, a similar campaign was conducted by Microsoft in the UK, then access points were built into the benches in the parks.

    After activation, the access point gives you the opportunity to work for free for 15 days, the device’s charge is enough, however, only three hours work, you have to recharge the device. Charging is via micro-USB. It seems that the craftsmen will be able to “unlock” the device and make something useful out of it, albeit for their own pleasure. I wonder if articles about such alterations on Habré will appear first-hand?

    This is what the unpacked device looks like, if I may say so:

    Via slickdeals + engadget

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